Pirates Achievements System

Chapter 342 - The outbreak of war

“Qi ha ha ha ha, are waiting.”

Standing at the forefront of the deck, Black Beard looked at the edge of the Nine Snake Island, and the numerous Nine Snake Island female warriors, headed by Emperor Han Cook, grinned and showed leaking teeth.

As the ship gradually approached, all the artillery on the Pirate Ship were all pointed in the direction of the Nine Snake Island, and the Black Beard said directly to Han Cook over there:

“All are waiting here, then you should know my origin, join me, the Pirate Empress! The government no longer cares about you, rule the sea with me!”

“Sorrow … reject your proposal.”

Hancock stood on the coast, looking at the black beard and other people in the distance, his voice spoke coldly.

The mother-in-law next to her heard a headache. She had already told the empress to let the empress hold the black beard as much as possible. When Ron arrived, the situation would change. As a result, the emperor rejected the black beard’s proposal.

Looking at the black artillery aimed at this side, the mother-in-law came to the front and sternly said to the black beard: “Black beard! We have already joined forces with Albarez in the Nine Snake Island and will not join you. Yes, do you want to cause war ?! “

Since the empress did not intend to come to the soft, then here can only push the hard up.

Hearing her mother-in-law’s words, Black Beard’s expression paused, revealing a look of surprise, and said, “Ah? Did you join the magician’s group? When.”

“A long time ago.”

Mother-in-law said in a deep voice: “If you are forced to join us, then Albares will definitely fight you. You don’t want to fight them now.”

Blackbeard’s complexion darkened.

He really did n’t want to go to war with Albares now, because he was still threatened by White Beard. Once Albares stared at him, he teamed up with the White Beard Pirates to encircle and suppress him, counting on Kaido and Red Hair to intervene. That is impossible.

Even if he is stronger, now it is impossible to fight against the union of the two top forces at the same time.

“Qi ha ha ha, so … but if you voluntarily join us, then Albarez will not be too bad.”

Blackbeard looked in the direction of Han Cook and opened his hand: “How, Empress, you have enough beauty and strength, how to be my woman? Dominate the sea with me!”


Hankook looked at Blackbeard coldly and said, “Don’t make these words that insult the family, Blackbeard!”

Rejected by Hankook, Black Beard’s face suddenly became somber. Although he didn’t want to go to war with Albares, he couldn’t accept it.

After all, here is a windless zone, a home of Neptune. Even if they are very powerful, protecting the fleet to come here, they have paid some price and lost a ship.

If you leave without getting anything, it is unacceptable.

“Blackbeard, if you want to talk, let’s talk to them!”

When her mother-in-law saw the emperor, she almost wanted to get started. She quickly stepped forward and spoke in a dark voice to the black beard, and at the same time threw a phone bug towards the black beard.


Blackbeard reached out to catch the phone bug, saw that it was already connected, and roughly guessed who was on the opposite side, grinning: “You really are back in the sea, magician, even the world government is blocking it That ’s good luck, Qihahahaha. “

“This is not luck.”

Ron’s voice came from the phone bug, and said lightly: “This is a destined thing, black beard, I am an undead that cannot be held in hell.”

“Qi ha ha ha, maybe, magician, how about making a deal, you are still developing in the first half, Jiu Snake Island is in the new world, you can’t take care of it, how can you give me the power of Jiu Snake! I can work with you to help you deal with the world government! “

The black beard spread his hands and said.

There was a slight sneer in Ron’s tone, saying: “Join together? The world government itself is also your enemy. How can you help me deal with this? Besides, it is impossible for Jiu Snake Island to give you, because Han Cook is My woman. “

Although there is no certain relationship with Hankook, it is undoubtedly impossible to give up the Nine Snake Island, the island can let, the power can let, the woman can not let it, even for those pirates in this way.

“That’s no talk.”

The black beard’s smile gradually disappeared.

Ron said quietly: “I and the Whitebeard Pirates have been in the state of the alliance and have not assisted them to deal with you. You should know your current situation. You should leave there.”


Blackbeard’s face grew darker.

Yu Zhixiu and the others next to him also gathered. They were somewhat annoyed at Ron’s attitude, but they were all suppressed and silent.

Because once it is decided to start a conflict with Ron, it will be the key decision to decide the future survival of the Blackbeard Pirates. No one of them is qualified to make such a decision.

“okay, I get it.”

Blackbeard slowly opened his mouth and hung up the phone bug.

Van Oka, next to him, carried a sniper rifle and said, “Have you left, Captain.”

“… No, of course not!”

After Blackbeard hung up the phone, his face suddenly showed a sinister and evil ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ said: “That guy is still far in the first half of the sky, and it will take at least one month to reach the new world. And the world government and navy are staring at them, not so easy! “

“With the power of the Empress and the army of Nine Snakes, we can defeat the White Beard Pirates and get the power of the White Beard … not to mention him, even the world government cannot stop us from dominating the world! “

Blackbeard threw away the phone bug, took a step forward, and looked at Han Cook on the coast, saying: “Emperor, give you the last chance, are you really reluctant to join? You know you can’t win, if you refuse, Only dead! “

When Mother-in-law heard Black Beard’s words, her face suddenly changed dramatically, and she said, “Oh, bad … can’t even Ron scare him?”

Blackbeard’s tone is clearly an ultimatum!

Once rejected, the opponent will force up to conquer the island, and the people here are almost impossible to stop the Blackbeard Pirates!

“Sorrow, refuse.”

Ron ’s words to Blackbeard in the telephone bug, although they could hardly be heard across the sea, the emperor mastered the domineering things and heard a little.

Just that sentence, Han Cook is my woman, so she can’t have any thought of surrendering to the black beard, there is that sentence, even if it is here to die, she feels that she has no regrets!

“It would be a pity.”

Blackbeard lowered his hand and paused for a few seconds before saying, “Bombardment! Conquer this island!”

boom! boom! boom!

Along with Blackbeard’s command, countless heavy artillery guns on the pirate ship fired for a while, and the sky-long shells bombarded the island.

The war broke out in an instant!



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