Players Please Respect Yourself

Chapter 741

Vol 2 Chapter 724: I Am Very Happy

Chapter 724 My happiness is real

Real hunks never watch the explosions behind her.

The huge cloudy mushroom egg becomes the best background board for the three overlord heroes.

The self-destruction of the dead toad was so powerful, it couldn’t immediately infect the three people who flew far away, not to mention that the poisonous mist was halfway offset by the not too strong wind domain.

The gust of wind in his ears was howling, and the two Jeanne Arcs, one black and one white, saw the benefactor who saved them for the first time.

“Phantom Feather Neon?” Bai Zhen was a little surprised.

Heizhen: “…”

The Queen of Wings had a little smugness on her face, but she was still quite modest: “That’s all I have left.”

There are always a handful of strong men of every grade who are on the ceiling, and there are also a few who stick to the floor and remain unwavering. Just like the crumb rabbit Peck * Rabbi is a heroic shame, in addition to high agility and flying, Phantom Feather Neon is very quick on offense and defense.

This time, she made a contribution.

It is necessary to carry it hard, Bai Zhen may still be able to carry it, but that will come at the cost of considerable power consumption.

Like now, it just flashed out of the self-destruction area. If the big toad in the spirit of the sky knew that he had just self-destructed and exploded, he would be lonely. I wonder if he would jump out of the coffin.

Toad’s self-destruction caused no further damage.

Wang Hao shot.

As the black armor phantom appeared, a huge waterspout with a diameter of 500 meters appeared out of thin air. Driven by the powerful wind and water elements, all the poisonous smoke moved in one direction and gathered in a vortex.

After the smoke that filled the four directions was inhaled for the most part, a blue-black light lit up in the center of the vortex – a loud “gu” sound like flushing a toilet,

Immediately, the mushroom egg was stored in a deep cavity with a diameter of ten meters on the earth.

The ground is empty, only the wetness on the ground tells others that there was a flood of water here.

“Oh oh oh!” All the guardians, regardless of whether they were native soldiers or sand sculpture players, all shouted excitedly.

The death of the overlord-level anti-king made the entire battlefield collapse like a domino.

The guardian side turned from defense to offense. Under the leadership of the violent demolition team leaders such as Rachel and Heizhen, they rushed forward and killed the monsters to pieces and corpses.

The weird thing is that even though the younger brother was beaten, the three-headed dragon Balon was still ‘happy to play the fighting game’ with Jason Momoa’s water body.

The    guardian bosses gathered around.

Two or three thousand meters away, the huge shield crabs with decks and artillery on their backs and swords, spears, swords and halberds in their hands gradually surrounded. With these living ‘tanks’ as the center, a large number of infantry and cavalry centered on the Knights of the Yandi Legion and the Sand Sculpture Player Lobster Crabs unfolded in turn.

In the sky, a large number of aquatic giants floated in the air by the water vapor that could lift their bodies. There are not only Atlantis knights riding megalodons and seahorses, but also giant squid and Leviathan, the real ocean overlords.

Immediately afterwards, more winged warriors held spears or flame-shaped long swords to form a slightly sparse semi-circular cover in the sky.

Everyone knows that in front of a real overlord-level powerhouse, he will only be cannon fodder. Even at this distance it is easy to be affected.

The mood that has not yet calmed down after the fierce battle, and the beating heart drives them to watch this great battle as close as possible.

They looked up.

In addition to the few guardian beasts, more attention was paid to those spots of light that flickered in the elemental storm.

Each point of light is a true hero unit.

Whether it is a long-established knight, a powerhouse recruited by Atlantis, or a lucky person who was promoted in the battle, only a true hero can control the upcoming battle.

Obviously these hundreds of heroes have different characteristics and abilities, but looking at the energy fluctuations on their bodies, the soldiers behind them feel that they have seen angels.

There was a moment of silence on the battlefield.

Wang Hao showed his main body… ahem, the elite water body with the seven successes of the main body.

The abyss is good. When you are used to hunting (old) and killing (yin) people (forced), you will shoot less. The key is that there is no comparison, and there is a lack of objective data. It seems that someone has never tried to make a full shot. Under the premise, no one knows how much power you have.

“Oh? Baron, are you happy to sell your teammates?” Wang Hao’s indifferent voice echoed through the soul.

The three dragon heads that had been showing different personalities before stopped strangely, opened their big mouths, revealing fangs full of flesh and bones, showing the exact same expression.

“Of course… very happy!”

The extremely anthropomorphic playful expression on the dragon’s face made all the guardians who saw this scene uncomfortable.

Many knights would like to justly spray Balon with a sentence such as ‘Doesn’t your conscience hurt? ’ and so on, the words came to the mouth, but they were still swallowed.

One is too far, and the other is not qualified.

is not an overlord-level boss, so he is not qualified to intervene.

Wang Hao under the visor, the corner of his mouth slightly raised: “What a coincidence, I’m also very happy to see you do this.”

The three-headed dragon roared like a giant bell: “My happiness is very real!”

The abyss’s voice was calm and calm: “It’s a coincidence, my happiness is also very real.”

Even far away, when the three-headed dragon, surrounded by several giant beasts, moved, the holy hero was the first to keenly feel the great danger looming over him.

Daria couldn’t help shouting at the top of her voice: “Be careful!”

There was almost no warning, the day suddenly plunged into endless darkness, and a huge dragon-shaped skull appeared in mid-air, with its black jaw grinned to its largest size, spraying out clouds of black smoke.

In the blink of an eye, the black smoke expanded.

During the    period, it was not that there were no big shots. Whether it was Wang Hao’s water curtain or the sacred light curtain forced by Bai Zhen to urge the valley, they could not prevent the black smoke from expanding and covering the entire battlefield.

The    Paladins subconsciously opened the sacred barrier, but black smoke passed through them without hindrance.

“This is… a soul-based attack?” Even a mage like Rachel was a little puzzled.

Instead, Ran Tigos was the first to react: “That **** fed him some kind of soul poison!?”

Hi! Not to mention, the evil **** knows the evil **** best!

The twisted and huge souls of the monsters seemed to be pulled out of the illusory soul world by invisible tentacles. Their translucent bodies kept struggling, but they could not stop the black smoke from wrapping them, and then the black smoke dragged them. The soul was quickly drawn back into the huge black dragon skull in mid-air.

Millions of souls disappeared from their mouths, accompanied by the mournful cries of endless creatures.

The black jaw made a chewing motion, and Balon was using some kind of magic technique unknown to outsiders to quickly refine millions of ghasts and turn them into his own power.

“Finally don’t have to put it on anymore.” Surprisingly, it was not the dark dragon king Baron in the center who spoke, but the dragon head of the tattered-looking death dragon.

Wang Hao’s voice sank: “Your Excellency…what’s your name?”

“Iofaft Bararons… Of course, you can call me – Io the dracolich!”

(end of this chapter)

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