Pirates Achievements System

Chapter 35 - Admiration of the Admiral

“It’s Sergeant Hana.”

Moss saw the investigative squad appear, suddenly relieved, let go of the flames in his hand, said: “Is the support finally here?”

Saw that Moss and others directly put down the guns in their hands, and the investigative team looked at each other, and they also lowered the firearms in their hands a little stunned.

Sergeant Hana saw this scene and was relieved, saying, “Sergeant Moss, how is the battle? Are there any other survivors besides you?”

“The Colonel and the Lieutenant Colonel are all killed, probably less than a hundred people are left.” Moss said slowly, his tone a little dull.

Although Hana had expected it, but when he heard that there were fewer than a hundred people, his face changed a bit, saying, “The loss is so heavy … What about the Klick Pirates?”


Moss took a moment and thought for a while: “It’s not clear, but there should be dozens of people. You just came and wiped out the rest with us.”

Speaking of this sentence, the air suddenly fell into freezing.

Hana ’s brain failed to turn around for a while, and the whole person was stunned. Was n’t the navy completely defeated, leaving less than a hundred people? Why is the navy chasing the pirates in turn, and there are only dozens of people left on the other side!

Several other members of the reconnaissance team were also stunned, even thinking that there was an illusion.

“Are you investigative squads? It turns out that … Colonel they haven’t landed yet.” Moss looked at Hana and the others, suddenly thought of something, said: “Has, you go back to report to the colonel, let the support troops come over Right. “

Hana stared at Moss stunnedly and said, “Sergeant Moss, what is this …”

“This is so …”

Moss quickly explained the battle situation, and finally added a little shocking: “Although it is a little unbelievable, but this is the case.”

Has and the members of the scouting squad next to them were all petrified at the moment.

Pirate Hunter?

One to two thousand?

Admiral Klick was killed by a move? !

This … Are you sure you are not talking nonsense?


Naval headquarters.

In a huge and spacious office, the headquartered lieutenant Huoshan was holding a pipe, and his face was heavy, pacing in the room, saying: “Is there any latest news?”

“not yet……”

A navy colonel next to Shen said: “However, the support of the 170 branch should be available immediately, but with the remaining strength of the 170 branch, most of them cannot be solved.”

“Really, the great route is already troublesome, and the East China Sea will add to the chaos. The colonels of the two branches 170 and 171 are there, but even a pirate group can’t suppress it. It is really a group of waste.”

An admiral sitting on the soft slump looked uncomfortable.

Huoshan Mountain spit out a smoke, but said helplessly: “This is also impossible. Although the pirates in the four seas are weak, the scope is too large. There are more than 300 branches in the East China Sea. It is impossible for each branch to send one. The colonel with the strength of the headquarters sits in town. “

The gap between the great route and the four seas, in addition to all powerful pirates will converge on the great route, there are differences in the size of the sea.

Although the great route is not small, there are only a few routes in total, and there are not many islands in the first half of the total, so the collision of pirates and navy, and the conflict between pirates and pirates, exist almost every day. .

It is also normal for a navy branch to catch a group of pirates in the waters of the four seas for a few months, because the sea area is so large that no one can be found when they escape.

Because of this, even sending a few powerful colonels and major generals from the headquarters will be useless. Finding those pirates is like a needle in a haystack. It is a waste of time.

Fortunately, the navy of the East China Sea is weak, and the pirates are also weak.

At least to a certain extent, the four seas are more peaceful than the great sea routes.

“But it is also necessary to improve the quality a little bit. In the situation where the two branches are sitting in a sea, at least one colonel can get some skills.”

The major general who spoke before dissatisfied.

It would be nice if all the pirates in the East China Sea could be gathered together, and he would be able to solve them all by himself, and he would be able to clean up for a while. It is really troublesome to take charge of East China Sea.

“It is indeed necessary to be promoted to some powerful executives. There is no problem for anyone who can catch the most troublesome pirates in the East China Sea.”

The next major general echoed casually.

Huoshan Shan made a loud noise and said, “There is no problem with the powerful promotion of the exceptional … the latest news is coming.”

The phone worm rang, and the number 6 branch base in Donghai was dialed.

Huo Shaoshan took the phone bug, um, twice, his squinted eyes suddenly opened a gap, and there was a trace of surprise in his eyes.

“Huh? Did this happen?”

“… Well, I know.”

After confirming it again, Huoshaoshan put down the phone bug, the heavy expression on his face slowed down, and he took a squeeze while holding the pipe.

The major general and the colonel beside them also heard the voice in the phone bug, and they were all surprised. After a while, they were said: “It is very unusual to be able to destroy the Krick Pirates by themselves. The strength of this pirate hunter ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ It’s a pity that he is also a greedy property. He doesn’t want to be involved in justice. Otherwise, it would be better for him to take over the 171 branch colonel. “

Several major generals and the colonel spoke one after another.

Huoshan Mountain smoked a cigarette and spit out the smoke, saying: “In fact, it’s okay, even if you don’t want to be a navy, the Pirate Hunter can have some deterrent force, but … this time the deterrent force is a little too great Some damage to the Navy ’s prestige. “

The Rear Admiral smiled bitterly and said, “It’s too late. The East China Sea is too far away from us. It is impossible to stop the spread of the news. Now the news may have spread all over. Has changed slightly. “

“we can only do this.”

Huoshaoshan smoked again and sighed: “It’s a pity for such a person.”

In recent years, it is not that there is no such excellent pirate hunter as Ron, but some stay in the original sea without any advancement, and some enter the great route and they are all public.

After all.

Unlike a pirate, a pirate hunter is faced with the navy ’s pursuit and fierce conflicts with other colleagues every day, and unlike the navy, it can be given strength guidance and continuous execution of tasks to fight the pirates.

Pirate hunters often get a bounty and ran to enjoy, so repeatedly, after only a few battles a year, where is the strong?

If Ron joined the navy, with such talent and strength, and then received some teaching, it may soon become an excellent naval academy.

But if you refuse, it should stop here.

Didn’t allow a talent to join the navy. Huoshanshan felt a little sorry, but soon he put it in his head and stopped thinking about it.

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