Pirates Achievements System

Chapter 37 - Scientific time allocation

In fact, the achievement of 7 achievement points has been regarded as satisfying Ron, and it is also the point that Ron expected to get before, but now he really wants to extract runes.

He wanted to extract a defensive magic.

When a person confronted the two thousand people of the Klick Pirates, it seemed to be free, but in fact his judgment was an extremely huge test.

And because of the large number of people, the situation was too chaotic when he hit the middle, which caused him to get a bullet. Although it was hit on the left arm, it was only judged as a minor injury, but in the end it was injured, and it is really unavoidable. And the blocked blow.

So now he lacks a defensive magic.

Whether it is a hard-resistant type such as a magic shield, or an evasive type such as instantaneous movement, he can make up for this troublesome point, but unfortunately, 30 achievement points did not get a chance to extract.

The only benefit is that this injury allowed Ron to achieve an achievement of ‘people floating in rivers and lakes’, earning an achievement point beyond what was expected.

“It seems that after getting enough achievement points in the East China Sea, and getting a defensive magic, it is safest to go to the great route.”

Ron glanced at the bandage on his left arm and muttered.

Because the firearms in this world are very general, the damage caused is very limited. In addition, this gun in his avoids the more troublesome position, so it does not take too long to recover. After returning to Cocoa, it will almost recover.

Now Ron ca n’t wait to get more achievements. On the one hand, he wants to continue to extract runes and get the magic he wants. On the other hand … his current mental strength is not enough to study third-order magic.

Ron ’s current total spiritual attribute is 44 points. He wondered that by 50 points there should be another change, the speed of thinking will be further improved, and the speed of mental recovery will also increase.

It was only then that it was initially qualified to master third-order magic.

of course.

Now Ron also has something to do, that is to continue to explore the derivative runes of the wind and fire systems as much as possible, and the second-order magic of the fire system. It is best to be able to master one.

The second-order magic of the fire system and the second-order magic of the wind system are released. If the power is not as good as the third-order magic, it should be two-and-a-half degree, which is a big step forward.

Now his strength in East China Sea is enough to sweep freely and sweep everything, but on the great route, it can only be regarded as just starting.

Master the second-order combination of fire and wind magic, and then master a defensive magic, which is the bottom line of Ron’s heart into the great route.

What is evenly matched, what is Daguai upgrade.


Crushing the Quartet in the East China Sea, as well as the great route!

Appeared as the top strongman, swept the gaze, pushed straight all the way in the first half of the great route, and got all the achievement points that should be taken, which is the correct way!

As Ron was thinking about the future direction, a seagull flew to the deck. The seagull carried a pocket on his body and made a salute gesture towards Ron.

“Today’s newspaper is coming.”

Nami was not far away, saw this scene came over, took out a coin and bought a newspaper from the seagull, then opened it and looked at it.

Just a few glances at the result, she showed a surprised look, said: “Ron, look here, you are in the newspaper.”


Ron was still a little interested in the newspaper. He didn’t care much about money, but he did care about fame. This is also a magician’s instinct.

After taking a glance at the newspaper, I saw that there was information about the killing of the Klick Pirates’ leader, Klick, but it was very vague about the fact that he defeated the whole Klick Pirates in one to two thousand. Just fool it.

There is no doubt that this is the hand of the world government again.

On the one hand, he wanted his name to deter those pirates, but on the other hand, he did not want his name to affect the prestige of the navy. The Yudang, who had changed to the Navy to destroy the Klick Pirates, was completely destroyed.

“… Basic operation.”

Ron watched, shook his head casually, as expected.

But there was still something unexpected, that is, when he read the information in the newspaper, a system prompt sound came in his ear.

[Hint: You achieve the achievement ‘Tomorrow ’s Star’ and gain 1 achievement point]


Ron blinked, the star of tomorrow? Is this an achievement of fame?

Ron really wants the achievements of fame. On the one hand, he can get achievement points, on the one hand, he can always know what level of his fame.

However, after calling up the interface of the achievement system, he was lip-sharp. This tomorrow’s star is not a famous achievement, and the condition is to be published in the newspaper once.


Anyway, it’s 1 achievement point.

Ron added these 1 achievements to the spirit, raised the spiritual attribute to 45 points ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ and then turned off the system interface and returned the newspaper to Nami.

“How many days will it take to get to Cocoa?”

“… It should be four days away.”

Nami put a finger on her chin and thought for a moment.

Ron smiled, stood up, and walked towards the stern, said: “That’s very fast, well, I’m going to practice magic, and I’ll give it to you here.”

The next task is very simple, practise happily and then destroy Aaron in Cocoa, and then you can bring his navigator Shuangsu Shuang … No, go to the sea.


Came to the stern, Ron thought about it, but decided to study the fire runes first.

He has mastered three wind runes, and successfully constructed second-order magic. Even if he continues to get all the other six, it is impossible to explore third-order magic now, which does not make much sense.

For Ron, now studying a second-order fire magic is the surest way to improve his current strength. In addition, it is also good to meditate and practice spiritual power.

Ron thought about it and planned to allocate a little time. He would spend 8 hours every day on the rune exploration, 10 hours into meditation practice, 2 hours to eat and deal with chores, and the last 4 hours as spare sleep time. .

Meditation is equivalent to sleep, with a certain sleep effect, but it is only slightly worse, but 10 hours of meditation is also equivalent to 5 hours of sleep.

This should be the most scientific time allocation at present.

If the rune’s exploration time exceeds 8 hours, the spirit will fall into a state of severe fatigue, which cannot be compensated by meditation, and it must be recovered through sleep.

After the mental power becomes stronger, this allocation can also be changed accordingly.

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