Pokemon: A Great Responsibility From Heaven

Chapter 30 - Muzi

Jia Lao returned to his seat, took a sip of water, and said:

“The ancient emperors are all like this, balance the left and right, and stay out of the way. Just be a judge, not a participant. If things are successful, others will say that the superiors are discerning, and if things fail, they are naturally the ones who made suggestions. Take the blame. Only in this way can you ensure that the superior is always right.”

Bayar continued to lie down, not daring to get up.

“You haven’t understood this truth, so you are timid in doing things, and you don’t know your own position at all, so every time you nominate to the family council, you will be rejected for the reason of being “not calm enough”. Let you continue A few more years in the referee position.”

Bayar kowtowed:

“Thank you for the guidance, it’s just that…”

“You don’t have to worry about that. I personally chose that one with her, and there is no possibility of failure.”


“So, I can use cotton for defense in future games, right?”

Yun Ning asked Batu who came over.

“Yes, after the discussion of our referee team, cotton defense is allowed to be used in this game.”

“Thank you for your notification.” Yun Ning thanked him.

“No, this is my duty.”

After speaking, Batu turned around and left the medical room.

Yun Ning picked up the Baa Li sheep and said goodbye to the auspicious eggs:

“We’re leaving too, Geely Egg!”

“Baa!” Baa Li Yang also waved his front hoof.



Afterwards, the game went extremely smoothly. Yunning’s Baa Li Yang beat the other contestants with a single-handed cotton defense. There were also Baa Li Yang who had inherited cotton defense and wanted to use the same trick, but unfortunately, he didn’t practice this skill at ordinary times. As a result, Yun Ning had successfully strengthened it twice, but he couldn’t even use it once.

In the end, the Baaly sheep, which had been strengthened, was defeated by continuous blows.

In this way, the legend of “Cotton Devil” began to spread among the contestants of the Bail Sheep group.


Yun Jing sat quietly in his seat, waiting for the signal to start the game.

There were two voices in my ears.

“Have you heard? There is a [Cotton Devil] in our Brilliant Sheep competition group this year.”

“[Cotton Demon]? What is that?”

“It’s just a prankster who uses cotton defense to participate in the game. When he comes up, he uses cotton defense to directly raise his defense to the highest level. All his opponent’s skills hit him like a ticklish, disgusting. a push”

“Isn’t it? It’s too shameful, isn’t it? Does the organizer care?”

“What’s the matter? The referee has said that the use of cotton defense is not prohibited in the rules, so his behavior is in line with the rules!”

“Damn it, how can I play this? It’s not supposed to be the default champion, right?”

“Who knows? I can only pray that other bigwigs who have inherited cotton defense can come out and teach him a lesson.”

“Damn, if I knew this earlier, I also let my Baa Li sheep practice cotton defense. At the time, I thought I couldn’t use non-contact skills, so I…”

“Who says it’s not? Among the contestants in this competition, there are not a lot of Baa Li sheep who have inherited cotton defense skills, but none of them let their Baa Li sheep train cotton defense before the start of the game, and they were finally forced by this. Take advantage of it.”

“But it’s been 3 days since the game started, and today is the semifinals promotion, which means that his tactics have been disclosed for 3 days. Maybe the current big four have already started targeting him!”

“I hope so! 3 days should be enough to get familiar with a spare skill.”


“Please invite No. 283 player Yun Ning and No. 1 player Muzi to the arena to participate in the competition!”

The referee’s voice sounded on the radio.

Yun Ning got up from his seat, ignoring the reactions of the two around him, and walked towards the competition venue.

“Muzi? Such a strange name.”

Yun Ning murmured in his heart.

“Perhaps, this is a pseudonym.”

Quickly walked to the arena, and after confirming the identity information with the referee, Yun Ning stood there and waited for his opponent to appear.

However, 10 minutes have passed, and the opponent is still not in place.

According to the rules of the game, the opponent can already be sentenced to abstain.

“This… The referee, has been waiting for 10 minutes, can you declare the opponent abstained?”

Yun Ning turned around and asked the referee.

The referee glanced at him lightly, but did not answer.

Just as Yun Ning was about to continue speaking, there was some movement in the channel of the players on the opposite side.

Looking up, I saw a girl in a snow-white princess dress walking into the arena, followed by an old man who looked like a butler. The girl looked about fifteen or sixteen years old, with some baby fat on her round face. He wore a pair of pink boots on his feet, a light blue headband tied on his head, and a pair of green-like jade hands covered with transparent silk gloves. Like a princess in a fairy tale, she walked slowly to the position of the contestants.

The butler behind him took out a folding chair out of nowhere. After unfolding it, he asked the girl to sit down. After that, he magically took out a parasol, opened it and propped it on top of the girl’s head.

“Is this the daily life of local tyrants?”

Yun Ning admits that he is a little envious. I wonder if the other party still lacks leg pendants~www.mtlnovel.com~ It’s just that he is too young, right? Didn’t it say that you have to graduate high school and be 18 to get your own sprite? She obviously hasn’t reached the legal age yet? Why can you stand here and play against me? “

Yun Ning was a little puzzled, this was beyond his common sense.

“You are the legendary [Cotton Devil]?”

the girl asked.

“Uh…what [Cotton Devil]? Why have I never heard of it? How can the little girl be innocent of her innocence at such a young age?”

Yun Ning naturally wouldn’t admit it. The title of [Cotton Demon] is too bad, and it’s not too bad to replace it with something like [Terrorist Demon King].

“Don’t try to pretend to be garlic!”

The girl stood up from the chair, put her hands on her hips, and hummed:

“I’ve seen your photos a long time ago, relying on cotton to defend against other poor contestants and bully other poor contestants. Today I am Li… I am going to act for the heavens and teach you a lesson!”

After speaking, he took a luxurious ball from the butler’s hand and threw it in the middle of the field.

“Come out! Little Treasure!”

A burst of white light flashed, and a Baa Li sheep with a pink bow tied on its horns appeared on the field.

“Little Treasure, come on, today we are going to do justice for the sky!”

The girl cheered Xiaobao behind him.

After that, he pointed at Yun Ning with the index finger of his right hand and said:

“Enlightenment! [Cotton Demon]! Your championship road will stop here!”

“Although I don’t understand what you’re talking about,” Yun Ning threw the Poké Ball out of his hand, “but since we’re already on the field, I won’t be merciful, let’s go, baa!”

A flash of white light flashed, and Yunning’s Baa Li Yang officially appeared.

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