Pokemon: A Great Responsibility From Heaven

Chapter 18 - 1st intimate contact

In the rented hotel tent, two pairs of eyes are looking at each other.


Yun Ning was the first to break the silence and called out to the Baa Li sheep he had just bought.

Baa Li Yang tilted his head and looked curiously at the creature in front of him.

What the **** is this?

He obviously looks the same as those humans, but he speaks sheep language.

Although he didn’t understand the sheep language he spoke.

But it is still certain that it is sheep language.

No matter, go up and check the situation!

Who called Ben so daring!

“Baabaa~” Baa Liyang approached Yunning and smelled it on Yunning’s body.

Confirmed the taste, there is no mutton smell!

You are not a baa sheep at all!

Baa Li Yang took two steps back and looked at Yun Ning vigilantly.

Said, are you here to pick my wool! you robber!

Baa Li Yang looked down at the wool on her body, it was short, it just grew out not long ago.

In the 2-year life of Baeli Sheep, she has already experienced 3 times of shearing.

Well, although the Baa Li sheep doesn’t have the concept of months and years, it knows that humans will regularly pluck their wool. Once before it gets hot, and once before it gets cold.

It was okay to shave the wool before the weather got hot, but after shaving the hair on my body, it will be much cooler throughout the summer. But it was really too much to scour the wool before the weather got cold! Although I left some for myself, I was still shivering when the snow fell, and I could only keep warm with the other Baa Li sheep next to each other.

Didn’t you just shave this year? Why are you here again?

unacceptable! Humanity! Can’t you see that my hair hasn’t even grown yet? If you dare to pluck my wool, I…I…I’ll show you! The one you can’t catch up with!

Baa Li Yang is ready to escape from this terrifying tent.

Yun Ning didn’t know that Baa Liyang had so many dramas in his heart in such a short period of time. Watching Baa Liyang squat down and make a move to prepare for a sprint, he understands that Baa Liyang is still vigilant towards himself. My heart is a bit complicated. Although this shows that my Baa Li sheep is not the kind of mental retardation that can be brought home by random people, it is really uncomfortable to use this kind of vigilance on myself.

Yun Ning squatted down, keeping himself at the same height as Baaly Sheep, took out the energy cube from her backpack, and shook it at Baaly Sheep.

This is a skill that Yun Ning summed up in his previous life. When communicating with animals, you should first keep yourself and the other person about the same height, so that the other party will not feel oppressed. Then take out food to lure, as long as the other party is willing to eat your food, then the animal will basically accept you. In the previous life, Yun Ning used this trick to abduct cats and dogs in his old village in the countryside.

Damn people! Tempt yourself with food every time you scoop up the wool! Although I can’t resist the temptation every time, but this time I really won’t eat any more of your food! If I shave again, I’ll be a woolless sheep!

Baa Liyang looked at Yun Ning’s actions and thought angrily.

Wait, the food in his hand seems to be different from what he ate before?

Baa Li Yang stared blankly at the energy cube in Yun Ning’s hand. It could feel that this thing was of great benefit to him, and it was not comparable to the things he ate when he was shaving wool.

Or, why don’t you try it with a bite?

Baa Li Yang walked in front of Yun Ning in a tangled manner.

Just take a bite, if it doesn’t taste good, I’ll run, if it tastes good…I’ll run after I finish it!

Well, it was such a happy decision! This human does not seem to be able to run very well. As long as he runs away by himself, he will definitely not be able to catch up with him!

Opened his mouth and took a light bite.

“Baa~” Baa Liyang widened her eyes.

What a magical taste this is!

The sour taste burst in the mouth, stimulating every taste bud.

More importantly, after swallowing this thing, Baa Li Yang can clearly feel that it is transformed into a stream of energy, quickly absorbed by the body, and delivered to every corner of the body!

“Zizi~Zizi~” Electric sparks appeared on Baa Li Yang’s body.

Yun Ning narrowed his eyes. He didn’t expect that the yellow energy cube would have such a good effect on the Bail Sheep. Just taking a bite, the energy contained in it could penetrate through the Bail Sheep’s body and convey it to the surface.

Yun Ning knew in his heart that this was because his strength was too weak. As a novice Baa Li Yang, the efficiency of energy storage and absorption is extremely low. Unlike those intermediate and advanced elves, every part of the body can effectively retain a large amount of energy. Even if the energy block eaten cannot be effectively converted into its own strength, it will be stored in time.

Of course, energy cubes still have to be eaten, and you cannot give up using energy cubes because of low efficiency. Although it is a waste to eat like this, Yunning has already gotten out of the economic crisis, and what he lacks most now is time. If you want to join the alliance after graduating from college, you must have the strength of a high-level trainer. Even if you start to use low-level energy blocks to cultivate the baa sheep from now on, it will take at least three and a half years for it to evolve into an electric dragon. .

What’s more, a single electric dragon is far from enough. Only with three high-level elves can you be called a high-level trainer. If the first elves procrastinate and upgrade slowly, it will be difficult for the elves cultivated later to advance to the advanced level before they graduate from university.

“The foundation is still too thin!” Yun Ning sighed in his heart. If he could master the production method of intermediate energy cubes and let Baa Liyang eat intermediate energy cubes to improve his strength, it would only take a year. In time, you can evolve it into an electric dragon by yourself.

Of course, Yun Ning also knew that this was too extravagant. Generally, centuries-old clans cannot even provide enough low-level energy cubes for their young children. Only those large clans that have existed for thousands of years can do so. After all, a big family means a lot of people and a lot of competition pressure. Only in the case of reflecting their strong trainer talent, the family will increase the investment of resources. Ordinary members can only receive a small amount of resources, although compared with civilians, it is already a lot, but it is far from enough to rely on the family’s “extra money” to meet their training needs.

Perhaps only the real powers of the aristocratic clan have the luxury to cultivate intermediate-level elves with intermediate-level energy cubes! After all, when he became the head of a family, he was basically over 50 years old. If the lifespan of the elves you cultivated in the early days is not more than 30 years, they are basically dead. At this time, he has decades of nurturing experience and the right to use the family’s resources. It is relatively easy to re-cultivate a powerful elf.

“Hiccup~” After eating the energy cube in Yun Ning’s hand, Baa Li burped.

Almost there, it’s time to run.

But what should I do if I eat too much and can’t run?

Obviously, what I ate this time was small in size, but Baa Li Yang still felt that she had made it.

The whole body is warm and warm, and an energy in the body swims in various parts. In the end, it settled down and was hidden in every corner of the body.

So comfortable, I really want to lie down and take a nap!

Yun Ning looked at Baa Liyang’s satisfied face, touched Baa Liyang’s head, and said warmly:

“Is it delicious? Every day from now on!”

“Baa~” Maa Liyang looked at Yun Ning in disbelief, can such delicious food really be eaten every day?

If you can provide me with such delicious food every day, I… I will allow you to hold me to sleep!

It is impossible to shave wool. If you are cold, I will let you hug me to keep you warm!

This is already Ben Ma’s biggest concession!

Yun Ning looked into Baa Li Yang’s eyes and said seriously:

“Introduce myself, my name is Yun Ning, and I will be your trainer from today on. Please give me more advice, baa.”

Trainer? What it is? Do you feed me every day?

Baa Li sheep has grown up so big and has not yet encountered the concept of a trainer. In the past, its companions were often taken away by humans, but it did not know where those companions went. Now it seems that they should also be taken away by the trainer, and they have that kind of delicious food to eat every day, so happy!

“Baabaa~” Baa Liyang licked the hand that Yun Ning had just held the energy cube, and nodded to Yun Ning.

It worked! Yun Ning shook his own hands, the first step was to gain the favor of Baa Li Yang, complete!

Next is the second step!

Yun Ning took out a Poke Ball from his backpack and said to the Baa Li Yang:

“Bai Li Yang, this is your future palace. In the future, I will go out and explore the world. It will take a long way. You don’t want to walk outside all the time, right? Just live in this Poké Ball, UU reading www.uukanshu. com will let me take you away, come in quickly! Don’t worry, I’ll let you out when it’s time to eat, sleep and train!”

“Baa?” Baa Liyang tilted his head, what is this human talking about? How can I not understand. What is a palace? What is training? But this thing seems to be able to get in on its own.

Do you want to go in and take a look? Will there be any danger? Forget it, don’t care, Ben is so bold!

Nodding the Poké Ball in front of him with his head, after a burst of red light flashed, Baa Li Sheep disappeared into the tent.

finished! Yun Ning jumped up excitedly, he didn’t expect that he could conquer the first elf so easily!

Holding the Poké Ball above his head, Yun Ning shouted, “I’ve conquered the Baa Li Yang!”

“Crazy!” An angry scolding came from outside the tent, “I haven’t slept so late!”

“None of your business!” Yun Ning responded. This is a tent house on the grassland, not a hotel in the mainland. The distance between the tents is very large, and there is no argument that it affects the neighbors next door. This person is definitely passing by and jealous that I subdued the baa li sheep!

A flash of white light flashed, and Baa Li sheep reappeared in the tent.

“It’s getting late, Baa Li Sheep, it’s time to go to bed.” With that, Yun Ning took out a small nest specially bought for Baa Li Sheep from her backpack. Thanks to the space backpack I used, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to hold so many things.

However, Baa Li Yang did not walk into the nest that Yun Ning bought, but jumped onto Yun Ning’s bed.

“Hey, Baa Li Yang, what are you doing? That’s my bed! Come on down!” Yun Ning was a little mad, you smell like sheep, how can I sleep in this bed?

“Baa?” Baa Liyang looked at Yun Ning suspiciously, didn’t he agree to allow you to sleep with Ben Baa?


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