Praise the Orc!

PTO Extra Story (1)

Extra Story (1)

A few years since the Great Monster Era started. Monsters constantly came from another dimension and tormented humanity. They had one purpose. To eat. They greedily desired to eat humans.

The only ones who could block the monsters were the old Elder Lord users, who wielded the power of another dimension.

“There are too many enemies!”

[Hang in there.]

“More birdmen are coming out! We can’t endure it! We will be wiped out!”

[The support team is coming.]

“How many? If not enough people come...”

Humanity quickly built a system. The Elder Lord users became ‘hunters’ and formed teams. The government supported them. Everyone was united in order to survive.

[Don’t worry.]

And there were some exceptional people. They emerged. Those who were stars in Elder Lord became stars on Earth.

[’Rommel’ is going.]


Colour returned to the hunters’ faces as they heard the words from the support team over the radio. Despair changed to hope. Death changed to life. Rommel was coming.


“Be careful!”


A birdman grabbed a hunter and flew up high. The hunter tried to resist, but the claws of the birdman crushed his shoulder bones. His screams rang out. Arrows and magic flew towards the birdman, but it avoided it with acrobatics.


A hunter aimed at the sky. It was too far. He gritted his teeth. He pulled out all the strength in his body, but he couldn’t aim at it. The birdman kept flying while biting at his colleague. Pained screams kept continuing.

The hunter desperately drew back his bowstring. He didn’t want to add another colleague to the list of the dead. His arms trembled. He wouldn’t reach. He knew it. But he couldn’t give up.

The moment he was about to blindly fire the arrow. An unknown force enveloped his body. Strength filled his weary shoulders. His arms stopped trembling. His blurry eyes cleared. The birdman in the sky became clearly visible in his field of view.

He let go. The arrow pierced the birdman’s head. Another colleague secured the fallen hunter.

[Team ‘Rommel’ has entered the operations rea. Please cooperate.]

He had come.

‘Rommel’, Choi Hansung. He was unrivalled in the days of Elder Lord. The ‘War Maestro.’ The genius of tactical command and large-scale warfare.

The moment anyone entered his domain. Fatigue was recovered. Fighting spirit and vitality emerged. Now this place was Rommel’s domain. It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that just receiving his command would make them several times stronger than usual. It was literally what happened. The hunter’s combat power increased.

The birdmen started to fall one by one.

“From now on, I will lead.”

Choi Hansung’s voice was clearly heard in everyone’s ears. Team leader, there was no one who refused. He was Rommel. The hunter who made the whole of South Korea a 1st grade safety zone. After his hunters killed dozens of ‘ogre-class’ monsters and wiped out the creatures attacking Mungyeong, he became known as Korea’s protector.

“The goal is completely annihilation.”

Complete annihilation. He didn’t use equipment to forcible close the ate. Rather, he would use firepower to destroy the monsters until no more emerged. It wasn’t a generally recommended plan. But.

“Civilian damage has occurred.” Choi Hansung explained. “We will make them pay for their actions.”

The hunters nodded. It was an unusually rapid gate. Before the warning signs could be seen, the dimensional gate opened and monsters emerged, attacking the houses. The sight that the hunters witnessed after arriving here were the ugly birdmen eating at human bodies.

The anger that was suppressed due to the different in power reared its head again.

“Don’t let those monsters see this land again.”

Research discovered that the monsters had intelligence and learning abilities. They were also screening the area. The monsters didn’t stay for long in a defeated area. They continued to invade other areas.

Therefore, it was clear why South Korea was a 1st grade safety zone. A land that never let monsters step foot on it. This was a notorious danger zone for the monsters. It was the Korean peninsula.

The team led by ‘Rommel’, Choi Hansung, and the existing hunters took a formation.

“Slowly advance on the gate and surround it.”

A black sphere was open on a destroyed house. And birdmen continued to pour from there.

They flew in the sky, so it was necessary for the hunters to take different combat formations than the normal ones. Choi Hansung placed the magicians and ranged attackers forward to prepare for a sudden strike.

It needed complex commands, but this was as natural as breathing for Choi Hansung.

“Oberon, please lend your support to the right. Julia will act on the left side. Kim Chul will change his weapon to a shield. The birdmen are descending.”

He even knew the nickname of people he had never seen before. He stood at an angle where he couldn’t see the nameplates on the hunter’s chest, but he was literally looking at the entire battlefield.

Soon all the birdmen dropped. It was a sea of monsters. They were ugly. They were monstrous birds with the faces of humans, and their exposed innards kept twitching.

The hunters wiped them all out. The gate didn’t send out anything more.


They waited around the dimensional gate. They were waiting for more enemies to come out. The residents of this house would all be dead. The nearby neighbours had evacuated, but there were still some casualties. A hunter found a tricycle on the ground and cursed.


He spat and glared at the black gate. He wondered why these monsters broke through the dimension gap to eat humans.

“There doesn’t seem to be any more. Block the gate...”

At that moment, the gate started to distort.

“It is closing.”

The hunters stared at the hole until the gate completely disappeared. After the gate was gone.

“The operation is over. Thanks for the good work.”

“Thanks for the hard work!”

“You have suffered.”

“Thanks for your hard work!”

The hunters sat down. This wasn’t a job, but their lives. They couldn’t get used to the awful tension. There were no casualties, but many people were injured. The hunters called for an ambulance. The support team was coming.

At that moment.

“Wait a minute, everybody.”

Choi Hansung jumped up. The hunters reacted and raised themselves up. He looked at an intersection where roads were crossing without any hesitation. There was an unknown energy leaking out. It was a level that couldn’t be felt unless the person was a high level hunter like Choi Hansung.

“Something is coming. Be prepared. And...”

The support team on the radio.

[What is going on?]

Choi Hansung explained. “I am requesting support.”


“Support. It is a request. Please call for all possible support. Except for the minimum number of defense personnel in each area, please sent all the hunters in Korea.”


“The gate is opening. Not ogre-grade. Cyclops... no, it isn’t even a comparison. I don’t know. Anyway, it is dangerous.”

[Ah, Ah. I understand!]

The hunters paled. Choi Hansung’s words were clear. An ogre-grade monster was an emergency. But this was beyond a cyclops-grade. It was a disaster. The hunters moved around the intersection according to Choi Hansung’s command. They didn’t know what the enemy was, so they maintained a safe distance with the most basic defense formation.

“Everybody, be tense.”

Choi Hansung’s voice subsided. He hoped that his instincts were wrong. However, his whole body was shouting that the gate was dangerous. He wasn’t a direct combat class, but his level and abilities were world class. After the monsters appeared, he went through countless battles and grew.

The developed battle senses were currently sounding a siren. The existence that would appear. He shouldn’t go against such a monster. But Choi Hansung didn’t take a step back. He was always the last line of defense. If he couldn’t stop it, no one in Korea could stop it.

A black gate appeared at the intersection. A crossroad was a gateway. It was the optimal conditions for a demon to appear.

Choi Hansung quietly muttered, “What type of being?”

The shape was soon revealed.


It was familiar. But it wasn’t a monster.


The Great Monster Era occurred and the power of Elder Lord became available, but the enemies weren’t monsters from Elder Lord. They were monsters that were the enemies of humanity. But this monster. They recalled it from their memories.

A ‘basilisk.’

“What is going on...?”

However, now wasn’t the time to be surprised. A basilisk was equivalent to a cyclops-class.

Hunters categorized the monsters through the representative monsters of Elder Lord. The monsters classified as ‘ogre-grade’ meant they had the durability and strength of an ogre from Elder Lord.

A basilisk was the representative of Elder Lord, as well as a Death Knight. This was the arrival of a death knight level monster, which was above a cyclops.

One hunter muttered, “There is only one...”

The sudden disappearance of a crisis. The hunters wished it was the case. If it was just one monster, they would be able to hold on until the hunters on the Korean peninsula gathered. Rommel was the only one thinking differently.

“Be prepared.”

Choi Hansung said. His attitude was contagious. The hunters grabbed their weapons and readied themselves.



The basilisk collapsed. At the same time, the gate fully opened and the massive body fell down. Then it stopped breathing. It was dead. What was happening? Then the hunters saw it.

The beings that killed the basilisk. They fell off the basilisk. They looked at the hunters. There were four unidentified figures. They were all humanoid. Humanoid monsters had never appeared before. They spoke.


It was a language they couldn’t understand. The hunters were confused.

“— — — — —?”

The unidentified existences muttered while holding a sword. The sword shone brilliantly. Pressure filled the area. It was difficult to breathe. One hunter stiffened and unconsciously released his bowstring.

An arrow flew towards the beings. Then the unknown being swung his sword. The arrow was instantly sliced into dozens of pieces and scattered in the air.

“Oh my god...”

It was a tremendous failure. The hunters realized that these unidentified beings were monsters they couldn’t deal with.

“Everybody, wait.”

Rommel walked towards the unknown existences.

“Rommel-nim! It is dangerous!”

“Don’t worry.”

Rommel’s face was stiff, but there were no signs of fear. It almost seemed like he knew the people. The man in the middle of the group walked towards Rommel. There was a deep scar on the face of the man. There were wounds all over his body, like he had come in a hurry. He looked like an exhausted veteran. That was the impression he gave off.

He pulled something out of his pocket. It looked like a broken stone, but a strange energy was coming from it. He held it and spoke to Rommel. Then to their surprise, all the hunters could understand his words.

“Aren’t you Rommel dot?”


The hunters were shocked. Rommel nodded. Then he briefly replied.

“That’s right. If I remember correctly, you are Tiyo.”

“You remembered dot. Indeed dot.”

Then the hunters also started to remember. A famous character. That’s right. Crockta’s partner when he was playing Elder Lord. Magic Bullets Berserker Tiyo! How did he show up here?

“Huhuhu..!” He laughed. It was a face that had suffered a lot. His struggled were etched on his face. “Yes, I finally came. It is I, Tiyo. A man who doesn’t know how to give up dot.”

His persistence allowed him to finally reach Earth. Tiyo asked Rommel, “This is Crockta’s dimension. Where is he dot?”

Crockta. Rommel smiled bitterly.

“Crockta. He is...”



[Are you okay?]

“I’m fine. I guess someone is talking about me.” Ian replied.

He was standing alone in the middle of a desert. In front of him, a huge gate was opening.

[If you need support...]

“I’m fine. I’m good enough.”

[Yes, I understand.]

Beyond the gate, the monster started to emerge. It was huge. It was literally a behemoth.

[The opponent is a ‘dragon-grade’ monster.]

“I know.”

A monster with an ugly appearance, like it came from hell. It resembled a reptile, but its physiology was so strange and terrible that it couldn’t be compared to anything on Earth. Unidentified. All they knew was the identity of this monster. It was to eat until humanity disappeared.

“You don’t have to worry. This is what I’ve always done.”

[On behalf of all of Egypt, I am thankful for your help.]

“You’re welcome.”

Ian laughed.

At the same time, tattoos started to emerge on his body. Magic power exploded from his body. It felt like the entire atmosphere was following his movements. His sword God Slayer was close to a natural disaster.

If ‘Rommel’, Choi Hansung was the protector of the Korean peninsula.

‘Raven’, Jung Ian.

“Then I will start with the aim of killing.”

He was the guardian of Earth.

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