Players Please Respect Yourself

Chapter 711

Vol 2 Chapter 695: O Sea!

Chapter 695 The sea!

I have seen traitors jumping against thieves.

The rebels tried to beat the loyal ministers to whitewash them.

I’ve never seen such a stubborn and loyal one.

Speaking of this, it involves the power system of the Land Forsaken by God. Basically it’s right to be born from the heart. With black flames, black smoke, and black gas all over his body, no matter how good a person is, there should be a limit.

After all, it is easy to degenerate, but difficult to clean up.

Wang, someone is either wearing [Silent Abyss] or [Dragon Abyss Armor], these blackened skins with hidden effects are really confusing.

Besides, he also slaughtered a grand duke Louis and the former Atlantis king Aum in public?

If one plan fails, another plan is born.

Balon’s three heads were open, and his six eyes stared.

“A man as powerful as you should not be a dog to the **** council!”

Someone complained: Regardless of whether licking dogs has everything, you may not believe it, I, Wang Mouhao, just wanted to live (gou) at first.

“The **** abandoned place is too small! This narrow sky is not our limit.”

Continue to complain: no no no! People, to be content, to have a place to stand, I am very satisfied without having to feed the fish.

“Are you willing to be bound?”

It seems that there is nothing better than being a social animal for a prudent man like me.

“You should taste freedom—”

No, the taste of socialism is good!

The three heads trembled violently, and the roaring roar resounded through the heavens and the earth: “Remember! As long as you are free, the council will give you! My lord can give it—”

No no no! The council boss gave me… so much! These days, as long as the boss is good, who is working for who is not working? Didn’t see the big flu, and made a group of foreign trade bosses want to jump into the river? Besides, which boss can reward the Chief of the North, the Egyptian Queen and Joan of Arc?

The words are not speculative, just describe the current situation.

What everyone saw was that the three-headed dragon did not start fighting as soon as it came up, but instead rambled a lot like incompetent and furious. On the contrary, the guardian boss Jason Momoa was silent and silent.

Jason is as his name suggests [Abyssman]!

That feeling like a silent deep sea is really a bit more calm than ‘moving like a mountain’.

The repeated blows in the field of speech, in exchange for the incomparable two words—

“Ha ha!”


If it is a fierce rebuttal, it will confirm the inner emptiness.

I am not afraid that you will react violently, but I am afraid that you will not respond, or even this typical dismissive!

The entire guardian camp obviously couldn’t see Wang Hao’s expression, but in a sneer, they could imagine the contemptuous upturn of the corners of his mouth.

The sand sculpture players laughed wildly.

【Snooze Spider Crab】: “Hahahaha!”

【Tar Suning】: “The boss is awesome!”

What    Wang Hao didn’t know was that the group on the opposite side [? ? ? 】’s cloud and mist told Baron in the spiritual connection at this time: 【No! That man is so scary! His mental defenses are the strongest I’ve ever seen, and I can’t fathom what he’s thinking. He could only vaguely sense that he had no loyalty to the council, but was very satisfied with what the council gave him, or rather the status quo. 】

One of the faucets of Balong secretly spat: [Cut! 】

Another dragon head secretly said: [There will always be a chance! 】

The confrontation between the two sides is not that simple!

The side that lacks strength, or shows flaws, is likely to be defeated in a single charge.

Rachel is glad again that Wang Hao is the boss.

If most of them are human heroes, it is estimated that if the other side charges, they will be rushed here and there. Let’s fight each other.

The anti-king side is almost huge except for the damned Windus.

This kind of rough-skinned monster-type boss is the most difficult to deal with. Unless you use the ultimate move that exhausts the whole body’s magic power, don’t even think about it.

now what?

The top one is the rock giant King Locke and his four stone heroes of different shapes.

In the second row stood the three holy (evil) beasts from the Land Abandoned by God in 1024:

An outrageously large turtle; a Leviathan, obviously supposed to be a marine creature, but a huge water mass of five or six meters thick lingered all over its body and forced to the shore; The **** is like a crab, and the lower body is like the tentacled Ran Tigos.

The third row is the evil-eyed crab Basatan carrying a bunker on his back!

As for other humans or heroes of the same size as humans, they stand on turtles and crabs according to their paste status.

Rachel rubbed her eyebrows, no wonder the other party complained – to be honest, even the Guardians themselves don’t think these guys are good things!

The words of the three-headed dragon Balon just now were not only said to Jason, but he was actually tempting these guys who were former evil gods to jump back. After all, every guardian behemoth itself has the strength of an overlord-level anti-king!

The only difference    is that they don’t have a plane to support their power.

Unfortunately, the crimson cloud swept round and round, and it gave Baron a disappointed answer: [No! These guys are scared to death! As long as Jason Momoa doesn’t go down for a day, they won’t jump out. These rubbishes are all terrified. 】

How many times Wang Mouhao was greeted secretly by the other party, he didn’t count at all.

He stood on the top of the crab’s back shell, letting the black gold silk cloak behind him squeak in the wind and dance wildly with the wind.

“Baron Franco! You cry about unrealistic freedom, but you have never seen the vastness of the universe, and you are trying in vain to break free from the so-called cage. If you have such a sense of rebellion, then I will feel very Disappointed.”

“What!?” Baron’s three mouths lost their voices at the same time!

“Stop talking nonsense! If you want to fight, fight! If you don’t fight, you will die!” Wang Hao stretched out his right hand and hooked his index finger contemptuously. His sarcastic voice resounded throughout the world:

“Poor bastard! Have you eaten your last supper? Have you written your last words? It doesn’t matter if it’s not good! Come on—we’ll set your soul free right now—”

Of course, Wang Hao’s words aroused the anger of the anti-kings.

Balon is the king of kings, but after all, this is a group of guys who are united by evil ways.

Everyone is arrogant and dissatisfied with the so-called boss from the bottom of their hearts.

As soon as he was provoked by Wang Hao, he couldn’t take it anymore!

The first one to pounce was the mud giant Mad…

“Huh? The clay figurine also has three points of anger?” Wang Hao really laughed.

With the first, there is the second, the hundredth. No need to say hello to Balon at all, all the anti-kings and anti-heroes, as well as all kinds of monsters, all charged towards the guardians who came out.

When   thousands of trolls rushed towards them, even if they were standing on the same huge monsters, the shock as if they were about to be swallowed up by the ocean of monsters in the next instant still shook the hearts of the guardians.

At this moment, Wang Hao suddenly raised his trident high, and the clear incantation sound resounded in all directions.

This ancient Atlantean language sounds very mysterious and complicated. However, Wang Hao, who knows the true meaning of the mantra, has a strong desire to complain.

Because this spell has only one central idea—

【O sea! You are all water—]

(end of this chapter)

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