Players Please Respect Yourself

Chapter 728

Vol 2 Chapter 711: Break The Heart

Chapter 711 Breaking the Atrium

“What?” Heizhen and Rachel lost their voices at the same time.

Bai Zhen’s fall was too sudden.

Being able to grind, carry, and breastfeed, this is the characteristic of the sacred system.

It seems that Bai Zhen, the overlord-level hero of the Holy Light system, rarely gets killed.

Rachel had shock in capital letters on her face.

Heizhen didn’t find it strange, and spat fiercely: “What beliefs and piety are boasted all day long, in the end, it’s not that a certain gap in the soul is enlarged and distorted, and then falls!”

Cursing on the lips, unambiguous on the hands, no matter how wrong it is, it still feels weird to let those rotten people kill the other self.

100 meters away, Hei Zhen flicked his hand, and dozens of black spears and flames appeared out of nowhere, stabbing them down from the top of Bai Zhen’s head.

Is this going to personally end Bai Zhen?

of course not!

Only the parties involved can best understand the limits of Heizhen’s rescue.

The black spear pierced Bai Zhen’s side at different angles like a cage, and the dark spear shaft made a clanging sound.

Shadu’s Shadow Blade is too fast.

It was almost vision loss, and when I felt that the two arc blades were still a few meters away, they had actually cut to the side of Bai Zhen’s neck. It was completely Hei Zhen’s blazing black gun that helped Bai Zhen block a kill.

“Protect Her Royal Highness—” Tucker charged with Bai Zhen, and he also had several paladin and paladin heroes by his side. You Heizhen accidentally blocked the first blow, and Sha Du’s next blow would definitely be out of the question.

Tucker’s entire figure was like a bulldozer, carrying a huge golden tower shield, and smashed the crater of the swamp devil, and the scattered sand flew dozens of meters away. He was a newly learned [Blessing of Protection] from the Paladins, and he immediately resisted Sandu’s continuous slashing.

Three times, a few heroes held up their shields and guarded Bai Zhen in the middle.

It seems that Bai Zhen is safe, but it is not.

The cessation of the power of the   Iris Battle Flag led to the disintegration of the terrifying army formation that could never be killed.

It turned out that Bai Zhen’s wide-area group recovered, as long as there was still a breath, even if he was seriously injured and rested for a while, the 1,000 HP per second was enough to make ordinary soldiers alive again. (Of course, if there are multiple fractures or the like, you still need a companion with common surgical knowledge to help him fix the bones first.)

As long as the entire army pays attention to the rotation, it looks like an inextinguishable army that cannot be killed. Even more outrageous than the player army.

Now the super strong nurse suddenly knelt down, and the surrounding soldiers immediately turned on the sudden death mode.

“Hey! Die—” The Spider King’s low, hoarse voice was more like a declaration of death. The monsters who received the Demon King’s order immediately launched an even crazier counterattack.

“Ah, no!”


That omnipotent resilience disappeared, and the sense of disparity in the hearts of the soldiers became even greater. At this moment, those who can continue to fight without panic are very courageous warriors.

But without a wet nurse, the paladin’s small milk supply can’t stand it at all.

Not to mention the charge of the monsters on the opposite side, which are often three-story buildings, without the teammates of giant beasts.

Previously, in addition to the crab troop of the sand sculpture player, more heroic warriors jumped on the monster’s back, aimed at its vital point like a knife and saw a big tree, desperately outputting, and forcibly killed each troll. This is premised, the jumping monster looks chic on the back, but without the exaggerated nurse, the monster will be slapped to death with a backhand in minutes.

After going back and forth, this elite army that rushed to the giant of pain was like ice cubes that were rapidly melting under the scorching sun.

Kill faster than an avalanche!

“That idiot woman killed us!” Rachel couldn’t help but scolded: “Maintain the formation, cover each other, and retreat slowly!”

Rachel hates Bai Zhen!

Forget your forehead with a hot back-charge, and drag so many people to pit together.

She couldn’t make a move, after all, the strength of several demon kings should not be underestimated. She and Heizhen can stand it, but the soldiers below can’t stand it!

What worries her most is the appearance of a second Yundos!

Once the guy of the Holy Light type falls and jumps back, he is more ruthless than anyone else!

This old man Yun Daosi is neither a ghost nor a ghost. He is dressed in pure black armor, and his whole person exudes a strong evil spirit like a black hole, and he keeps smiling strangely: “What is sacred is a deceitful nonsense! The light is gone! At the end is the darkest darkness! Embrace the darkness! Only then can you be released earlier—”

“Traitor! Go back and I’ll kill you first!” Rachel scolded angrily.

Unfortunately, in order to breathe out, the big fireballs that smashed past were all disturbed by the dark power of the three-headed dragon king in mid-air. Unless Rachel made an all-out effort, she would never hit Yun Daus, who was hiding in the monsters 300 meters away.

The big toad, Fatad, the swamp devil, with its strangely long tongue and multi-attribute mud and water mixed attacks, how can it be so easy to deal with?

More importantly, the Holy Light system has two consecutive pits.

A saint finally appeared, took over the banner of Vindos, and suddenly led everyone into the pit. This is what frustrated the Paladins the most.

Joan of Arc! what are you doing

In Bai Zhen’s spiritual world at this time, the situation was very bad.

The dark red viscous liquid was churning with fragments of unknown color, unidentifiable but clearly unpleasant.

Up, down, left, right, front, and back, tentacle-like objects in all directions seemed to be alive, and a golden ball of light in the center struck.

If anyone can invade Joan of Arc’s spiritual world, they can see a girl kneeling and praying in the middle of the light ball.

If it was before, just the golden light scattered all around would make all the intruders vanish and disperse.

Now, under the attack of the demon king of the scarlet spirit body, you can vaguely see something leaking out of the golden ball.

This is Joan of Arc’s memory fragment, the source of her strength, and her biggest flaw.

Sentence after sentence of soul torture made Bai Zhen faint.

【Your Lord never existed from the beginning! 】

“No! No!”

【It is just a so-called **** made up by priests who deceive the masses for personal gain! 】

“No! My Lord is always there!”

【Look! Even the weak chicken **** of the paladins has manifested, but your **** still hasn’t responded! 】

“My Lord cannot answer everyone!”

【Are you not religious enough? Why did you never get a response? 】


【Religion like you, being burned to death by fire but not being led by your Lord, but being reduced to this broken world is the best proof! 】


【Don’t lie to yourself! You are just a mentally strong mortal! You are not a saint! Not even a savior! You are not qualified to guide the people! You are not qualified to lead so many holy believers to die with you! All you’ve done is despicable self-gratification! 】

Outside the golden ball of light, another Jeanne of Arc appeared, her face was hideous, bitter and selfish.

What makes Bai Zhen even more unacceptable is that even if she knew that the other party had stolen her memory, maybe some people’s memories were added. When she watched her motherland fall into war time and time again, from the Napoleonic period to the French Revolution, to World War II. …

Looking at the loss of the motherland, she finally felt a sense of collapse.

(end of this chapter)

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