Pirates: Seat of the Void

Chapter 44: There are always people who always have fantastic ideas

In the first half of the great route, Gaya Island, after Locks easily solved Cloud, he ignored the noisy guys and directly led Barrett to the tavern.

In the tavern, Lockes and Barrett sat in front of the bar, drinking wine and eating the tavern’s specialty cherry pie.

“Woo, really bad pie.”

Lockes threw the bite of cherry pie directly on the plate on the tabletop, not paying attention to picking up the rum and drank it.

Barrett glanced at the cherry pie.

“I told you a long time ago that this kind of weird food must be unpalatable, you still have to try it.”

Barrett said to Locks jokingly.

For him who hates sweets, his stomach rushes just thinking of the sweet taste of cherry pie.

“You always have to taste whatever it is, isn’t it?”

Lockes didn’t care about Barrett’s jokes.

“By the way, boss, is there any interesting news or story?”

Locks put down the rum, looked at the tavernkeeper and asked casually.

Hearing Locks’ question, the tavernkeeper glanced at Locks.

The tavernkeeper is tall and sturdy, wearing a shabby shirt, a face with a beard, shiny hair, and a scar running through the entire face, looking fierce.

“Boy, what interesting story do you want to hear? Lao Tzu’s story can be said for three days and three nights!”

The tavernkeeper glanced at Locks, and then spoke with excitement.

“Oh? It seems boss, did you have a rich experience when you were young.”

Lockes didn’t look surprised.

This tavern owner looked like a cruel boy, and he was definitely not a good person when he was young.

“Of course! I was a famous pirate when I was young. At that time, I had a well-known name, Zach of the Skullcrusher, that was the name of Lao Tzu. Isn’t it a nice name? ”

The tavern owner looked very proud and excited when he mentioned his former name.

Perhaps it was because someone was willing to calm down and listen to his past experience, the tavern owner suddenly started to brag about how powerful he was and how many big pirates he had killed.

Lockes listened calmly to the tavernkeeper’s words, taking a sip of rum from time to time.

Barrett let out a slightly bored breath.

He is not interested in listening to others bragging about how good he was.

In Barrett’s perception, although the tavernkeeper had some strength, he was just like that.

For a long time, the tavern owner seemed to be tired. He took three bottles of rum and handed it to Lockes and Barrett.

“Boy, it’s rare that you are willing to listen to me nagging these two bottles of wine as if I invited you to drink.”

When the tavern owner finished speaking, he ignored Lockes’s thank you, and drank directly.

“Gudong, Gudong”


After drinking a bottle of wine, the innkeeper took a long sigh.

When the tavernkeeper took a break, Locks looked at the tavernkeeper.

“Mr. Zach, have you been on this island for a long time?”

Suddenly hearing Locks’s question, Zach answered Locks casually.

“Ah, yes, I have lived on this island for almost ten years.”

When the tavern owner said this, he was a little embarrassed.

I thought that at the beginning, I went out to sea and became a pirate. I felt that I could break out of the world, but the reality gave him a slap in the face.

Immediately after entering the Great Sea Route, he was killed by a group of pirates who had been on the first half of the Great Sea Route for a while.

Except for himself, all his partners were killed in the sea.

After this battle, Zach gave up continuing his pirate career and took a merchant ship to Gaya Island.

With the remaining treasures of his own strength, Zac settled down on Gaya Island.

One stay is ten years. He also changed from a young man in his twenties to a sloppy middle-aged uncle.

“Mr. Nazac, have you heard the legend about the Golden Island?”

Lockes looked at Zach curiously.

He didn’t think that Zach came to this island just for no purpose.

Sure enough, after hearing Lockes’ words, Zach’s expression changed.

“Bah la la la! Kid, do you actually believe in the legend of the Golden Island!”

The tavernkeeper has changed in a very short time from the strange opening to the present laugh.

“Oh? Don’t Mr. Zach believe it?”

Lockes didn’t care about Zach’s laughter and ridicule.

“Well, kid, I did come to this island because I heard the legend of the Golden Island. However, this is just a legend.”

The tavern father waved his hand, ignored Locks, and went to greet the other guests.

Before you know it, the small tavern is full of people.

“Hey, kid, did you also come to this island because of the legend of the golden capital.”

At this moment, a slender man with a triangular captain’s cap and a pirate captain’s coat came next to Locks and Barrett.

“Well, is this Mr. Captain too?”

Lockes turned his head and glanced at him, and asked casually.

“Blink, of course. And, I also know where the capital of gold is. How about, do you want to join my pirate group, I will take you to the capital of gold?”

The Pirate Captain looked at Locks and Barrett and asked directly.

As one of the people who saw Lockes kill Cloud in a second, Reid was greedy.

If Lockes and Barrett join his pirate group, it will definitely make his name more prominent in the sea. By then, with the strength of Locks and Barrett, he feels that he can go to the new world to make noise.

After arriving at the tavern, he saw Lockes and Barrett at a glance.

He sat not far away and listened directly to the conversation between Lockes and the tavernkeeper.

In order to recruit Lockes and Barrett, he directly told his secret.

“Oh? Do you know where the gold capital is?”

Hearing what the Pirate Captain Reid said, Locks looked at him with interest.

“Yes. I know where the capital of gold is, and I also know how to get to the capital of gold. How about, do you want to join my pirate group, I will take you to the capital of gold?”

Reid felt that his opening conditions were already very sincere.

After all, he told his secret.

However, Lockes doesn’t care about the secret to Reid.

“Is it.”

Lockes responded flatly.


Regarding Locks’s plain answer, Reid felt a bit astonished for an instant.

In his thoughts, shouldn’t Lockes accept his invitation with gratitude, join his pirate group, and then take them to the golden capital they want to go to, and then be born and die for himself?

I have to say that there are always people full of inexplicable self-confidence and peculiar ideas.

Reid felt that he was being tricked by the other party in an instant to Rox’s plain answer.

He invited the other party sincerely, but the other party dealt with him casually like this, and Reid felt that his brain was full of blood.

“Bastard kid! Are you kidding me!”

Because his brain was congested, Reid, who had lost his sanity, stood up directly from the bar, overturned the drinks of Locks and Barrett, and roared at Locks angrily.

Lockes cast a glance at the inexplicably irrational Reid.

However, Lockes is not the kind of person who is provoked by others and still smiles indifferently.


Lockes didn’t say much, just called Barrett.

“Ah, is it finally my turn to shoot!”

Barrett became excited when he heard Locks’s call, and left the action directly, twisting his wrist constantly, and looking at Reid with a wild smile on his face.

Suddenly, an extremely violent momentum swept the entire bar instantly.

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