Pirates Achievements System

Chapter 49 - Domineering and spirit


Armed color domineering, forming a hardened fist slammed with the huge wind blade slashed by the strong wind, making a sound like steel collision, sparks splashing.

Seniol’s fist crushed several wind blades, but the remaining wind blades were still pressed up and pressed against his fist, like a high-speed cutting machine, constantly splashing sparks.

Saniol thought that the wind blade was the sword spirit of Jianhao, but as a result, he did not expect that the characteristics and the sword gas had a certain difference. After all, the sword air was an intangible slash, and the effect contained only a single sharp, but the wind blade In addition to the sharp effect of cutting, it also has fluidity.

“Ahhhhhh !!”

Noticed that the situation was not correct, but he did not want to retreat. Instead, he roared, waved his fists, and forcibly shattered the wind blade.

Immediately after his **** twisted, four or five round bombs flew to Ron.

Diaper bomb!

Ron’s face remained unchanged, his right hand pressed forward, and the magic barrier appeared again.


The bomb hit the magic barrier and exploded with a bang.

The power of the explosion exceeded the previous impact of Sainol, and the magic barrier blew out many small cracks, but it still failed to completely break the magic barrier!

“Armed domineering …”

Ron’s eyes looked through the magical barrier and the exploding smoke, and narrowed his eyes slightly, focusing on Fenol’s fist.


This is a unique power of the One Piece world. It is divided into three categories, namely, the deterrence of the enemy, the perception of the enemy ’s knowledge and the attacking and defensive armed domineering.

If Ron had an achievement system and a dharma class, he would normally follow the domineering route when he came to this world. This is, after all, the power of top powers.

In this world, perhaps mastering domineering is not the top strong, but the top strong must be mastering domineering, relying solely on the fruit of the devil cannot stand on the peak of the sea.

But Ron ’s interest in domineering is not learning, but analysis.

As a magician, and he can touch the elements through the runes, and the essence of the world rules through the spirit, he is curious what the basic composition of domineering is and what it is derived from.

Ron had previously felt that overbearing domineering might be a manifestation of mental deterrence, because he can now exhale mental power and can already deter ordinary people within a certain range.

If he did this, it might be domineering in the eyes of others.

In addition to the domineering color, seeing the color domineering also made Ron thoughtful, because the spiritual perception of the God’s mode seems to have the characteristics of seeing the color no matter from what aspect.

The most important thing is that seeing and hearing is like a kind of spiritual perception.

Ron has always wanted to compare the perception of the way of seeing and seeing with God, to see what are the same and different, but unfortunately he did not know the domineering cultivation method of seeing and seeing, and he has never encountered a person who would use it people.

And to say which domineering Ron is most curious about in the tri-color domineering, it will undoubtedly count the armed colors.

The reason is very simple. Overlord color and domineering can be completely simulated with mental power, or simply say overlord color is a powerful spiritual shock, which is essentially the same thing, and seeing and hearing color is almost the same as mental perception.

Only armed …

Integrated offensive and defensive, the use of higher and even can be released, it seems to have a certain connection with the spiritual release, but the key is that Ron’s own spiritual release does not have that power.

Ron can now wrap his exuberant mental power around his fist, and he can smash the board with a single punch, but that is his limit, which is not as strong as an armed color domineering.

And the most important point is that the armed color seems to have a great relationship with the user’s physique. The stronger the physique, the stronger the armed color.

“Breath … No, there is indeed spiritual power.”

Ron stared at Saniol ’s hard fisted arms and murmured.

He can perceive the existence of spiritual power in armed domineering, but he also perceives other unknown things besides spiritual power.

Armed color domineering …… It is a mixture of spiritual power and this unknown thing, and its degree of cohesion has reached a terrifying level, even Ron can’t do it now!

If Ron can compress the released mental power to the extreme, thinner than the paper, and almost no thickness, then its toughness will not be worse than the armed color!

“No, it can’t be done. Even if the mental strength reaches 100 points, it will be transformed again, and the control power will not reach that level … that kind of cohesive density is already a bit of a ghost.”

Ron shook his head in his heart.

It seems that the reason for another unknown energy is that the energy and spirit are mixed together to condense to the extent that the density is almost ghost animal, and most of this energy comes from the flesh, the stronger the body The stronger the unknown energy.

Although I do n’t understand what kind of energy is derived from the flesh, Ron is also sure that there is indeed spiritual energy in the armed color domineering, then even the armed color contains spiritual energy, and the color of seeing the color and the color of the king are definitely as he As expected, it is a spiritual thing.

That is to say, he is dedicated to the spiritual system, maybe he does not need to touch the power system of domineering, in the future, the spirit of nature will be able to crush the domineering color and knowledge!

“Cat Ear Fist!”

While Ron was observing the domineering domination, Sainol acted again.

After breaking Ron’s gale, he could not hover in the air and fell again, but this time he just landed and rushed to the sky again with the power of the swimming fruit.


Had just suffered a bomb explosion, had a cracked magic barrier, and was crushed violently under Senior ’s punch, while Senior continued to charge towards Ron.

Ron stopped thinking about domineering things. When he saw Saniol rushing up, he was calm and calm. With his wand in his hand, several wind blades smashed his head and smashed his face.

锵! Qiang!

Saniol smashed the wind blade with his boxing ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ But he has no flying ability and can’t stop in the air, he has broken the magic barrier by himself, he has removed most of the upward trend, and then he is blocked by the wind blade For a moment, still unable to get close to Ron, he fell to the ground again.

“Armed color … just so …”

Looking at Saniol who fell to the ground, Ron shook his head slightly.

He saw that Senior’s fist was not unscathed.

Withstood the violent attack of the strong wind, and there was blood dripping on the fist of Saniol. It was obvious that when the huge wind blade was forcibly crushed, the armed color could not resist and was injured.

Armed colors are also divided into strong and weak. If the armed color of the level of Kapu is undoubtedly extremely terrifying, the role of Kosniol can not even touch the heel of Kapu.

The new world in the second half of the great route is almost domineering for individuals, and Seniole is obviously only a very ordinary character in it.

of course.

Senior as Don Quixote’s cadre, at least the strength of the major general of the navy headquarters is still there, but the problem is … Senior will not fly!

If you change to a major general who will use Moonstep, Ron might be in trouble, at least not fighting as well as he is now.

Not only can’t fly.

Senior has no means of long-range attacks.

Is a type that is extremely good at ground melee combat. In the face of Ron flying in the sky, the flexibility of swimming fruits to fight on the ground can hardly play at all!

Demon Fruit does not have any effect, does not have long-range attack capabilities, and flexible combat does not exist in front of Ron. In addition, under Ron ’s **** mode, it is impossible to hide in the building and sneak attacks. It was restrained by Ron in all directions!

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