Pokemon: A Great Responsibility From Heaven

Chapter 13 - Gia

“The head teacher, Lao Xing, must be being scolded by the principal now, right?”

Yun Ning looked up at the blue sky and mourned silently for her high school head teacher.

In a previous life, the head teacher, Lao Xing, had a bad time with the principal because he failed to complete the task of teaching a key student. It must be the same in this world.

But these have nothing to do with Yun Ning.

After stretching, Yun Ning took out his mobile phone to report safety to his parents.

This is an agreement with my parents before departure. After arriving in Guihua City, I will call them as soon as possible.

Yes, now Yunning is in the economic center of Monan, Guihua City.

Looking at the bustling crowd around, Yun Ning shrugged his shoulders, and after feeling the weight of his backpack, he walked straight out of the station gate.

The backpack contains 30,000 cash and energy cubes, as well as other travel necessities. It can be said that this backpack is all Yunning’s belongings at present.

This backpack alone is worth ten thousand yuan.

This is not an ordinary backpack, but a special space backpack for trainers that uses space technology. Don’t look at this backpack is not large, but the volume inside is not small.

Trainers need to go out for adventure often, so there is a great need for carrying supplies. After all, trainers are brought with them by their families. In addition to satisfying their own food and drink, they also carry elves’ food.

Yunning’s current space backpack is the cheapest model, and there is not much free space inside. However, it is still enough for the current Yunning.

The space backpack is very simple and looks no different from ordinary backpacks.

This is also to prevent the rookie trainer from being targeted by bad guys outside.

It is an unbreakable truth that wealth is not revealed.

You must know that the strongest elf in the hands of a rookie trainer is the primary level, and the elf with primary strength may not necessarily beat adult humans.

Just like Father Yun’s wrist strength, he might be knocked to the ground by Father Yun in just a few tricks playing a real person PK.

Compared with humans, the upper limit of the power of elves is higher, but the lower limit is similar. A freshly-cracked baa is as harmless as a normal baby.

Monan is very large, equivalent to several provinces in the interior in terms of area.

Although Guihua City is the economic center of Monan, it still takes a long time to reach other places in Monan from Guihua City.

Different from the previous life, the scope of human life in this world is not so large, and there are still many areas in the world where a large number of wild elves live.

Therefore, the construction of railways and highways is not as arbitrary as in the previous life, but various detours.

In other words, many parts of the world are inaccessible by rail and road. Such as other places in the Monan grassland.

In the entire Monan grassland, only Guihua City and the mainland have access to the road, but from Guihua City to other places in Monan, the original method needs to be used.

That is riding a horse.

After settling the fare with the taxi driver, Yunning walked into the Eastern Passenger Transport Center in Guihua City.

This is the largest passenger transportation center in the entire Guihua City, because the location of Guihua City is in the southwest of the entire Monan grassland, which means that most of the Monan grassland is located in the east of the Guihua City. If you want to go to these places , it is necessary to start from this passenger center.

Yun Ning came here to look for a guide.

As long as you leave human society, the role of the map becomes minimal. Yun Ning didn’t want to inexplicably provoke some elves on the grasslands and become their excrement to nourish the land.

There are many passengers in the passenger transportation center, but there are more “drivers” to pick up the passengers. Some “drivers” have Ponytails, and some “drivers” have Kentaros. These are common local elves. Basically a must for every household.

After all, there are no roads on the grassland, and there is no way to drive if you have a car.

“Handsome guy, do you want to go to the Chiat pasture? We’re leaving now!”

An uncle of the driver stepped forward to ask Yun Ning a question, and pointed to his booth with the thumb of his right hand.

Yun Ning followed his fingers and looked over. There were a total of 4 little fire horses, 3 of which were already occupied, and the last one was left, and he should be able to set off with only one person left.

“how much?”

“one thousand.”

“How much… how much?” Yun Ning was a little confused. The ticket from Oucheng to Guihua City was only more than 800 yuan. How expensive would it be to go from Guihua City to Qiate Grassland in Monan?

“It’s not expensive! It takes 3 days to go from the naturalized city to the Qiate pasture. The market price is so much. If you don’t believe me, ask others.”

The driver’s uncle pointed to other drivers and said, “One thousand yuan includes food and accommodation for these three days. Is this your first time going to the Qiyate Grassland? Many people did not come to the Monan Grassland before. Knowing that it takes so long to get from the naturalization city to the Qiate pasture, I didn’t bring enough supplies. We not only provide you with food, but also provide you with sleeping bags for sleeping at night, otherwise you can buy a sleeping bag yourself. It’s a few hundred dollars, it’s not worth it!”

The uncle’s words were very thoughtful, and he looked like he was thinking of you. Yun Ning couldn’t think of a reason to bargain for a while.

“800, follow me!”

A clear female voice came from behind.

Yun Ning turned around and saw a girl about 18 or 19 years old walking over on horseback. A bright red Monan robe squeaked in the wind, and her black and beautiful long hair flew in the wind. He held the reins in his left hand and the whip in his right. On the delicate wheat-colored face, a pair of jet-black eyes shone with determination. The little fire horse who sat down walked slowly to Yun Ning, the girl raised her left hand slightly, and the horse stood still. With a slight leap, he turned over and dismounted, his movements were smooth and smooth, and he was indescribably valiant.

Yun Ning looked a little crazy for a while.

The girl in the robe coughed twice, and Yun Ning woke up from her obsession. She had never seen such a beautiful woman in two lifetimes.

“Girl, you’ve snatched two deals from me this month. It’s endless, right?”

The driver’s uncle was a little furious, and it seemed that there was some past between the two.

“Uncle, haven’t you guys talked yet? In business, you pay attention to your wishes, how can I call it a robbery?” The girl’s voice was a little playful, she stuck her tongue out at the uncle driver.

“Forget it, for the sake of being a girl, I won’t bother with you.” The uncle driver was a little helpless. “I’m so good at talking. Others have to teach you a lesson.”

“Thank you, uncle, I will also go out during the summer vacation to make some money to subsidize the family, and I won’t come to grab business with you when the school starts, and I’m just a small fire horse, I can only bring one guest at a time, so it won’t affect anything. The girl’s voice was full of gratitude, and it seemed that she also understood that the uncle driver in front of her was taking care of herself.

“You are just a little fire horse. How can you carry me? Is it difficult for us to ride on a horse?”

Yun Ning was a little puzzled, and looked up and down the girl in front of him, but did not see the shadow of the Poké Ball on her body.

“What are you looking at!” The girl shouted softly, clapping her hands, and another little fire horse slowly stepped forward from behind her.

“This is your mount. Chiat Prairie is 800 yuan for one way, 400 yuan in advance, and food and lodging. Can you walk?”

“Go! Go!” Yun Ning said, not only saving 200 yuan, but also traveling with beautiful women, why not? With that said, Yun Ning quickly climbed onto the back of the little fire horse, quickly took out 400 yuan, and followed the girl out of the city of naturalization.

The vegetation on the grassland is thin, and the temperature difference between day and night is large. The howling wind swept through the dust and blew Yun Ning’s eyes a little, so he could only lie down and hug Xiao Huo Ma’s body tightly, hoping to gain warmth. Try to shrink your body into a ball, which will reduce your heat dissipation area.

“Just come here!”

The girl looked at the surrounding environment, and said Lema.

“This place is very suitable for camping. There is a small **** in front of it, which can block part of the night wind. There are also a few fires on the ground, which should be traces of other people’s camping.”

“What does it mean to be very suitable? Didn’t you often run this line before? Don’t you have your own fixed camping site?” Yun Ning got off the horse with difficulty and rubbed his buttocks. After half a day of riding, Yun Ning’s body almost fell apart, and the inner thigh was burning hot, and he didn’t know if it was worn out or not.

Finally, I know why there are saddles on the little fire horse. Even if the little fire horse is an elf with high intelligence and actively cooperates with people’s riding, once the horse runs, it will inevitably bump up and down. Without these things to help humans, it will not be blown down by the strong wind brought by the high-speed running. .

“Are you too embarrassed to say that?” The girl took out fuel from her backpack, skillfully made a bonfire on the ground, and said, “It looks like a tall man, but his physical fitness is so poor. If a small fire horse runs two steps, you will suffer. No, we have to walk slowly, if we keep going at this speed, we are afraid that it will take us five days to reach the Chiat Grassland!”

Yun Ning scratched his head, a little embarrassed: “Yes… I’m sorry, otherwise, I’ll give you a salary of 1,000 to compensate you for the extra time you spent.”

Yun Ning was a little fortunate in his heart, thanks to the fact that he was looking for a “private” guide. It would be bad if he sat on the uncle’s little fire horse when he was in the passenger transportation center during the day, and they would not slow down. Accompany Yun Ning to walk slowly, after all, he has three other passengers with him. I really want to run wild for three days, I don’t know if Yun Ning’s skeleton will be scattered, but this thigh will definitely not be able to be preserved, and it is inevitable that the skin will be worn.

“Hey, follow my method, take off the sleeping bag on your little fire horse and open it.” The girl took off the backpack on her little fire horse and took out a folded sleeping bag, “I don’t need my help with this. Are you? Food and water are also in it, so you can eat it yourself when you’re hungry.”

Yun Ning spread the sleeping bag like a girl, and opened the bag for storing food.

Looking at the dry biscuits and steamed buns in the bag, Yun Ning was speechless: “Don’t you even have instant noodles?”

“It’s beautiful as you think. We can only carry a small amount of water except for sleeping bags, food and other emergency medicines. Instant noodles consume too much water.” Pour it into a cup, put the steamed buns in the water, soak them and eat them in one bite.

Yun Ning followed the example, and asked while eating, “What’s your name? You look like I’m about the same age as me. How old are you this year? Are you from Monan?”

The girl glanced at Yun Ning, and said indifferently, “Why, check the household registration?” As she spoke, she took out a Poké Ball from her backpack, a white light flashed, and a coo was released.

No wonder I didn’t see the Poke Ball on Ji Ya’s body during the day, it turned out to be in the backpack. I should have thought of it long ago, every girl’s backpack is a treasure bag.

“I’ll ask you tonight.” The girl kissed Gugu’s forehead and said softly. After speaking, he took out a tree fruit and fed it to Gugu.

“You can just call me Jiya.”

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