Plundering the Heavens

Chapter 402

Chapter 402: The Thief Cries Thief

Translator: Myriea_ActiasLuna  Editor: Nou

This guy really wanted to fight him? Where did a Foundation Stage cultivator find such guts? The venerated youth was completely confused by Fang Xing’s inability to follow common sense, and he gave Fang Xing a peculiar look while remaining silent.

He was a Golden Core cultivator, and seriously taking on a Foundation Stage cultivator would not suit his status no matter whether he won or lost. Furthermore, he knew Fang Xing had a dragon with him, and if the two were to truly fight and the dragon came out, he wouldn’t really be able to contend against it with only his early-Golden Core Stage cultivation. With thoughts like these, the venerated youth didn’t want to get involved with Fang Xing whatsoever just in case things got out of hand.

No matter how he thought about it, he didn’t understand; hadn’t the Hentian clan been saying this Exalt was timid and useless? This bastard had actually aggressively provoked him; just where did the guts to challenge a Golden Core like him come from?

The venerated youth didn’t say anything and folded his hands against his back. He looked at Fang Xing with a cold gaze, and although his expression was clearly that of someone unwilling to bully the weak, it didn’t seem as though he intended to refuse the challenge either.

Fang Xing added even more oil to the flame when he saw this. “A mighty Golden Core like you is scared of your little grandpa bullying you? I am being nice to those from the Hentian clan, but you’re not a Hentian, right, you bastard? How dare you come and try to take my woman! You won’t know your place without someone teaching you a good lesson, huh? One on one, do you dare? If you lose, don’t you ever get close to this courtyard!”

Such words steadily pushed the venerated youth closer to his limit—the rude way Fang Xing behaved was truly infuriating.

Hentian Qing creased her brows before stomping her feet and scolding, “Who are you! Who are you to tell Venerated Big Brother to stay away from mycourtyard?”

Fang Xing rolled his eyes and cursed, “Are you scared this adulterer is going to lose?”

“How would Venerated Big Brother lose to you?” Hentian Qing angrily replied.

“Then why doesn’t he dare to fight his little grandpa?”

Hentian Qing was left without words and turned to look at the venerated youth. She understood he had a proud temperament and that he’d naturally feel disdain towards fighting against such a clown, but so much had been said she started to wonder; would her Venerated Big Brother decide to teach a lesson on her behalf? With some slight hesitation, she softly asked, “Venerated Big Brother, I don’t want to see this bastard anymore. He’s always—”

The venerated youth slightly raised his hand to stop Hentian Qing from continuing as he leveled a calm gaze towards Fang Xing. “You are no opponent of mine. If I were to fight with you, it would without a doubt be seen as me bullying you. I’d hope you have some self-awareness; don’t—”

“If you don’t want to fight me, why did you approach so close to me like a ghost? You think I won’t know just because you play dumb?” Fang Xing sneered. “Motherf*cker, you may be a pretty-boy, but your little grandpa likes this girl with big boobs and a perky butt, so I’ll tell you this: she is destined to be mine. I’ve even given the betrothal gift already, so stay the hell out of my way if you don’t want to die!”

No matter how great his endurance, the venerated youth couldn’t restrain himself anymore after such words and sternly replied, “I originally didn’t want to bully you, but you are unexpectedly a person without a sense of propriety. Since that is the case, I shall teach you some lessons about life….”

Fang Xing’s eyes lit up and he quickly raised his Qi. “Don’t forget our bet!”

The venerated youth still had his hands calmly settled on his back. “What a joke, how could I wager Sister Qing’er as a bet?”

Such a reply filled Hentian Qing with joy, and she was so elated her vision even blurred.

Fang Xing sneered. “The way I see it, you’re scared of me catching you two together after you’ve lost!”

The venerated youth suddenly realized that if he won, he would actually be able to restrict this little bastard from harassing Hentian Qing any further. In fact, the reason he’d come to see her as soon as he returned with the spirit-vein-searching team was because he’d heard about this person giving her gifts in such a shameless manner. He’d rushed over out of concern she’d be moved by it, only to see Fang Xing shouting from the door once he arrived. He’d gotten a bit angry and decided to trip Fang Xing up, only to realize this person wasn’t normal when Fang Xing noticed him in advance. The fact a mere Foundation Stage cultivator could detect him despite his effort to hide his presence meant this person’s spirit sense was extremely sensitive and powerful, and after realizing this, the venerated youth decided against causing trouble to avoid provoking him.

The more he thought about it, the more he realized that if he didn’t restrict Fang Xing now, he would continue to annoy them and cause problems. He paused and considered it for a few moments before finally saying, “Then you remember your own words. Do not come anymore afterwards, else do not blame me….”

Fang Xing was immediately overjoyed to hear such words. “Then let’s do it!” The yell was extremely awe-inspiring, and even the venerated youth was caught off guard and waited in alarm. However, Fang Xing suddenly withdrew all of his Qi. placed his fingers between his lips, and let out a sharp whistle.

With the sound of that whistle, inside the western mountains over some ten miles away where Fang Xing’s courtyard was, a red dragon thirty or so feet long suddenly rose into the air. Its speed was so great it was as if it rode on lightning, and after only a flash in the sky, the dragon arrived right in front of them.

Fang Xing waved his hand. “Bite him dead… but leave one breath behind!”

The red dragon was a bit surprised at first, but it quickly understood Fang Xing’s command. It growled before rushing towards the venerated youth without holding back, its giant mouth open wide. The densely packed fangs within its maw was extremely terrifying, and the expression on the venerated youth’s face changed completely as he finally lost his cool. He quickly flashed backwards onto a hilltop three miles away, but the red dragon didn’t give him the chance to flee; it thrashed its head and tail before chasing over while its violent aura spread out in all directions.

Hentian Qing had been completely caught off guard by the red dragon’s abrupt arrival, and it took a few moments for her to start anxiously screaming, “How… how shameless! Didn’t you say one on one?”

“It is one on one; I haven’t attacked, right?” Fang Xing replied as though it was completely normal.

It took some time before Hentian Qing was able to process and understand what Fang Xing had done. This little bastard had actually used sophistry against the venerated youth—this was the first time she’d seen someone so shameless.

Faced with the dragon’s maddened attacks, the venerated youth could only continuously cry out in fury. His black robe was torn, and as pieces of tattered cloth fell from the sky amidst splatters of blood, he suddenly shouted and pointed his sword at Fang Xing’s chest. “I’ll kill you, you shameless little thief….”

When Fang Xing called the dragon over, he’d noticed a few very powerful spirit senses sweeping past the Hentian clan’s area. Those powerful old guys had all clearly been alerted, but their spirit sense only swept across the area before they all focused on the venerated youth that was being chased by the crazed dragon. Since nobody was paying much attention to him or Hentian Qing, Fang Xing’s guts only grew larger.

Pah, Fang Xing’s hand was as fast as lightning as he directly broke the longsword in Hentian Qing’s hands. His body moved close, and the broken blade in his grip was placed right up against Hentian Qing’s throat. “Want to kill me?” he whispered. “You almost did before back in that cage, but you only had one chance. Now all you can do is wait for the day your little grandpa kills you instead….”

His words were extremely cold, and they stabbed at Hentian Qing’s heart like a knife made of ice. Although she was at the peak of her anger, she couldn’t help the tremor that formed at the bottom of her heart and she looked at Fang Xing in disbelief.

Fang Xing abruptly reached forward to grope her chest before laughing and retreating with the broken sword blade still in his hand. “Don’t be angry, Young Master Qing’er. This bastard is trying to force me to never get close to you, but I—Xing Fang—will say it openly today: I will marry you!” he shouted while retreating over ten feet away, his face filled with affection as though he hadn’t just threatened her life. “Whoever wants to compete with me, I will kill them, and no one can persuade me away from it!”

“What’s all this nonsense?”

Just at that moment, a great and mighty aura rolled over. The Hentian clan master appeared above Fang Xing and Hentian Qing, and his head lowered to look at them. “What are you all doing? This is where we clansmen gather; is this a place suited for battle?”

Fang Xing leapt into the air and stepped onto the cloud the clan master was standing on. His expression was filled with fear, as though he was frightened Hentian Qing would chase after to kill him. “Clan Master, come and preside over this. I came here today to personally apologize to Young Master Qing’er, but I bumped into this black-clothed bastard and he actually threatened me, telling me to stay away from Young Master Qing’er or else he would kill me. He even said the Hentian clan only placed importance on my red dragon and that my position wasn’t suitable, that he was going to show me my true worth and that I shouldn’t act like a toad trying to get a taste of a swan. He said I am not worthy of Young Master Qing’er or Little Miss Ning’er… and that it’s all his!”

His words came out nonstop. In mere moments, black and been turned to white and white turned to black, all while he looked as innocent as innocent could be.

“How dare a thief like you cry thief!” Hentian Qing had originally been left dumbstruck by Fang Xing’s earlier words, but when she heard all of this and saw how he intended to pull her father to his side, her eyes reddened and anger and she leapt into the sky as well. “Daddy, don’t believe him! He doesn’t have any good intentions! He clearly agreed to a one-on-one fight with Venerated Big Brother and agreed the person who lost couldn’t come near my courtyard. Then he called out the red dragon to attack….”

“A one-on-one duel between me and him?” Fang Xing yelled back, “He is a Golden Core, do you think I’m stupid? Miss Qing’er, even if you don’t like me, please don’t frame me….”

Fang Xing’s words sounded filled with genuine indignation, making it difficult for the clan master to distinguish truth from falsehood.

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