Pokemon: A Great Responsibility From Heaven

v2 Chapter 57 - Baa Li Yang\\\'s Combat Talent

“Right now, use the electric discharge to electrocute him!”

Yun Ning jumped up excitedly and shouted to Baa Li Yang.

“Finally waiting for this moment!” Yun Ning couldn’t help but sighed in relief.

Due to the multiple physical contact between the supersonic bat and the Baa Li sheep, the characteristic of the Baa Li sheep was finally triggered: static electricity!

Static feature: There is a 1/3 chance to paralyze the elves that come into physical contact with them.

This is a one-third chance! As a result, the supersonic bat has been using 6 times the brave bird attack on the Baa Li sheep to trigger.

In other words, the actual trigger chance today is only one-sixth, which is only half of the normal state.

“Could it be, I’m an African chief?”

Yun Ning touched his face. Couldn’t he be able to change his African-Emirate essence even through time travel?

Recalling her past life in Africa, Yun Ning couldn’t help but burst into tears.

Compared with the excitement on Yunning’s side, Xu Jinrui’s mood was obviously at a low point.

“What’s happening here?”

Xu Jinrui roared at Yun Ning, hoping that Yun Ning could answer her question.

“Intellectually retarded!”

Yun Ning looked at Xu Jinrui contemptuously and cursed in a low voice.

The so-called villain died by talking too much, whoever talks more will die sooner?

Do you think I would be so stupid to give you the protagonist halo?



Baa Li Yang found out that the supersonic bat did not escape from her body, and cried out happily!

Little bat, I told you to bully Ben, and see if Ben will not electrocute you!

Baa Li Yang used the electricity of his whole body, and made the most powerful electric discharge on the supersonic bat that was still lying on his body.


The yellow electric light lit up, and the supersonic bat was retaliated by the Baa Li Yang.


The supersonic bat howled in pain in the electric light.

The effect is outstanding!

The power of the discharge is 80, because the Baa Liyang is an electric spirit, so it is increased by this type and becomes 120, and because the electric system restrains the flying type, the damage is doubled and becomes 240!

It is more than 10 times that of the supersonic bat using the brave bird attack!

Although the level of the Baa Li sheep is lower than that of the supersonic bat, it can at least cause 5 times the damage of the brave bird’s onslaught.

It can be said that this discharge directly brought the score back between the two sides.

Moreover, since the supersonic bat is in a paralyzed state, the future battle on Yun Ning’s side will become easier.

In other words, the scale of victory has already tilted towards Yunning!

Ji Ya unconsciously put down her hands covering her ears and looked at the scene in disbelief.

This… is it back?

At this time, Jiya finally understood Yun Ning’s tactics.

Different from Xu Jinrui, Jiya is a prairie and spends all day living with Baa Li sheep. Therefore, she is aware of the characteristics of Baa Li Yang.

At this time, Ji Ya looked at Yun Ning like she was looking at a monster.

Not because of Yun Ning’s tactical skills, but because of Yun Ning’s acting skills.

Obviously, he had already planned the tactics in his heart, and he was confident, but he had to pretend to be anxious, as if there was no way to do it.

Let alone Xu Jinrui, even himself, a native of Monan, has been deceived. I really thought that Yun Ning was just incompetently accepting Xu Jinrui’s torture, and it was only a matter of time before his defeat.

“This Yunning is really scary.”

Ji Ya secretly said in her heart that this kind of person who does not show his emotions and anger is the most terrifying.

If she knew what Ji Ya was thinking, Yun Ning would definitely cry out for her injustice!

Madam, I really didn’t pretend! I am really scared!

The **** knows why the static electricity with one-third of the trigger probability will only trigger on the sixth time!

To be honest, when the static electricity was not triggered for the third time, Yun Ning was really afraid that he would be abandoned by the goddess of luck today.

Fortunately, justice may be late, but it will never be absent.

“Supersonic bat, come back soon!”

Xu Jinrui shouted to the wailing supersonic bat.

Now, the most important thing the supersonic bat needs to do is to escape from the body of the baa li sheep.

Unlike in the game, there is no turn-based battle in reality.

As long as the Baa Li Yang continues to output electricity, it can always use the discharge skill on the supersonic bat.

This is different from physics-based skills, which need to be charged. Whether it’s hitting with a fist or kicking with a foot, you have to retract your hands and feet after you’re done, which creates “rounds” invisibly.

Special attack skills don’t have this limitation.

The supersonic bat also knew that if he didn’t take off again, he would be electrocuted to death on the body of Baa Li Yang, and began to struggle desperately.

However, although the supersonic bat had good luck, it did not trigger the paralysis effect and could not move, but after flying, the supersonic bat had something on its wings.

“This is… cotton spores?”

Gia looked at the supersonic bat’s wings in disbelief.

“Yunning used cotton spores on the supersonic bat? How is it possible? Did his baa li sheep use cotton spores as a regular skill? Healing bells, electric discharge, cotton defense and cotton spores? But why didn’t he just a few days ago? Let Bail sheep use cotton spores during the next impact?”

Ji Ya turned to look at Yun Ning, but found that Yun Ning was also confused.

“At this time, are you still pretending?”

Jiya snorted coldly.

However, what Jiya didn’t expect was that Yun Ning was really confused now.

“Bai Li Yang… When did Cotton Spore be set as a standing skill? Why didn’t I know?”

Yun Ning patted his face with his hand, and after confirming that he was not dreaming, he looked at his baa sheep in amazement.

“Could it be… This is a tactic that Baa Liyang added himself? Use the spare skills as a standing skill?”

Yun Ning remembers very clearly, UU reading www.uukanshu. com’s own Baa Lean pairings are Cotton Defense, Healing Bell, Discharge, and Impact.

Among them, the collision was practiced for the Naadam competition. Later, because the Baa Liyang was seriously injured, he never participated in regular training after the game, so he never changed it.

In other words, the cotton spores that Baa Li Yang is using are indeed a backup skill.

Cotton spore is a very interesting skill. Most of the elves that can learn it are grass-type elves.

Its effect is to reduce the opponent’s speed by two stages.

That is, the speed is halved.

This skill was rarely used in previous games, because it is not a status skill, and the opponent will return to the original speed as long as it is switched off.

Therefore, Yun Ning did not let his baa sheep train this skill.

But I didn’t expect that the Baa Li sheep actually used cotton spores in the battle.

“It turns out that because Cotton Spore is a backup skill, the hit rate and effect are very poor, so Baa Liyang did not use this skill on the supersonic bat in the previous battle. But because the supersonic bat triggered static electricity this time, Falling into a paralyzed state, it was difficult to break free for a while, so Baa Li Yang took the opportunity to give the opponent a debuff, anyway, no matter how good or bad the effect is, it is better than nothing?”

Yun Ning understood the rationale, and looked at his Mae Li sheep with relief.

I really didn’t expect that my own Baa Li Yang actually has such a strong fighting talent, and can make a correct response without the command of a trainer.

“Wait, if that’s the case, then what’s the use of me?”

Yun Ning suddenly woke up, that is to say, he is actually just an external pendant of the baa liyang, is it necessary?


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