Pirates Achievements System

Chapter 339 - Practice

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Empty island.


After receiving Tezolo ’s funds, it was naturally effortless to build the ship. In just a short time, Albares built four magic airships on the empty island.

Counted once used in the overhead war, a total of five airships, and the core one of them, the body is three times the size of ordinary airships.

This number is currently enough to accommodate the magic forces of Albares.

However, Ron does not intend to bring too many magic troops this time, because it is to go to the new world and fight with the black beard and other emperors, instead of decisive battles with the navy and the government, there is no doubt that the elite combat power is the most important.

“How about, can you completely control it?”

Ron appeared beside Sauron and asked casually at Sauron.

At the moment, Sauron was holding two swords in his hand. These two swords were the two supreme sharp knives that Ron had obtained from Tezolo.

“It’s still a bit difficult.”

Sauron didn’t go to see Ron, staring at his sword.

For ordinary swordsmen, a good sharp knife is enough to satisfy. The big sharp knife is often uncontrollable. Even if you enter the realm of the sword hero and get a new big sharp knife, it often takes a certain amount of time to control.

The Sword of the Supreme Sword is not to mention that it is almost alive, and all have experienced the hands of the great swordsman. The kind of will contained on it, the ordinary swordsman is basically difficult to suppress, let alone perfect control. .

If Sauron is already the realm of the top swordsman now, and if the domineering is not weak, the burden of the two supreme big knives may be unbearable for him.

To truly control the two Supreme Swords, you need the realm of the great swordsman!

And he was one step away from Dajianhao.

“If there is no accident this time, your opponent will be a swordsman … Yuzhi Xiyu, the captain of the Erfan team of the Blackbeard Pirates, you should have heard of this name.”

Ron walked forward a few steps and took a cup of Kojima specialty tea handed over by Konice.

Sauron has reached the point where he is now. Although the ultimate goal is still the eagle eye, he already knows about the famous swordsmen on the sea.

Not to mention the weaker, like Yu Zhixiu, the top swordsman of this level, at least I have heard from somewhere, or have some impressions.


Sauron heard Ron’s words, but his movements paused a little, and there was no excessive reaction.

For him now, only a duel with Hawkeye can really make him swell blood, and his heart is excited and surging. If Yu Zhixiu is a recognized opponent, but the reaction is not so big.

“Leave it to me.”

After Sauron returned a sentence, he slowly sat down in a corner, placed two Supreme Sharp Knives in his knees, sat up with a Zen Meditation, and used his own will to fight with the Two Supreme Sharp Knives. The will contained in it will collide and conquer them a little bit.

Ron withdrew his gaze and looked at Robin who flew not far away and Nami who was testing the performance and wind speed of the magic airship.

This time he went to the new world, not many people he wanted to bring.

The real fighting power is only three such as Sauron, Robin and Nami … Others such as Miss Golden Week, Perona, etc., all stay at the base of Alabstan.

Robin and Nami are slightly weaker, but Ron has prepared a demon fruit for the two, and intends to exercise on the way to the new world.

In his current state, whether one or two demon fruits are swallowed, the impact is not great, but the total spiritual attributes of Nami and Robin are close to 190 points.

If he came to help him with some spiritual practice, plus two demonic fruits, there is hope to break through the 200-point fourth-order limit in a short time.

Break through the fourth order and master the fourth order magic.

Nami masters the elf wand, and Robin masters the dragon core wand. Both of them can directly chase the cadres at the level of the three disasters. Even if they are not opponents because of insufficient combat experience, they rely on various means of magic to delay and Entanglement can always be done.

Counts himself, which is already a standard. The combat power configuration of the former Four Emperor Pirates was enough to make the whole sea tremble.

“There is no problem with wind and power.”

Nami flew down with an elf wand and reported the specific situation to Ron.

Robin also walked over and said: “The first and second units of the magic force have completed the assembly and boarded the boat, and all kinds of living supplies have been delivered.”

“So … let’s go.”

Ron nodded and turned to look at the sea of ​​clouds in the distance.

Two magical forces totaling 400 people, plus some sailors, maids, and Sauron and Nami Robin, this is the total manpower dispatched.

With Ron’s order, the magical airship ‘Ishulgar’ slowly drove out of the empty island ’s port, and then gradually accelerated, breaking through the clouds and passing through the clouds.

“The power of the Ishulgar takes about ten days to reach the New World, and if it advances at full speed, it can arrive within seven days …”

After flying a certain distance and reaching a steady speed, Nami reported to Ron.

Ron nodded and said, “Avoid letting the government and the Blackbeard Pirates detect it, and wait for it to cross the red earth continent before descending to the sea.”

“To understanding.”

Nami nodded.

Ron exhaled, turned around, looked at Nami, glanced at her a few times, walked past her, and walked toward the cabin where he lived, saying at the same time:

“Come to my room, you still need some practice …”


Nami, uh ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Watching Ron’s back, he warned: “What do you want to do?”

“Don’t ask, come here.”

Ron’s opening did not look back, and disappeared at the corner of the corridor.

After Nami paused for a few seconds, her small mouth flicked, but she kept up.

After Nami disappeared in Ron’s room, another ten minutes passed, and Ron’s voice rang in Robin’s ear, saying, “Robin, you come too.”


Robin’s finger rested on his chin. After thinking for a while, he chuckled and walked to Ron’s room, disappearing inside Ron’s door.

Assist Robin and Nami to practice, or to give them a certain amount of training. This is what Ron found that he might be able to do after breaking through the fifth order.

The so-called spiritual practice is to increase the amount of one’s own mental power, and form a qualitative change from quantitative changes. At 100, 200, and 500 points, it breaks through the third, fourth, and fifth orders.

And what Ron has to do is to hone and condense the spiritual space of the two with his own spiritual realm that is far stronger than Nami and Robin.

For the spiritual realm, the degree of spiritual cohesion represents the realm.

Otherwise, even if you have the huge spiritual power of Bai Xing, loose and weak, it is only third order in the state, and it is not up to the fourth order.

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