Pokemon: A Great Responsibility From Heaven

v2 Chapter 39 - ready to return

“Have you heard? In the last Kentaro game yesterday afternoon, another Kentaro was killed by the opponent!”

“Isn’t it? This is the third case this year, right? Did you meet that elite trainer again?”

“That’s right! In other words, this elite-level trainer is really ruthless. It is a slam with the greatest power. There is no plan to show mercy at all. Many intermediate-level trainers who don’t know the truth are directly taken away by one move. “

“Having said that, but after so many days of competition, shouldn’t all the players already know the elite trainer? Why go to Hard Steel? Can’t we just meet and surrender? Or really? Do you feel like your head is tough?”

“I heard that it seems that the unlucky ghost from yesterday actually wanted to surrender, but he hesitated for a while, and then there was no more.”

“Is there such a person? I’m afraid this person is not mentally retarded, right? Could it be that he is a high-level trainer and thinks he can withstand a few hits?”

“That’s not true. The unlucky guy yesterday was an intermediate trainer. But I heard that this game is very important to him, and it is related to whether he can serve as the deputy captain of the county security team, so he hesitated at the beginning of the game. I guess It’s unsatisfactory.”

“It turns out that the top 32 results are indeed enough to be the deputy captain of the county security team. It seems that he is also a person who is struggling for survival. By the way, what does he look like? Maybe I even played with him.”

“I didn’t look closely at what it looks like. But he has a bald head, and he seems to have a friend who wears a big gold necklace. I heard that the two of them are in a group to participate in the competition, in order to become the deputy of the county security team. Captain. As a result, his friend with the big gold necklace made it to the top 32, but he met an elite-level trainer on this threshold. I guess he wants to die now…”

Yun Ning was sitting at the dining table eating breakfast with the Baa Li sheep in his arms, quietly listening to the conversations of the people at the next table.

Judging from their conversation, yesterday’s unlucky guy should be the bald muscular man he met while queuing up.

Originally, I thought that I would seek revenge for him after my strength had grown up, but I didn’t expect that he would be abolished before he came to the door.

Sure enough, the trainer’s world is the same as the “Jianghu” in the previous life.

No one dares to say that they can see the sun tomorrow.

“Come on, have a drink of milk tea.”

Yun Ning brought the tea bowl in his hand to the Baa Li Yang, and gently fed the Baa Li Yang milk tea.


Baa Li Yang snorted and rolled the milk tea into his mouth bit by bit with his tongue. Finally, he didn’t forget to eat the tea leaves in the bowl.


He raised his head and looked at Yun Ning eagerly.

It’s delicious, I still want it!

“Don’t drink too much!”

Yun Ning gently stroked Baa Li Yang’s head, and Ba Li Yang closed her eyes comfortably.

“Drinking too much will cause indigestion. You just ate the energy cube, forget it?”


Baa Li Yang twisted her body in Yun Ning’s arms and buried her head under her body.

Don’t listen, don’t listen, Yun Ning recites the scriptures!

“Speaking of which, it’s time for us to go home. Baa Liyang, are you willing to go out into the world with me?”

Yun Ning looked at the prairie in the distance and said softly.

Baa Liyang didn’t answer, but stuck out her head, stood up, and licked Yun Ning’s face with her tongue.


Ben is going!

“Okay, okay, I know what you mean, don’t lick it anymore!”

Yun Ning hurriedly pushed Baa Li Yang’s head away, it was too hateful, he licked my face wildly early in the morning, and watched me go back and not spank your ass!

After swiping his VIP card hastily, Yun Ning hurried back to his tent, ready to wash his face.

Speaking of which, the VIP card given by the Chiat family is really easy to use. During this competition, the living expenses are completely free, so I don’t feel bad about wasting breakfast.

It’s just a pity that there is no such good thing after going back.

After rubbing the towel for a while, Yun Ning began to pack his luggage. It’s too scary, I can’t let Baa Li Yang lick myself again, this time I almost didn’t rub off a layer of my face.


Baa Li Yang sat aside, tilting her head to watch Yun Ning’s movements.

What is the master doing? It looks so strange.

Don’t you just need to bring your mouth when you go out? What are you bringing these things for?

“First, the clothes, then the berries for making energy blocks, and then 5 boxes of moo milk…”

Yun Ning began to pack things into the newly purchased space backpack piece by piece.

Although the prices of raw materials and other materials on the Monan grassland are more expensive than those in the mainland, the prices of handicrafts are not too different. Yun Ning used the VIP card in his hand to buy a space backpack worth 100,000 yuan, and the volume inside was several times the original.

You have the right to not use it, but it will be voided when it expires. What’s more, I also bought a lot of Monan’s specialties, ready to go back to my parents. The original space backpack is definitely not enough.

The 300,000 yuan in the VIP card is now only nearly 100,000.

After all, there are also branches opened by the Chiat family in the mainland. If you save some money, you can use it later, so there is no need to spend it all.

After putting the power bank used for training Baa Li Yang into the space backpack, Yun Ning picked up a medal on the table in front of the bed.

“The top four of the 2015 Naadam Competition of the Chiat Family”

That’s right~www.mtlnovel.com~ This is Yunning’s medal for this competition.

It has been 5 days since the semi-finals ended, and Baa Liyang’s injuries have all recovered.

It wasn’t until the end of the final that Yun Ning knew that there was no prize money for the ‘Bai Li Yang’ competition.

The final prize is such a medal.

And everyone has this thing, even the unlucky ghost of “One Round Tour” will get a “Participation Award” medal.

It’s just that the texture is different from the champion medal.

“It’s really **** money!”

Yun Ning couldn’t help but complain, a contestant paid a registration fee of 500 yuan, but the reward was only a medal. Not even a bonus.

Although this year’s champion, Miss Muzi, doesn’t care about money either.

But there will still be many people coming to participate in the competition.

The reason for this is nothing more than the “prestige” of the big family.

After all, every time you prove your strength, you can’t just send out all the staff to fight with others. So the medals of the competitions held by these big families are the best proof.

It’s like the two big men who want to be the chief and vice captains of the county security team. If they want to take office, they must have outstanding achievements to prove themselves.

Renjia County Security Corps can’t learn from ancient martial arts to recruit relatives and let candidates compete on the spot, right?

That’s too cheap.

And the stronger the family is, the higher the credibility of the medals they issue.

Probably equivalent to the “notary public” in the previous life.

“It should be almost time. Although Kentaro’s game is not over yet, the Little Fire Horse’s game has ended yesterday. It’s time to go back to Gia.”

Yun Ning hung the medal around his neck and murmured thoughtfully.

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