Pirates Achievements System

Chapter 52 - Target, naval headquarters

Dres Rosa.

Inside the palace.

Dome Flamenco was sitting there, holding a crystal goblet in his hand. There was no evil smile on his face, but a sullen face, his brows squeezed together.

Torrepol, the highest cadre standing next to him like a paste, was also ugly.

“Unbelievable … Seniol would be in the East China Sea …”

Doflamingo is the king of the seven martial arts seas. Both Senior and his pirates are not rewarded by the government. The reward orders are all withdrawn and no longer newly issued, which means that Ron is not acting Pirate hunter, hunted Senior, but robbed the devil fruit!

Snatched the devil fruit Don Quixote got in the East China Sea!

“I didn’t expect that the Pirate Hunter of the East China Sea could reach such a level that Saniol had an accident … Dover, do you want me to go?”

Standing at the door, a man standing against the door spoke indifferently. He was one of the highest cadres of the Don Quixote family, Diamandi.

Do flamenco put down the goblet in his hand.

“Do not.”

“It doesn’t make sense to go to the East China Sea.”

The range of the East China Sea is too large. Just as the navy headquarters has no choice but to reward the pirates with a reward of 10 to 20 million in the East China Sea, a pirate hunter in the East China Sea is also very troublesome for them.

Even if Ron is just an ordinary weak person, but now Niall is inexplicably planted in Ron’s hands, which means that no one can deal with it by anyone.

Let Diamandi go to the East China Sea to chase Ron over the sea. It may not make sense to catch someone for half a year.

“No matter what method is used, since he can defeat Senior, he also snatched the devil fruit … Such a guy will not stay in the East China Sea forever.”


“Wait for him to come to the great route.”

For a person with this level of strength, it is not likely to stay in the East China Sea as a pirate hunter, because if the other party is for money, it is enough to rule a sea in the East China Sea with that strength.

Whether the other party is ruling a sea in the East China Sea or leaving the East China Sea to embark on a great route, it is much easier to find the other party at that time, and it is generally not necessary to find a needle in the East China Sea.

“I can only wait.”

Torrepol shook his nose, turned his head and looked at Diamandi, said: “Otherwise, I ran to the East China Sea, I don’t know how long it will take to solve the problem, there is a deal over there that requires Diamandi, you are responsible What. “

Diamandy shrugged.

Although Saniol died and made him very angry, he was very annoyed to want to go to the East China Sea, but it is indeed a very troublesome thing to think about going to the East China Sea, even if their intelligence organization is very strong, I am afraid to go there. At least a few months.

And there is nothing wrong with the ideas of Doflamingo and Torrepol, he also thinks that people like Ron cannot hide in the East China Sea.

“Then, just wait on the great route.”

Diamandi snorted coldly. The great route is not the East China Sea. There are only a few fixed routes. Once you get the news, you can easily find the other party.


Extracted the energy of the devil fruit.

If these words are to those who have been in contact with the devil fruit on the great route, it will definitely cause a surprise and unbelievable, but for Nami who has never been in touch with the devil fruit, but has first been exposed to magic, it just feels a bit magical.

And after the magic, she couldn’t help but say: “But the value of a devil fruit is said to exceed 100 million Bailey!”

Ron whispered, “The strength becomes stronger, so we can get more money.”

He sometimes does n’t quite understand why people like Kapu do n’t eat demon fruits. If Kapu does n’t eat fruits, they are already the top powers of the sea. If you eat another devil fruit, even if you only increase a little strength, it is extremely scary. of.

“Where are you going this time?”

Nami thought about what Ron said, and turned to look at Ron and said, “Is the great route?”

Half a month ago, Ron had already said that he would go to the great route, if not the news of the devil’s fruit happened halfway.

Ron pondered.

Although it has been decided to go to the great route, it is still a small problem how to get there. After all, he killed Tang Quixote’s cadres and robbed the devil’s fruit, which is regarded as a big hatred with the Don Quixote family.

Maybe just after entering the great route, he will be hunted down by Don Quixote.

General cadre Ron is naturally not afraid, but the top cadre is very troublesome. If Doflamingo personally comes to hunt, it is even more difficult to escape. Although it is unlikely, even if it is only a little risk, It is something worth contemplating.

But if you stay in the East China Sea, you have to rely solely on cultivation, to the extent that you are not afraid of Doflamingo, that is also impossible. You may not be able to do it for ten years, and you ca n’t wait for Luffy to overturn Doframing. Brother went to the great route again.

This question didn’t make Ron meditate for too long.

He soon thought of a route.

“Nami, do you have a picture of the sea?”


Nami took a large chart, only a small number of islands were scattered on the chart, and the great airway and red earth continent that cut the world into four parts.

In addition, the entrance of the great route is also marked on the chart.

After looking at the chart, Ron suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed to the middle of the great route, which divided the great route into the first half and the second half of the red earth continent, saying: “First come here, and then walk here. “


Nami was stunned for a moment, and said, “Do you want to take the red earth continent to enter the great route?”

“No, still go to sea.”

Ron’s eyes flashed slightly.

Nami’s mouth trembling, staring at her eyes, said: “That’s impossible! The great airway is wrapped in a windless belt, the windless belt has no sea breeze, and it is also a nest of Neptune!”

Although she has never been on a great route, but this common sense information is still known ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Ron stands up and says: “So it’s up to the red earth continent, if you encounter any accidents, you can also be on the red earth continent After you settle down, look at the area without the wind zone. If you are going at full speed, it should only take a day to cross. “

Although there is no wind in the windless zone, the first-order wind magic he masters also has gust wind, which can be used as the power of the ship.

As for the Neptune … If the ship is destroyed, then he will fly directly with Nami, and with his current mental strength, there is no problem holding Nami flying all day and night, and Relying on the red earth continent, you can go up and down at any time.

“It does make sense …”

Namei murmured, but then showed a little devilish expression Zhang Yawu clawed: “But why do we want to cross the windless into the great route!”

Ron shrugged and said: “Because the devil fruit was robbed from the hands of the Don Quixote family, the person behind the Don Quixote family is one of the seven martial arts under the king. Soon he will be chased. “


Nami’s mouth twitched.

Although she didn’t know the great route, she often read the newspaper and knew the existence of the seven martial arts under the king, and knew that they were the terrifying seven pirates on the great route. They signed an agreement with the world government and had the right to legally plunder.

Has not entered the great route, already offended the king of the seven Wuhai!

Nami is a little bit irresistible.

“Offended the king under the seven martial arts … Even if it crosses without the wind, it doesn’t make sense.” Nami burst into tears, her mouth weak and weak.


Ron smiled and said, “Cross from here, you can reach … Navy headquarters!”

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