Pirates: Seat of the Void

Chapter 62: Pirates are coming

When the whole sea was surging because of the name “Locks”, countless pirates who wanted to become famous in the first battle also focused on Locks.

On a small island close to the capital of the Seven Waters, a group of pirates are reuniting and discussing things together.

“Boss Bud, according to the information we have received, the pirate group led by the kid in Locks will pass the island where we are on this afternoon. Do you want to do it?”

A sturdy, bald one-eyed man sitting on a black coat, wearing a triangular captain hat, a middle-aged man with a goatee asked.

Bud didn’t directly answer the one-eyed man’s words, and took a few sips of the rum.

Bud, the great route is out, offering a reward of 86.3 million Baileys, extremely cruel and tyrannical.

Because all the towns and merchant ships ransacked by him were completely destroyed by him, and everyone was tortured and killed by him.

Therefore, he has the name of Bud, a murderer in the sea.

However, although his name seems to be very loud, he is always a little short of those real big pirates.

In order to think about how to make his reputation spread to the sea, Bud took his subordinates all the way to the island to rest.

However, when he bought a newspaper while he was resting and prepared to pay attention to the facts, by the way, to see if his rewards had improved, he saw information about Lockes.

After reading the newspaper and reading the rewards of Locks, Barrett, and Ereda, a plan suddenly appeared in his mind.

Bud finished the bottle of rum, then looked at the one-eyed man.

“Crow, go and relay my order, so that all the ships of the pirate group are ready. Prepare to launch a general attack in the afternoon when you see the warship where the kid from Lockes is.”

“Yes, Boss Bard! I’ll go and inform all the cadres now!”

One-eyed Nancy Crowe was so excited to inform Bud’s captain of the order.

Watching the one-eyed male Krow leave, Bud smashed the rum bottle in his hand.

“Huh! A few brats, why do you have such a high bounty! Let me Bud teach you, Pirates are not a house game!”

In the first half of the great route, the warship hijacked by Lockes was sailing fast on the sea.

As the helmsman on the ship, Barrett was boringly breathing and controlling the warship to prevent it from leaving the course at will.

“Hey! Visa, you bastard! What did you put on the barbecue!”

Sasaki walked out of the bathroom with a pale face, bent over, and trembling fingers pointed at Visa.


Visa looked at Sasaki curiously, and then put his chin on his palm, thinking about it.

For a long time, Visa made a fist with his right hand and knocked it on his left palm.

“By the way! Sasaki, I forgot to say that I accidentally confuse the laxative with cumin powder for that piece of barbecue! Don’t eat it! Otherwise, you will have diarrhea!”


After listening to Visa’s words, Sasaki was angry and didn’t know what to say, and went silent.

After a long time, Sasaki took a deep breath.

“Visa, you idiot! Yesterday you conflated poison with salt, today you conflated laxative with cumin powder, and you let me eat it every time! Do you have an opinion on me! You idiot, asshole!”

Sasaki cursed directly at Visa.

Since Visa got on the ship, he took the initiative to contract everyone’s meals in the past two days, but both meals almost killed him.

For dinner last night, he mixed up his share of food with salt and his special poison, and almost made him go to the sky to see God. Today, he mixed up cumin powder with laxatives and almost died in the toilet.

Sasaki swears that this is not a common vengeance, he must report it!


Just when Sasaki was about to get rid of Visa, a strange smelly fart was discharged from Sasaki’s body.

“Woo! Sasaki, your fart is so stinky!”

Visa gave Sasaki a disgusting look, and then quickly left the room.

And seeing Visa’s disgusting eyes and words, Sasaki’s expression turned white and red, and he almost turned his back in anger.

Finally, Sasaki still couldn’t bear the noise in his stomach, gave up now to kill Visa, and rushed to the toilet.




Sasaki, who rushed into the toilet, breathed out comfortably, and then he was stinky by the feces he pulled……….

Visa rushed out of the room and ran to the deck, taking a deep breath of air.

“Woo! The air outside is still comfortable!”

Visa was standing on the deck with great enjoyment, stretching his body.

On the bow of the warship, Lockes sat on the bow boredly and caught a fish, although so far he has not caught one.

Also, if the fish can fall in the bow, how stupid the fish is.

Unknowingly, the time came in the afternoon, Lockes was still fishing, Ainilu followed Ereda on the deck to learn physical martial arts and boxing, Barrett controlled the rudder, and Visa leisurely gave her own medicine. Watering, and poor Sasaki is still squatting in the toilet.

This scene looks extremely peaceful.

However, when passing by an island, six huge warships suddenly pour out from the back of the island, and the pirate ship with Lockes and several people swiftly surrounds them.

And this anomaly, of course, was discovered by several people from Lockes.

Locks slowly put away the fishing rod, looked up at the pirate ship that appeared in front of him, and said nothing.

Barrett looked at the pirate boats that appeared suddenly, and suddenly became excited. He completely lost the boring look he had just now, and now seemed to be full of energy.

“Hahaha! Looks like it’s finally going to have some fun!”

Barrett said with a big laugh.

“Huh? When did so many pirate ships suddenly appear?”

Visa finally finished pouring and drying her medicine, raised her head and saw several pirate boats around, and asked a little strangely.

I have to say that Visa looks fierce and vicious, and at first glance he is not a good person, but in the end he is a somewhat natural dull guy.

This left Lockes speechless for a long time.

He now doubts how Visa planned an extremely precise assassination.

With his natural appearance, he didn’t seem to be the kind of person who would carefully plan an assassination. Could it be someone who made a scapegoat for dumping the pot?

“Yo, I didn’t expect to meet those guys who wanted us to be a stepping stone and become famous in one fell swoop!”

Ereda stopped teaching, turned her head and looked around the Pirate Ship that surrounded herself and others, not panicking at all.

“Ereda, are those guys our enemy!”

Ainilu glanced contemptuously at the surrounding Pirate Ship.

After all, in his heart, Lockes is a stronger person than God.

“Yes, Ainilu, those are enemies, you can shoot those guys at will.”

Ereda looked at Ainilu with interest.

For the pirates, Ereda is not very interested, because the first guy to jump out is usually the kind of god, his second, defiant, arrogant guy.

Those guys, without exception, most of them are some kind of fish-like guys.

Hearing Ereda’s words, Ainilu suddenly became excited.

“Hahaha! If that’s the case, then let me Ainilu teach those idiots! Not everyone can bully the Rocks Pirates!”

Ainilu laughed wildly, and then the whole person turned into a cloud and quickly flew into the air.

Directly in front of the warship, Bud’s flagship.

After seeing Ainilu taking the lead, Bud also snorted coldly.

“Fire Lao Tzu! Kill him!”

“Yes, Captain Bud!”

Upon hearing the order of their captain, the men on board immediately lit the artillery in front of them and bombarded them with the warship.

“Boom Boom”

Countless ran to the launch, and the waves of the sea near the general ship surged.

The shock wave of the bomb explosion shook the entire warship frantically.

“Asshole! Which **** is bothering Lao Tzu to squat in the toilet!”

Just when Locks was about to start their hands, Sasaki’s roar came out from the cabin, and then he was seen rushing out of the cabin quickly.


As Sasaki returned to the deck, a smell instantly filled the top of the deck.

Ereda, Visa quickly backed away disgusted, and tried to leave Sasaki’s side.

Barrett clutched his nose and controlled the rudder with one hand.

“Sasaki, did you guy run out of the dunghill!”

Really couldn’t help it, Barrett mocked Sasaki.

When he heard Barrett’s words, Sasaki’s expression seemed to become extremely gloomy in an instant.

I saw that his figure quickly became taller and bigger, and soon turned into a human-beast form.

“I killed you guys!”

I saw Sasaki’s body spun frantically, and then flew into the air, turning into a whirlwind, directly carrying the long sword in his hand and slamming against the opponent’s pirate ship.

“Triangle Impact!”


With a blast, a huge pit appeared directly in the hull of that huge pirate ship, and dozens of pirates flew out of the pit with blood splashing out.

Locks glanced at Sasaki’s direction, and then stopped paying attention. He turned his gaze to the Pirate Ship directly ahead, and glanced at Bud.

“Lao Tzu is offering a reward of 86.3 million Bailey, Bud who is known as the torturer! Kid! I am going to kill you here today! Give it to Lao Tzu…”


Before Bud’s words were finished, Lockes threw a huge purple gravity slash directly at the opponent.

“It’s noisy.”

Locks whispered a word, and then retracted the long sword into the scabbard.

“Card wipe”


At the moment when Lockes took Ming Jian’an back into the scabbard, the Pirate Ship Bud was in was directly twisted and shattered, causing a huge explosion.

The entire sea area became strangely quiet at that moment.

The pirates of the Bud Pirates group widened their eyes, looking at the flagship that had been squeezed by gravity and became fragmented after a big explosion.

“Go, God! What happened just now?”

“No, I don’t know, I just blinked, our captain and boat are gone!”

“Then, that, I think we may have a little misunderstanding with each other.”

“I, I think so, or, shall we raise the white flag?”

“Good idea!”

However, Ainilu in midair did not hear the words of the pirates, but even if he heard it, Ainilu would only sneer.

“Thunder Cloud!”

Ainilu gave a low cry, and then patches of black clouds separated from his body quickly, and in the blink of an eye they had completely covered the upper part of the sea.

“Wan Lei!”


As Ainilu’s voice fell, countless buckets of thunder and lightning rushed out of the thundercloud, attacking all the pirate ships that were going down.

In the entire sea area, only the warship where Lockes and others were located became the only safe area.


In just a moment, the remaining five pirate ships that surrounded them were completely shattered and sunk into the sea under the attack of thunder and lightning.

Poor Sasaki, with a black body holding a wooden plank floating in the sea, looked angrily at Aini Road, who was still laughing wildly in the air.

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