Pirates Achievements System

Chapter 359 - Kill Kaido

“It’s really tricky.”

Sauron, who beheaded BIGMOM, put his sword in the scabbard and sat on a stone, looking at the opening of the battlefield where everyone besieged Kaido.

This tricky one is not BIGMOM, but Kaido.

Looking at Kaiduo’s defense and recovery ability, even he is in the heyday state to participate in the siege, I am afraid that it will not kill Kaiduo, even if it pierces the heart and head, it will not die and recover.

“It’s tricky, even if he can break his defense, it’s hard to kill him.”

Ron nodded gently.

As the voice fell, he flew in the direction of Kaido.

“Come back.”

While flying over, Ron spoke to Nami and others, his voice was not loud, but it clearly entered the chaotic battlefield.

After Nami and others heard Ron’s voice, the movements in his hands were paused, and after seeing Ron flying over, they all backed away.

Everyone’s eyes fell on Ron.

They did not kill Kaiduo, even if they exhausted Kaiduo ’s domineering and physical strength, I am afraid they would not kill Kaiduo. Shi Ping, Duke Inulan and others did not know what kind of means to kill Kaiduo. Defense and resilience are simply immortal monsters.

“Is it finally your turn?”

Kaido looked up at Ron.

He knew he had failed.

All three disasters were killed in battle, and BIGMOM was also dead. He could no longer dominate the world, but if he could not kill him, then the world would still not be dominated by Ron. As long as he was alive, the world could not be ignored for a day His presence.

It is impossible to imprison him or imprison him, even the navy and the government cannot do it.

“It’s actually over.”

Ron looked at Kaido, his right hand stretched out, and there was a dull opening.

Kai Duo hey, said: “As long as Lao Tzu is not dead, it will not end.”

Everyone looked at Ron.

It is impossible for Kaido to win, and it is only a matter of time to defeat Kaido, but if he ca n’t kill him, it wo n’t be able to shut down. Now, the only one who can kill Kaido is Ron.

Everyone began to retreat silently, including the green pheasant.

And Nami and others were retreating extremely fast, and they reached a very far place in an instant, but they knew very well that Ron ’s movements did not want to be affected.

Seeing that the green pheasant and others quickly retreated, Ron stretched out his right hand and grasped in the void, the elements of wind between heaven and earth quickly gathered and gathered in his palm.

The fifth-order magic of the fire department has too much damage.

In comparison, the fifth-order magic of the wind system is a single body, but the attack power in a small range is stronger than the fifth-order magic of the fire system, and it is more suitable for use on Kaido.

“come on!”

Kaido felt the power of the converging hurricane in Ron ’s palm, and he stood there, looking at Ron in this way, his eyes showing absolute confidence in his physique and ability.

No one can kill him, including himself.

After a short two seconds, the hurricane in the palm of Ron was condensed and formed. It was a spherical hurricane in blue, and it could be clearly seen that at the core of the spherical hurricane, there was a prismatic light with bright white light. Halo, that is the element of the wind condensed to the extreme.

The fifth order magic of the wind system.

Wind of silence!

At the moment when the palm of the fifth-order magic condensed into shape, Ron disappeared silently from the sky, and when he appeared again, he came directly in front of Kaiduo, and the wind of silence in his hand directly directed to Kaiduo’s chest. Pressed away, it disappeared into Kaido’s body instantly.

Kai Duo’s pupil shrank slightly, and he felt a terrifying force burst out of his body, and he was destroyed and destroyed by madness, and his body was torn apart completely.

“Woo oh oh oh !!!”

Kaiduo made a roar and roared, and the whole person began to change from a human form to a half-orc form. Armed color domineering was also fully stimulated to suppress the power that broke out in the body.

Ron didn’t wait. After striking the wind of silence into Kaiduo’s body, he shook his figure, retreated a hundred meters away, and looked at Kaiduo’s direction from afar.

Click! Click! !

Under the eruption of the wind of silence, Kaido’s body made a clicking sound, which was the sound of bones being shattered, and cracks appeared on the surface of the body.

Seeing this scene, the Duke Inulan who retreated to the distance and the people of very equals changed their faces, and could not help but take a deep breath.

What a terrible attack!

You need to know that so many of them joined together to bombard Kaido with only a little damage, but now Ron is only a close blow, and Kaido ’s body is broken, as if the whole person Explode!

In this scene, even the pheasant saw some scalp tingling. He knew how terrifying the attack power of that blow was. Even his strongest attack was far beyond comparison.


Finally, a bang came from Kaido, and the wind of silence exploded completely, causing his body to split from his shoulders, cracks appeared all over his waist and abdomen, and blood spewed out.

A ray of wind blade burst from the cracked position, and in an instant, nearly a thousand kilometers of the earth cut out of an abyss, cutting the nearby ground into an extremely deep ravine!


Duke Inulan looked at this scene and exhaled.

The cat viper boss next to him also exhaled. When he was about to sigh Kaido’s horror, an unbelievable voice came from the side.

“No … no, it’s not over yet !!”

That was Nami’s voice, and she looked at Kaiduo’s direction in shock.

I saw that the body had been split, and blood was pouring out of Kaido. The split body began to close towards the center and re-condensed together!

This is not the power of the natural system, it is purely terrible life, the undead!

“Almost killed by you.”

Kaido glanced at the wound that healed gradually, and looked up at Ron, who was 100 meters away, and said, “It seems that you can’t kill me.”

Nami opened her eyes wide-eyed: “Five-order magic can’t kill the guy, how terrible his body is.”

“No, it should still be able to kill.”

The only Robin who did n’t show anything too shocked, put a hand on his chin, showing a thoughtful look, saying: “That blow ca n’t be ineffective, at least it hurts Keduo ’s great vitality. A few times, it will definitely die, or when that blow erupts, we will make up some attacks here, completely smashing Keduo ’s body, and kill him. “

Robin’s words calmed Nami and others a little.

Indeed, since Kaido can be beaten like this, killing Kaido can still be done, but it is a little more troublesome.

not far away.

Ron looked at Ceduo, who was bridging his body, and said: “This can be carried. Your defense and resilience are indeed undead … but you should know that just the attack, I You can use it as many times as you like, and you will still die. “

“However, if you kill you like this, you might be very unwilling.”

Ron shook his head, raised his hand again, and said, “As a respect for the strong, just use this trick to send you on the road.”

Ron’s words made Kaido’s body stiff, and the pheasants and others in the distance all showed a bit of stunned and unbelievable look.

What does this sentence mean … is there a stronger attack than the one just now? !


The fifth-order magic is also divided into strong and weak. The fifth-order magic of the elemental system is naturally worse than the fifth-order magic of the special department, and Ron has already realized the fifth-order of the special department a week ago magic.

It’s just that he doesn’t want to use this magic, because the destruction of this magic is too bad, and it will even have a permanent impact on the environment.

But Kaiduo, who can carry the magic of the fifth-order wind system without dying, is worthy of his stronger strength.

“After this trick is used, the sea area within a certain range will be permanently in a thunder environment, so … go to the sea.”

Ron looked at Kaido’s slow opening. When the words fell, he had instantly reached Kaido’s front. He pressed his hand on Kaido’s chest and pushed Kaido forward.


Suddenly across the coast, came to the sea thousands of kilometers away.

Kaiduo reacted, and punched Ron in the head, but Ron’s figure disappeared again, and appeared dozens of meters away, with a wand in his hand.

“This is my strongest attack.”

“You can stop it without dying, this world, I will give it to you.”

Ron stared at Kaido’s bland opening, his wand waving gently.

Thunder is one of the powers of the gods, and it is also often used by gods to punish humans. Therefore, the fifth-order thunder magic is also considered to use the power of gods.

Its name is called.

God punishment.

As Ron’s wand fell, the whole sky was suddenly covered with clouds, and there was thunder and sky, and a whole white light drowned everything.

This thunder landed on the sea, and countless lightning arcs appeared on the sea surface of 10,000 meters, as if the entire sea had become a sea of ​​thunder.

After a few seconds.

Everything dissipated.

What disappeared with the Thunder was Kaido’s figure, leaving no trace of it, only Ron was still floating tens of meters away, slowly lowering his wand in his hand.

The sky is covered with clouds, and the arc of lightning is constantly intertwined. It seems that it will never disperse. It symbolizes that this is where the gods punish, and they can never be forgiven by the gods.

far away.

The figure of the very equal people are all solidified there, together with the green pheasant, at this time it is like wood, and the mind is blank.

Kaido didn’t even leave a trace, unable to understand the power of the blow.

That is no longer the power that humans can control. It is the power of God.

“Clean up the mess.”

Ron fell in one step and appeared on the coast, next to Nami and others. After leaving a word calmly, he fell one step further and the whole person disappeared within a kilometer.

Looking at the direction of Ron’s disappearance, it took a long time for the people to recover.

Before Ron killed the Holy Land alone, destroying the Dragons, and some people doubted whether Ron could dominate the world. If he had certain special abilities, he might not be able to assassinate the Dragons and escape from the siege of the Navy. .

But now, everything has no sense of doubt. Being able to bombard and kill all beasts Kaido in one blow means that Ron ’s power is truly enough to dominate the world, and no one can fight him, even all the top powerhouses. Can’t do it together.

From this moment.

The culmination of the world, where everyone needs to look up, is Ron alone.



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