Pokemon: A Great Responsibility From Heaven

Chapter 24 - Have you heard of that trick?

Yun Ning walked to the front of the registration table and said to the middle-aged woman wearing a pearl headdress on the seat:

“Hello, I am…”

“ID card!” The other party didn’t let Yun Ning finish, but interrupted.

Yun Ning took out his ID card from his pocket and put it on the table.

The other party took the ID card and put it on the scanner next to the computer. Although it is not open to the public, the Chiat family can still use the Internet.

“Name!” The other’s hands fluttered on the keyboard.

“I…” Yun Ning wanted to swear, but I gave you my ID card and you asked me for my name. It’s the same as the teacher who issued the student ID card in the university in the previous life. Are all the clerks in the world the same?

The other party looked up at Yun Ning: “Huh?”

“Yun… Yun Ning.” Forget it, after all, the middle-aged aunt can’t fight, can’t fight.

“What competition are you participating in?”

“Bai Li sheep.”

“500 yuan registration fee!”

Why don’t you go grab it? It takes so much money to sign up!

Yun Ning took out five hundred-yuan bills from his wallet with some pain.

I definitely won’t be able to win the championship, and I don’t know whose reward this money will be.

“Don’t think it’s expensive, we have a high-level full-service Geely Egg here to ensure the safety of your elf’s life! This is something that money can’t buy!”

Seemingly aware of Yun Ning’s pain, the aunt said without raising her head, her tone was full of charity.

“Haha.” Yun Ning laughed dryly. If I hadn’t just heard the conversation between the two big men, I would have believed it.

“This is your entry card. It has a number on it. Look at the number on the competition schedule and participate in the competition on time.” Aunt took out the printed paper from the printer, and then took out a wallet from the drawer, and printed it out. He stuffed the paper inside and threw it on the table in front of Yun Ning. Before Yun Ning could pick it up, he clicked the speaker next to him: “Next!”

Yun Ning picked up the competition certificate on the table, um, the workmanship is rough, and the cost of 10 yuan is too much. If it weren’t for the purpose of cultivating feelings with Baa Li Yang through this competition, ghosts would have to spend so much money!

After hastily had lunch in the cafeteria, Yun Ning hurriedly returned to his tent.

“Ding bell bell ~ ding bell bell~” Before entering his tent, he heard the sound of Baa Li sheep shaking and healing the bell. Great, no slacking off!

“Bai Li Yang, master, I’m back~” Yun Ning opened the curtain door and appeared in front of Bai Li Yang.

“Baa~” Seeing Yun Ning coming back, Baa Liyang stopped the game of rattling the bell and ran to Yun Ning, his front legs off the ground and pressed on Yun Ning’s knees.

Hug ~ Baa Li Yang blinked and looked at Yun Ning with big eyes.

Bending down, he picked up the Baa Li sheep and returned to his bed. I don’t care about the smell of sheep taint. I have slept with Baa Li sheep these past few nights, and the smell of sheep taint has long covered every corner of the bed.

Gently massage the whole body of Baa Li Yang, Yun Ning said:

“Bai Li Yang, I signed you up for a competition, we are going to train hard these days!”

“Baa?” Maa Liyang looked at Yun Ning suspiciously, competition? what is that?

Seeing Baa Liyang’s reaction, Yun Ning lightly bumped Baaa Liyang’s head with his own head and said:

“Just treat it as a game. The gameplay is like I just did, hit the opponent with the head until the opponent is knocked out! How about it, isn’t it very interesting? Your opponents are all baa sheep. !”

“Baba~ baa~” Baa Liyang stood up excitedly and hit Yun Ning with her head.

To play, to play!

Yun Ning dodged Baaly Sheep’s ramming attack, hugged its head, and said in a low voice in Baaaly Sheep’s ear.

“Bai Li Yang, have you heard of a mysterious tactic from the East?”

“Baa?” Baa Liyang tilted his head, what is that?

“It’s the legendary tactic of [I stand still and let you hit me, and then watch you exhaust yourself to death]. Yun Ning said mysteriously.

“Bah!” Although I didn’t understand it at all, it seemed very interesting!

“This competition does not allow the use of non-contact skills to attack the opponent, but there is no restriction on using non-contact skills on yourself!”

Yun Ning’s words revealed a trace of cruelty: “You said, we use cotton to defend, so that the opponent can’t beat us, and then how about we slowly exhaust the opponent?”

“Bah!” The baa sheep imagined the scene with her small brain, happily displayed the cotton defense, and her whole body swelled in a circle in an instant.

“So, we’re going to practice cotton defense today!”

Yun Ning looked up and down the Baa Li sheep with a strange look.

“Bah~” The baa sheep seemed to have awakened the characteristic of predicting danger, and began to tremble all over.

What do you want to do?

“Cotton defense is to expand a layer of cotton-like fluff on the surface of your body to reduce the opponent’s attack power. Simply put, it is unloading. However, the efficiency of using skill training alone is too low, so I plan to use cotton on you. When defending, beat you with your fists, compact your cotton, and then you can continue to use skills, and I will continue to beat you, so that the efficiency of training will be greatly improved. How, am I very bad for you? Okay? You must know that hitting the cotton with a fist is very uncomfortable! The master sacrificed his arm for your strength!”

Yun Ning slowly brought his face close to the Baa Li Yang, accentuating the tone of sacrifice and arms.

All you lost was a leg, what she lost was love!

Baa Li Yang: ? ? ?

Are you the devil?

too terrifying! I’m not playing anymore!

Baa Li Yang broke free from Yun Ning’s massage hands, kicked both feet, and jumped out from Yun Ning’s thigh!


The expected four-legged landing did not happen, instead, the waist felt pain because of the attack.

Looking back, he was wrapped around his waist by his master’s hands.

“Pulengling~” The four short legs kicked around in the air.

Quickly put this book down!

Carrying the Baa Li Yang back into his arms, Yun Ning said softly to the struggling Baa Li Yang: “A child who is not well behaved will be punished! Hmm… how about punishing you not to eat?”

The struggle stopped immediately.

Baa Li Yang raised her head, blinked her eyes, and looked at Yun Ning pitifully.

don’t you~

Tears glistened in her eyes, and her little nose began to sob.

Believe it or not, I will show you how to cry!

Yun Ning’s heart seemed to soften, and his originally upright body relaxed.

Wiping the corners of Baa Li Yang’s eyes, he said softly, “But the competition will be in a few days. This practice can speed up your training, otherwise you won’t have time to play the bells.”

Baa Li Yang raised his head, puffed out his chest, an electric light flashed between the two sheep’s horns, and nodded confidently: “Baa!”

No problem, Ben Baa will definitely train hard! Absolutely no bells before the game!

Yun Ning touched the top of Baa Li Yang’s head: “Baa Li Yang is awesome! I can already control my mood to play games! I’m about to grow into a big kid!”

I compared myself with a V in my heart: The plan is successful!

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