Pirates Achievements System

Chapter 6 - Let it die!

After lunch, Ron continued his magical practice.

After a morning of training, he can now build a complete magic rune in the spiritual world without closing his eyes.

However, because of some interference, lack of concentration, and occasionally fail once or twice, but the time has been shortened to seven or eight seconds.

The afternoon exercise is the same as the morning one, and it is still a meditation to continue to be proficient in magic runes.

After practicing again seven or eight times, Ron ’s turnover rate gradually decreased to zero, and he gradually adapted to rune construction and meditation in the spiritual world with his eyes open.

Nine times …

ten times……

Eleven times …

Throughout the afternoon, Ron exercised nearly thirty times, and his mental energy was repeatedly evacuated seven or eight times. Even if he was meditating, it was difficult to resist the mental exhaustion. The sleepy just wanted to fall to where Just fell asleep.

The results of these nearly thirty exercises are also extremely obvious. Not only are I fully proficient in the way to construct magic runes with my eyes open, but the time has been shortened to four seconds!

It takes ten seconds to complete from closing the eyes, and only four seconds to release the wind blade technique with the eyes open. This improvement is undoubtedly huge.


Because the spirit is already extremely exhausted, I might be hurting my soul when I continue to exercise. Plus, it is also time for dinner. Ron hummed into the kitchen, and after half an hour of preparation, he took some good dishes. Served the dining table.

“How does it taste? Can you pay back the arrears of lunch.”

Ron had already tasted it when he brought it out. The taste for him was naturally much better than that of Nami, but it was not clear how Nami felt.

Nami stared at the fish soup on the table, took a spoon and scooped it up to drink. After smacking his mouth, he said, “It tastes … well, so so.”

“Look at your expression is very delicious.”

Ron looked at Nami and couldn’t help but open it.

Nami casually said: “You are wrong, and the ingredients you use are all from my family. For this meal, um, even if you still have fifty baileys.”

Ron: “…”

Okay, anyway, it ’s still the price of a Qiaoba. With Nami ’s character, it can be regarded as a value of 50 Bailey, which should be regarded as a very high evaluation. Ron thought so, he could n’t help but light. Laughed.

Nami was inexplicably laughed by Ron, gave Ron a strange look, then ate nearly one-third of the dishes at a rapid rate, and stood up with satisfaction.

“It tastes so sloppy and barely passes, um, yes, you will sleep on the sofa over there tonight.”

Watching Nami return to the bedroom and close the door, Ron thought about a serious question. In this world of One Piece, is it legal or legal at the age of fourteen?

This question is a bit unanswerable, but Ron soon realized that he didn’t need to tangle this question, because even if it was not legal, it wouldn’t be legal until he was 16 or 20!

Thinking for a while, Ron cleaned up the dining table, then returned to the sofa and lay down, looking quietly at the stack of charts placed at the corner of the drawing table.

【Master the second-order magic, probably kill Aron】

[I do n’t need Nami to bear the fate of the entire Cocoa village alone]

Began to rescue the weight of the village of Kokosia from the age of ten, and was forced to join the Dragon Pirate Group. In order not to worry and interfere with the villagers, they did not tell everyone the truth and silently accepted the accusations and abuse of the villagers.

No matter what point the Nami in this period was, it was as brilliant and flawless as the rainbow after the rain.

And Ron did not want to see Nami save enough 100 million Bailey, but found that Aron did not intend to fulfill the so-called agreement, showing a desperate gaze, did not want to wait four years before Luffy came to rescue Nami.

So, let him rescue him.

As for what will affect the plot … let it die!


the next day.

Waking up, Ron stretched his body. Although the wounds dragged by the murloc were not good, the wounds had scabs, but the body was still a little dull and painful, even more obvious than the first day. Ron could not help grinning.

He would like to order two physical attributes, but doing his best to improve his mental attributes is the absolute route to become stronger, so it hurts … bear with me.

This awakening, Ron also found that the fatigue caused by repeatedly consuming mental energy and recovering can only be recovered through deep sleep.

In the state of meditation, consciousness exists, but in the state of sleep, it will not. Soul and consciousness will enter a complete dormancy to repair the loss of spirit.

Did not rush to start cultivation.

Ron first prepared two breakfasts and knocked on Nami’s door.

Thought Nami would come out after a while, but I didn’t expect to knock it over here. When I was about to look back, Nami was rubbing her sleepy eyes and opened the door.

Little Nami is wearing a white pajamas. Although Nami, who is 14 years old, looks a bit immature and cute, she is not inferior to many adults in the three-dimensional figure, leaving Ron’s eyes slightly dull. a bit.

“Breakfast is on the table.”

Ron took a deep breath, silently ‘I ’m not a lo*ic*n’ in his heart, then pointed to the dining table over there, turned his head hard and walked to the table to sit down.

After adoptive mother Bellumer died, Nami had not realized for a long time that she had awakened to have a prepared breakfast. Only when she lived with her sister Nuojigao ’s house, UU read books www.uukanshu.com but she I rarely go to live because I do n’t want to cause trouble to Nokio.

After finishing breakfast this time, Nami did not return to the bedroom soon, but chatted with Ron for the first time.

Asking Nami about his origins, Ron was rather difficult to answer. He could only say that a merchant ship he was riding was looted by pirates, and the entire ship was dead. Only he jumped into the sea and survived. .

Nami had no doubt, and the looting of pirates reminded her of Bellumer, slightly sad, clenching her fist.

Doesn’t she hate Aron?

Of course impossible.

It is useless to hate, because it is impossible to kill Aaron. Even the warships led by the Rear Admiral were sunk by Aaron. Blind revenge would only harm the entire village.

So even if she hates Along and wants to kill Along, she can only hide in the deepest part of her heart and cover everything with a smile.

In fact, when Ron said that she would kill Aaron for her, she still felt a little swayed in her heart, because Ron ’s tone was not like a joke or a boast, but she could not imagine any kind of Screen.

Fighting is of course impossible, and Ron may not be able to win her, and if the forces are, no matter what kind of noble and royal family Ron is, he should not be able to treat Aron. After all, the navy ’s warships are Aron. It was sunk, and even the navy had no choice but to mention Aron, who was entrenched here.

So work hard.

Save enough 100 million Bailey to redeem the village of Cocoa, Nami clenched her fists, her eyes firm.

She didn’t think about what would happen if Along didn’t fulfill the promise. She didn’t think about it, but deliberately didn’t think about it. Because it was too desperate, she could only ignore despair and seize hope.

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