Pirates Achievements System

Chapter 54 - Tekken Cap

“Come in.”

Perceived the disappearance of the wind and the disappearance of the wind between heaven and earth. Ron turned his head and looked back. The windless zone was still the rolling sea, but it felt a bit magical.

It ’s a pity that even if he entered the mode of God, he did n’t understand how the windless belt appeared, but he guessed that it is probably like an eternal mark, limited by some special force, so no matter how rough the outside is, the interior There is always no wind and no waves.

“No wind, look at you.”

Nami waved her hand, realizing that there was no wind at all, so she pouted at Ron while looking nervously at the sea below.

Ron nodded and stretched his hand to catch in the void, the elf wand appeared.

When calling the career system the previous time, he touched the elf wand to the interface of the career system. Unexpectedly, the elf wand was directly included in the career system and became a wand pattern on the interface.

And then reached out to hold the pattern, the elf wand will be taken out again.

This discovery made Ron smile. Although the elf wand can follow his own flight, it is not as convenient to be put into this system space.

It is only a pity that the only thing that can be included in the professional system is the elf wand, and nothing else can be put in, including himself.


Ron held the elf wand and waved it casually.

Two runes instantly condensed and manifested in the elven pearl, and then a gust of wind appeared, which instantly hit the sail and pushed the boat up again.

After studying the runes for such a long time, in addition to mastering some scattered magic, Ron also has a certain understanding of the nature of the runes.

For example, in this wind spell, the two runes that condense it, one is the basic rune, represents the basic power of the wind, and the other represents the rule of ‘scattering’.

The combination of the wind blade represented by the basic runes and the scattered runes completely dispersed the wind blade into a violent wind without lethality.

Like the magic fire wall of the second-order fire system, it consists of a basic rune, a fire rune representing ‘dispersion’, and a rune representing ‘restriction’.

of course.

Ron has so far only vaguely judged a few, such as ‘scatter’, ‘aggregate’ and ‘limit’, and more than half of the derived runes cannot be judged.

Ron pondered and figured out the rules represented by these derived runes. Perhaps it was also the key to third-order magic and even higher fourth-order fifth-order magic. Otherwise, it would have to be deduced by the poor pole method alone. The innumerable possibilities of Tier 4 and even Tier 5 may drive people crazy.

The wind was roaring, and the sailboat sailed forward on the windless belt.

However, before Ron waved his wand a second time, his expression immediately changed, and the corners of his mouth twitched a little. Without saying anything, he hugged Nami next to him and flew upwards through the air.

Wow! !

I saw the sea below exploded violently, and a sea king whose size was much larger than that of a sailboat was drilled out of the water. The sailboat was placed on its head, which was not as big as the eyeball.

“It’s too much to hit Shanghai King directly as soon as I come in …”

Ron tried his best to fly upward, and couldn’t help but want to vomit, and Nami had been scared that some of her flowers were out of color, pulling Ron’s shoulder and shaking.

An ordinary boat with no sea floor rocks on the bottom of the boat, hitting the Shanghai King is sooner or later, but hitting it so early makes Ron a little helpless, so he has to fly over the windless belt all the way.

Due to the extremely large size of this Neptune, it is comparable to a small island. Ron flew at the fastest speed, but remained above the ship until the Neptune stopped.


This Neptune apparently discovered Ron ’s boat, so he came to the sea. Its huge eyes moved a bit, and looked at the boat on the tip of his nose, then spit out a foot that was tens of meters wide. A hundred-meter-long tongue licked towards the boat.

Seeing this, Ron felt helpless for a while, and it seemed that he could only abandon the ship.

And while Ron shook his head in his heart, preparing to take Nami to continue flying upwards, and when she abandoned the ship and flew over the windless zone, not far away, in the waves outside the windless zone, there was suddenly a boat rushing by the wind and waves Into the windless zone.

Is a naval warship!

At the moment on the deck of the warship, a group of naval officers were staring wide, looking at the panic and panic in front, the giant Neptune class that was about to swallow Ron’s ship.

“Neptune! It’s a giant Neptune !!”

Although the bottom of the ship is inlaid with sea floor stones, Neptune can’t perceive the presence of warships, but it is so close that it meets Neptune in front, and it is not a joke not to be found!

As expected, the huge tongue just wrapped around the sea king of Ron’s sailboat, and the huge eyeball rolled, looking at the warship rushing into the windless belt.

For a time, countless navies on the entire warship panicked.


Almost at the next moment, a figure flew out of the warship.

Almost incredible, across the sea in an instant ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ came to the head of the giant Neptune, the navy justice behind him fluttered in the wind.

next moment.


Under everyone’s unconscious narrowing of his neck, he saw that the man punched the gang of Neptune with a punch.

With a booming roar, I saw that the entire cheek of the giant Neptune was slammed down, just like a punch of a giant of the same size, two huge eyes instantly turned white, Fall to the side of the sea.

Wow! !

The giant Neptune class fell, and the sea surface was suddenly splashed with thousands of waves.

Ron’s medium-sized sailboat caught in the tongue of the giant Neptune was also instantly crushed into countless pieces of wood and cloth, and scattered to the sea.

Nami: “…”

Ron: “…”

It seems that it was at this time that I noticed the broken wreckage of the sailing boat. That punch knocked over the figure of the Neptune, and looked up. I noticed Ron and Nami flying above, and touched it afterwards. Touched the back of the head.

“Ah, that one seems to be your ship …”

Nami has fallen into a petrochemical state.

Ron twitched the corner of his mouth and wanted to vomit and say, “Your reflex arc is too long.” However, if you think about it, the other party’s style is probably like this. I don’t want to ride a warship with him during the operation.

Can only rely on a physical fist to knock down a giant Neptune in one punch, or in such an exaggerated way, the identity of the person in front of him is naturally not difficult to guess.

Ended the naval heroes of the last era.

Luffy’s grandfather, the revolutionary dad of dragon.

Tekken Cap!

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