Pirates Achievements System

Chapter 352 - Step into the Holy Land!

With the magic of time, Ron is no longer afraid of all powerful people. Even if the world government holds the mysterious ancient weapon king, even with other terrible abilities, no one can help under the magic of time. Got him.

So after mastering the magic of time, Ron went directly to the Holy Land. He wanted to see what kind of confidence this world government had stood in the Holy Land for 800 years to rule the world.

He also has to see what kind of abilities the Tianlong people and Im, who are above the Pentagon.

He came here.

Create and witness a new era.

As Ron stepped toward the center of the world government, he was soon discovered by the guards of the world government, and after seeing the strange clothes on him from afar, he immediately screamed and screamed here:


Ron did not answer and continued to walk towards Pongle Castle.

The guards of the world government immediately frowned. They stood on the observation platform and picked up the telescope to look at Ron carefully. When they saw the appearance of Ron, they immediately felt familiar.

“That guy is …”

He was startled, and then thought of something. His face suddenly changed dramatically, his eyes widened suddenly, and he said incredulously: “No, it won’t be that guy!”

He picked up the telescope again and looked at Ron. Cold sweat immediately ran down his forehead, and the entire back felt cold.

He shouted almost without hesitation.

“Warning! Guard! There are enemies!”

The roaring sound made the government guards not far away stunned for a moment, and there was a moment of no response.

Have an enemy? !

This is the Holy Land Mary Joa!

As the center of the world, the world government guarded by the Naval Headquarters, so many years ago, only ten years ago, the murloc Tiger climbed the red earth continent and invaded once.

That time, the chaos caused by the fishman Tiger sneaking in, and then releasing the slaves from the inside, was not an invasion. At most, it was a thief who accidentally slipped in.

Not to mention that the big marshals of the whole army and the chiefs of cp0 are in the Holy Land. If you just say that the naval headquarters below, you have at least three generals fighting power!

Who dares to invade the Holy Land? !

“Hey, really fake … someone invaded the Holy Land?”

“Don’t yell, you are wrong.”

After the guards of several holy places were stunned, they opened their mouths in unbelief and walked towards this side.

The first person was already sweating with sweat, and his eyes were full of tension. He didn’t even wait for other people to come over, and immediately took out the phone bug.

“Report! Report! Emergency!”

When he took the phone bug emergency report, the other guards also rushed over. When he saw Ron who was approaching the holy land, he was all stunned for a moment.

Although they are the guards of the holy land, they are almost inseparable from the holy land, and they will not deliberately learn about the pirates, but a few people can recognize them at a glance.

Ron is one of them!

One of the ‘Emperors’ who embarked on the great route, the most terrifying existence in the new era!

Ron stepped into the Holy Land Mary Joa!

After this news was delivered to the inside of the world government, the entire holy place was suddenly in chaos. Whether it was the five old stars or the steel marshal of the army, almost all had a complexion.

“… That guy came to the Holy Land ?!”

The steel bone sitting in the Field Marshal’s office was empty, and he was holding a document in his hand. At this time his eyes widened, and the document in his hand was also photographed on the table, and the whole person stood up.

Among the higher-level powers, the five old stars have all changed their positions.


“What did he do in the Holy Land ?!”

“Is he alone? Are the others in Albares not here ?!”

Five old stars greeted the people who reported.

I soon got specific information. At present, only Ron was seen near the Holy Land, and no other people existed.

“A man comes to the Holy Land … and not sneaking in. Is he trying to talk?”

“But he had never greeted him before.”

The five old stars looked at each other, and their expressions looked a bit gloomy.

One of them said in a deep voice: “In any case, first notify the Navy Headquarters … Let the chief cp0 and the air go, and he cannot be allowed to approach here.”

This is the center of the Holy Land of Mary Joa, Pangger Castle, and also the center of world power. It also hides all the secrets of the past 800 years.

In any case, it is impossible for Ron, who suddenly appeared in the Holy Land, to approach here.

“Let’s go too, that guy’s method is too troublesome, cp0 and empty may not stop him … Would you like to report it to Lord Im?”

“Sir Im should already know, in short, we will go by now.”

After a few people spoke, they quickly left Pangger Castle.

The holy place at this moment is already a chaos, and many dragons fled to the **** land behind Pangger Castle under the protection of the guards.

On the open square in front of Pangger Castle, countless world government troops are on display, holding various weapons in their hands, aiming at the figure walking slowly in front, even if there are many people , Almost everyone’s forehead is almost dripping with cold sweat.

That’s … Magic Ron!

One of the most terrifying characters on the sea today!

Even if the other party did not show any strength, he walked towards this side so calmly, it made the atmosphere of the whole field seem to stagnate, giving people a feeling of almost suffocation.

“Stop … not near the Holy Land!”


A navy stationed in the holy land shouted loudly at Ron, but the hand holding the sword shivered slightly.

Watching Ron ignore him, still walking step by step, he gritted his teeth, ready to give the order to attack.

And just then.


A figure descended from the sky and landed in front of many government forces.

The figure was dressed in a large white cloak and shaved Mosi’s head. Although it seemed very old, it still had large muscles on its exposed arms, which seemed very strong.


Steel Bone looked at Ron in a deep voice and said, “What are you doing here, magician … are you going to fight the government?”

Although it ’s unclear what Ron ’s purpose is ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ but without any men, a person broke into the Holy Land, most of them did not come to war, since he did not come to war, he did not immediately start because of He wasn’t sure he could control Ron.

If Ron could not be suppressed and Ron would wantonly destroy it in the Holy Land, the impact would be too great.

“Marshal of the whole army, steel skeleton empty …”

Ron did not stop, but continued to walk forward, while walking plainly: “Even if he has become the general marshal, should he still be the gun in the hands of the Tianlong people?”


The steel bone empty face sank, raised his arm, armed with domineering interweaving, clinging to his fist, said: “If you get closer, the old man will start!”

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