Pirates Achievements System

Chapter 357 - Battle 0 Beast


The atmosphere on the whole island was in a slaughter. The civilians had been escorted to Greenbit on the other side. All that remained on the island at the moment were the fighting power of Albares.

Headed by Sauron and Pheasant, on the left are Nami and Perona, on the right are Robin, Miss Golden Week and others, in addition to the Duke of Inu Zuo and the boss of the cat viper, also ranked first side.


Looking at the ship’s shadow gradually appearing on the sea in the distance, Nami’s eyes flashed and she murmured.

Ron’s capture of the Holy Land and the extermination of the Dragons made all forces around the world unexpected, including Kaido and BIGMOM.

In this case, if nothing is done, Ron may dominate the world government and combine the Albares Guild with the government and the navy to become a monster force that can no longer be shaken.

Therefore, Beast Kaido immediately decided to seize the last opportunity, while the government and the navy are fighting to protect the nobles of all countries at the moment of holding a world conference, to launch a decisive battle with Albares!

This is an inevitable battle!

With the emergence of the Hundred Beast Pirates Fleet, Robin and others have all paid attention to the past, but not many people are nervous, because there are powerful fighting forces such as the green pheasant and Sauron standing in front, and even Ron, who has already Known as the “invincible” existence.

Kaiduo was standing there on the deck of the main ship of the Beast Pirates, looking at the coast closer and closer, looking for Ron, but did not see Ron.

“Isn’t that Ron guy there?”


At the moment when Kaido’s voice fell, Dresrosa’s islands, countless light spots converged towards the sky, gathered to form Ron’s figure, and looked at him from a distance.

Seeing Ron, Kai Duo snorted and said, “When I was working with you, I didn’t expect you to go to the present level, but this battle is impossible to avoid. If you want to dominate the world, just Even Laozi defeated together! “

Accompanying Kaido’s words fell.

He rose suddenly into the form of a dragon, rose into the sky, and took a deep breath, breathing directly in the direction of Ron.

No need to talk much nonsense, this is an inevitable battle. No matter if Ron wants to dominate the world or if he wants to dominate the world, he must defeat the other party, and no one can end without a fight.

But Kaido ’s attack on Ron did not bombard Ron, nor did he cause Ron ’s shot.


I saw a silhouette rising into the sky in an instant.

“Bing and … times!”

The figure rushing into the sky is a blue pheasant. He remembered the ice and the era and greeted the heat of Kaido. The ice and fire collided in the air, and a roar of tremors broke out. Countless white mists spread out. Covers the sky, the earth and the sea.

“Destroy them!”

A cadre under the command of the Beast Pirates was seen, and immediately shouted, taking advantage of the white mist, and directly killed in the direction of Dresrosa.

This misty situation is undoubtedly more beneficial to the legion of these abilities, they can hear and see clearly!

Rush! !

At the order of the cadres of the Hundred Beast Pirates, a large number of animal abilities also rushed towards Dresrosa like a tide.

But at the moment when they were able to set foot on the land, a gust of wind suddenly struck, instantly dispersing the transpiring mist that filled the island and the sea.

“Don’t want to take advantage of this situation to sneak attack.”

Nami slowly withdrew the elf wand in her hand and glanced at the legion of capable rushers.

“Windspeaker …”

A dark shadow in the sky stared at Nami. After snorting, he pounced at Nami. He was the fire ember of the Beast Pirates. He was defeated by Ace before. Fortunately, he was a capable person and had awakened. By the way, the awakening of the animal department can have the characteristics of being close to immortality, so he was only seriously injured, and he soon recovered.

Nami sighed when she saw the embers fall down. She actually didn’t like this kind of battle, but if the soldiers would fight against the generals, if they didn’t block one, the pressure on others would be too great.


Nami rises into the sky, and a spell of magic hits the ember.

On the other side, Quinn, the plague of the Beast Pirates, also rushed up, while Robin directly greeted the past, blocking Quinn’s rush and attack.

Drought Jack also roared and rushed up, and the Duke Inulan and the Cat Viper boss rushed up and down, struck on both sides, and instantly suppressed Jack downwind.

“No one else?”

Miss Golden Week tilted his head, looked at the situation on the battlefield, mumbled, glanced at the ships on the distant sea, and intended to release the magic to destroy all the ships and cut off the retreat of Kaido and others.

But her magic had just been released, and a shadow appeared on a ship over there, with eight heads grinning, destroying her magic.

General of the country, black charcoal snake!

He does n’t want to participate in this kind of war, but he also knows not to participate, because Ron has already exterminated the Tianlong people, and he will definitely hit the country of peace in the next step. Even if he does n’t come, he ca n’t avoid the war, plus him It was impossible to break with Kaido, so he came.

“Tear you … little girl!”

The black charcoal snake looked at Miss Golden Week fiercely, and did not attack, but just confronted Miss Golden Week far away.

At the same time, the samurai cadres under his command also rushed out of several nearby ships and killed Dresrosa.

On the side of Dresrosa, Perona and the Fur Clan and others greeted each other, and the figure of Emperor Han Cook did not know where to appear .

The war has already fallen into heat.

And at this moment, a roar came.

“Ron !!!”

I saw that BIGMOM appeared on the shore, carrying the magic force’s bombardment, ramming, and staring at Ron’s direction, saying: “… the ancient weaponry, you are the ghost!”

“it’s me.”

Ron looked at BIGMOM and said frankly.

BIGMOM heard that there were countless bloodshot eyes in his eyes, and he was very angry: “In other words, the whole incident was planned by you …”


Ron responded calmly.

“You … **** !!!”

BIGMOM growled angrily, took off his hat with both hands, and turned it into a sword. After holding the sword handle, he slashed towards Ron in the sky.

Majesty! !


The cut did not fall on Ron, but was intercepted in mid-air.

It was Sauron who intercepted the cut. He held a supreme sharp knife in each hand, still biting the word of Hedao from Guina in his mouth, and looked at BIGMOM indifferently.

“Pirate Hunter Sauron …”

BIGMOM turned his head to look at Sauron, his eyes filled with anger, and said: “After defeating that eagle eye, do you think you can match me?”

Hearing BIGMOM’s words, Sauron gave a hey sound instead.

“I am still worried that there will be no opponents in the future …”


BIGMOM waved his sword to Sauron, and Sauron also waved his sword.

After defeating Hawkeye, Sauron now has reached the apex of the sea. Even if he is against BIGMOM, he seems to have no difficulty, and the two are in a fierce battle.



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