Players Please Respect Yourself

Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Undecided To Release The Player

Chapter 4 Undecided to release the player

System prompt: [Host, you took advantage of the opportunity to perform the (Resurrection Ceremony of the Sea), and stole 10% of Jun Muqi’s mental power. The upper limit of the host’s mental power is permanently increased by 5 points! Now the host’s mental power is 94/104, and the natural recovery rate of mental power is 0.99 points every 5 seconds. 】

This is not the point.

[Host, you have absorbed Jun Muqi’s 5 points of morality, and your current morale points are 105/1000. 】

Wang Hao took a deep breath, feeling that he was really alive.

The Demon King’s Battle Armor, sounds like a blast!

How can the devil’s stuff be played without any side effects?

【Special Effect of Silent Abyss Battle Armor (Heart of the Fallen): Putting on the battle armor will reduce the host’s moral level (morality) by 5 points per hour at this stage. Once the moral level falls below a certain level, the host’s worldview will naturally degenerate. For example, it is reasonable to think that murder and arson are strong. This perception is synchronized with the actual body. 】

It can be said that from the moment you put on [Silent Abyss], your character will gradually become a demon king.

I didn’t expect that the sand sculpture player died once, and he could actually pick up the morality.

What a surprise!

A hypothesis, if you attack the player…

not good!

Grass! My thinking really became more and more villainous.

Wang Hao didn’t know if his desires would speed up his spiritual degeneration, otherwise he really wanted to slaughter all these players ten or eight times.

However, players have a tendency to kill themselves.

Even if Wang Hao doesn’t do anything, these guys will die in a fancy way.

Sure enough, players are all leeks!

Wang Hao quickly restrained his delusions. Players are his long-term meal tickets. If he slaughtered players at will, he wouldn’t have to play this ‘game’.

Here, Wang Hao guided Jun Muqi’s consciousness and injected it into the body of the intact crayfish.

Jun Muqi rolled his eyes and said decisively, “Thank you, Master for saving your life—[Jun Muqi] is loyal to Master Momma!”

This is considered effective.

Wang Hao is not annoyed either.

Maximum Spiritual Power +1

“Damn it! I scared my baby to death! My roommate is the [God of Tulips]. That **** suddenly put the helmet on my head. As soon as I came in, I saw that I was trampled to death.” Jun Muqi bounced the whole shrimp. , As soon as he turned his head, he screamed: “Tulip, you bastard, I’m not finished with you. This game belongs to me!”

A player next to    said with concern: “How? What is the effect?”

Jun Muqi shouted: “I’m so stupid, I lost my experience, I actually have a level 1 minus 100 experience points, and the lord’s favorability is -50. And the system prompts that the lord of Momma is in a weak state, and every player can be resurrected at most every day. 3 times? There are still 30 minutes of [weak state]. Oh, don’t say it, I really feel a little empty, it’s like I’ve been masturbating too much…”

“Pfft!” The player next to him burst out laughing.

Death is weak, these are all things that were bad in online games in the past, and everyone is not surprised.

Wang Hao, who pretended to be the NPC boss, pretended not to hear the nagging of these guys, and said coldly: “Humble guy! I ask you for the last time if you want to be loyal to me. If you refuse, I will grant you eternal death!”

The voice of    fell, and eating melons and shrimps made a commotion again.

“This boss is so distinctive! Is he a sect?”

“Long live the Lich King!”

“By the way, doesn’t anyone think this game is smart? You can challenge the boss, and the boss will get angry.”

“The AI in this game is awesome.”

“VR is always playing with lightsabers and chopping blocks, I’m tired of it!”

What nonsense is there.

Wang Hao knows that players can’t be idle, and if they run around with these guys, the ghost knows what will happen.

He determined the direction of the water vapor in the desert, and issued the first task to all players. He pointed at a distance: “Let’s go!”

Wang Hao locked the target, it was a small oasis two kilometers away. Even if the distance is quite far, he still succeeded in positioning at once with the instinct of the sea clan’s sense of water vapor.

Normally, this would be a **** trip. The sea people are disgusted by this desert, and their body water consumption is very fast. He would bet that at least half of the forerunners died on the way.

He didn’t dare to let the 99 players walk with him, just because of those short legs, these guys would riot within five minutes.

sighed in his heart, and the players only saw that this new loyal boss was moving.

“Bang!” The left hand wearing a black metal finger cuff snapped his fingers sonorously.

Eating Melon and Shrimp widened his black eyeballs: “Fuck, half of the Milky Way has died!?”

“Wait, this is…”

An extremely shocking scene happened.

It was as dark as the night, almost dyeing the entire sky with ink, and the black energy beams whizzing down from the sky landed directly on the sand.

I didn’t expect the kind of thunder that would fall from the sky, smashing everyone into pieces or something.

On the contrary, the black light went straight down, like a surfing waterfall launched a rapid surf, wrapping Wang Hao and 99 shrimp soldiers away, and rolling them into the distance!

Visually, it is a dark spread.

Perceptually, this is like riding a boat. Not only are the players not submerged in the black water, but they float on it. If it weren’t for the rapid receding of the surrounding scenery, they would not have realized that they were advancing at a high speed.

Sitting on the black wave, the players were stunned, and many people’s brains were completely blank.

It took me a while to come back to my senses.

“Is this a boat ride?”

“Our boss is the Demon King, right?”

“Wow! What about him! Boss 6666!”

This is the skill [Abyss Link] that comes with the Demon King-level armor [Silent Abyss]. Wang Hao prefers to name this move [Hundred Ghosts Night Walk].

It can move the owner of the armor and up to 99 servants in one go. As for how far it moves, it depends on how far Wang Hao’s mental power can support it.

Wang Hao spent half of his mental energy and finally got to the place

it’s dark!

This is very unscientific!

The sun was shining brightly just a moment ago, and he could kill Wang Hao and his shrimp soldiers in one breath, and it would be dark in the next second.

It feels like going from one studio to another by mistake.

Or God suddenly turned off the lights.

“Is it the gap between time and space?” Wang Hao sighed to himself.

A fire in the wilderness ahead caught Wang Hao’s attention. It was a bonfire next to a small oasis.

If he was still in the real world, or if Wang Hao was still alone, and he didn’t have the Demon King’s armor on his body, maybe Wang Hao would just run over and cry for help or something.

Ordinary contestants come here, most of them are half dead from thirst, and they have long been Shi Lezhi, who cares so much.

This is the bloodiest arena, and the painful lessons of the 9999 fights ahead still stimulated his heart.


Release the player!

Players won’t die anyway!

Wang Hao didn’t say anything, Kukudi stretched his right hand forward, pointing to the light.

A window popped up in front of the player, showing the mission: [Your great lord Jason Momoa issued a group order to you—occupy this small oasis and kill all enemies of resistance! Quest Reward: EXP 200 and (Bonfire Blueprint)! 】

(end of this chapter)

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