Pokemon: A Great Responsibility From Heaven

Chapter 20 - What is a trainer

After washing his face and eating breakfast, Yun Ning brought a stool and sat next to the training device.

Connect the phone to the power bank and start charging the phone.

The infrastructure on the grassland is extremely poor, and there is no so-called circuit network at all, so the tent where Yunning lives now is not powered.

In fact, it’s not just the wires, there is not even a mobile phone signal on the grassland.

After all, the range of a typical base station is only about one kilometer. If you want to achieve full grassland signal coverage, you need to cover the base station. However, the grasslands are vast and sparsely populated, and it is difficult to guarantee the safety of signal base stations. The average lifespan of a base station is only a few months. In the long run, people have given up building ordinary base stations on the grasslands.

However, I heard that the major families on the grassland have their own ultra-high-power signal base stations, which can transmit signals across hundreds of kilometers, connecting from their own family residences to Guihua City, so as to know the external information at the first time. It’s just that these base stations are not open to the outside world. Most people on the grasslands can only use the most primitive communication method – sending letters.

As for satellite transmission, it is even more impossible. Humans in this world began to develop satellite technology decades ago, but it is strange that all satellites will be attacked by unknown after they fly to a certain height, and eventually fall from the sky. Humans have spent decades trying to figure out why, but have found nothing.

Only Yun Ning knew that this was the Sky Splitter defending its own airspace.

The energy base of the world is different, and the development direction will be very different. The energy source in the previous life was mainly petroleum-based fossil fuels, so in the past life, various modern machines were developed that are powered by this.

But this world is different. Since humans have discovered that elves have supernatural powers, rational use of elves’ energy is the fastest way to progress.

It’s like all the families in the entire Monan grassland, they have their own power plants, and the source of energy is each family’s Baa Li sheep group, as well as their evolutionary velvet sheep and electric dragons.

Don’t think that this is abusing the elves. The energy you eat can only become your own strength after it is effectively consumed and utilized. Just like the athletes in the previous life, after eating high-calorie food, you must go to exercise to consume it, otherwise it will be deposited. Down will only become fat.

In this sense, Yun Ning is actually doing the same thing as them.

But this first step was extremely difficult.

In fact, Yun Ning is also very puzzled, why are the elves of other travelers so obedient? Just let them train them, no slouch.

You must know that elves also have their own thoughts, they are not human puppets, they can’t do what you say. It is impossible for trainers to do whatever they want in the game.

Just like the pet owner in the previous life, it took a lot of effort to get his pet to learn to go to the toilet.

Although the elves in this world have much higher IQ than the pets in the previous life, the higher the IQ, the more ideas.

Don’t talk about elves, even human beings can’t make everyone work hard!

Some people are born lazy and don’t care about the quality of life at all; People who can really keep sprinting forward and strive for better are a minority in any society.

After all, the meaning of life is to reproduce and pass on genes. When you can ensure that your genes can be passed on smoothly and you can survive normally, hard work is meaningless.

This is the memory engraved in the genes, and it is difficult to change the day after tomorrow.

Here, we are going to talk about the mission of the trainer.

What is the mission of a trainer? Is it just like in the game, with the elves constantly challenging others, and then raising the level of the elves?

If so, what is the difference between a high-level trainer and a low-level trainer?

Fighting monsters to upgrade, giving medicine for treatment, anyone can do this.

Perhaps, you would say that the trainer is responsible for ensuring a sufficient source of energy for the elves.

Advanced trainers have the money to buy energy cubes and nurture elves to advanced levels. While low-level trainers can only feed tree fruits to their elves, resulting in a slow rise in the level of elves.

But is a trainer really just an existence responsible for providing training resources for elves? Wouldn’t it be alright for everyone to have a higher earning ability than anyone else?

Can I first earn tens of billions of net worth in fifty years, and then feed my elves the best energy cubes that the current level can digest? According to the average speed of this world, it is not impossible to upgrade oneself to the heavenly king level in one lifetime.

But what about the result? Countless millionaires hope to gain the status of trainers and improve their social status after making money, but they find that the money they put in is not proportional to the level of the elves.

With tens of millions invested, there are many elves who can barely rise to the advanced level.

In the end, in desperation, he could only pin his hopes on the next generation and let his son become an excellent trainer.

Why is this?

Because they didn’t take into account that elves also have their own ideas!

All living things are inert!

You nourish me with delicious food and drink. I have neither the pressure to survive nor the goal to strive for, so why am I training so hard? Isn’t it good to be lazy?

In Yun Ning’s view, helping the elves overcome the distracting thoughts in their hearts and making them “talented” smoothly is the true mission of the trainer.

The relationship between trainers and elves is more like the relationship between parents and children. Trainers are like parents, and sprites are the trainer’s children.

The responsibility of parents is to nurture their children into talents.

This is a very difficult thing. In addition to providing children with excellent educational resources ~www.mtlnovel.com~, parents should also do a good job in the ideological work of their children’s hearts. And how many parents can really guide their children to the right path? In this world, the situation where fathers and sons do not understand each other is far more than a father’s kindness and filial piety.

Even if it is a real biological father and son, it will happen that the child runs away from home because of the discord between the father and the son. What’s more, the elves themselves have no blood relationship with the trainers. If the elves find it painful to be with you and accept your training plan, then it is normal for elves to run away.

How to make the elves understand the “good intentions” of the trainers, and how to make the elves willingly accept the training plan made by the trainers, this is the real test faced by the trainers.

It is also a prerequisite for becoming a trainer.

And it is far from enough to simply communicate the heart of an elf. After all, most trainers will subdue at least three elves.

How to take into account the idea of ​​all elves at the same time is an important challenge for trainers to face. Just like raising children, many people can’t manage one child, let alone six children.

When the number of elves cultivated is greater than one, the trainer must also learn to deal with the relationship between elves. Even if it is an elves of the same race, a leader will be determined within the group, not to mention that the types of elves that the trainer has conquered will basically not be repeated. Will Bibi Bird think about eating the green caterpillars in the team all day long? Will Mongoose Zhan and Rice Spoon Snake try to kill each other while they are sleeping? Will Kira and Coco Dora fight over the ore? Do the elves hold grudges for the trainer’s favoritism when arguing?

Yun Ning sat on the stool for a while in a trance. It’s a pity that he didn’t read any psychology books in his last life.


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