Pirates Achievements System

Chapter 1 - Tokai, Orange Village

Ron didn’t know what happened, he only knew that he was hit by a fast-moving truck and flew out. When he regained consciousness, he found himself inexplicably appeared on the sea, wrapped in the current and carried away in the unknown direction. .

The body’s extreme fatigue makes him unable to swim in the sea at all, and can only use a little physical strength to let him float on the sea surface and not sink into the seabed.

Even so, the waves that occasionally appear on the sea will still rush him into the sea, and accidentally drink a large sip of seawater, which will torture it down, and his body has reached the edge of overdraft within less than an hour.


When his physical strength was almost exhausted and he could not support it, an island appeared in front of him.

Although there was no more energy, Ron tried his best to twist his body, relying on the currents and drifting towards the island.

As the island got closer, the instinct of survival could make Ron’s body close to the overdraft seem to have a little physical strength, causing him to wave his arms and paddle the water and rush to the coast.


In a burst of waves, Ron rushed to the shore and hit the beach with sand on his mouth and nostrils, but the joy of surviving was to wash away all the discomfort.

Ron reluctantly rolled, letting himself face up, panting violently, his eyes were also very confused.

“What is this place?”

Why did you suddenly appear on the sea?

Ron couldn’t connect his memories before and after, but he felt a chaos in his mind, as if some memory was missing in the middle.

Couldn’t really remember how it appeared here. Ron finally gave up thinking about it and turned to look around, trying to judge where it was.

However, at a glance, in addition to the rugged sea and the golden beach, there are only some strange buildings on the island behind. Although it seems vaguely familiar, but I ca n’t remember where it is.

Couldn’t remember for a long time, Ron’s thoughts were gradually disturbed by hunger.

“You have to find something to eat …”

Pressed the deflated belly, Ron barely supported and climbed up. He felt that in his current state, if he didn’t find something to eat, he might die directly on the beach.

But before waiting for Ron to stand up and walk towards the island, a figure appeared behind Ron, quickly approached him, yanked Ron’s shirt, and dragged him directly to the island. Go.


Ron was shocked in his heart and tried to struggle, but the strength of that hand was so great, even if he was in a normal state, he might not be able to get rid of it, not to mention that he was now weak and almost dying.

Ron tried to stop the other party, but his voice was very hoarse and weak, and he barely uttered a word, and the other party did not seem to hear it.



A few words popped out of his mind, which made Ron feel horrified. What made him even more horrified was that when he barely turned his head, the figure that Yu Guang saw was pale purple, obviously not normal human. color.

Moved his eyes in horror and looked at the man’s head, but he saw that the other person’s head was not hair-growing, but a strange thing like a tentacle, still twisting.

My day!

What the **** is this, what is the place here? !

Ron’s eyes widened violently, revealing an incredible look, telling himself in his heart that he must be dreaming, but the severe pain that could be dragged forward. The pain of rubbing the skin with the ground made him feel this Not a dream at all, but reality!

As Ron tried to struggle with all his energy, he was suddenly light, and was suddenly thrown out by the purple creature, tracing an arc in midair and falling into a courtyard.

“Boss Aron, I found a human on the coast, as if washed ashore.”

The creature that threw Ron into the courtyard opened his mouth towards the courtyard. The language he used was not Ron’s familiar language, but the strange thing was that he could understand it completely.

Especially the first word spit out by the other party made Ron stunned for a moment.

Along … Boss?

‘S inexplicably familiar title made Ron’s emotions occupy all of his heart, and even the pain of the nearly broken body of the fallen body was left behind.

He turned his head hard and looked towards the inside of the courtyard. On a deck chair over there, he saw a figure he was familiar with and strange, and his eyes became dull.

Is really that guy!


Is almost exactly the same as in memory, perfectly matching appearance!

“… that is, here is … the world of One Piece ?!”

Ron squeezed his eyes hard to make sure that he was not wrong, and his emotions gradually became excited.

This is one of his favorite worlds. Countless fantasies have been able to come here, but I did not expect to actually come to this world!

Along sitting on the recliner opened his eyes, glanced at Ron on the ground, and said, “Washed ashore? We are not a refuge for refuge here, um, then follow the rules here, A human hundred thousand Bailey. “

Obbie, the murloc in the courtyard, looked at Ron who was soaked, wearing only a shirt and shorts: “This guy can’t hide money …”

“Then kill it.”

Along’s lazy tone of opening, he had not expected to get any money from such a person washed ashore.

Aron and Obi’s simple conversation, but poured a cold water on Ron, who was a little emotional.

Familiar with the plot, Ron is very clear that this sentence of ‘kill it’ is not a joke, it is really necessary to use a knife to divide him!

Coming to the world of One Piece certainly made him happy and excited, but this unfolding in front of him is a bit wrong! It ’s too tragic to die soon! He hasn’t been able to touch the devil fruit yet!

The thoughts were surging wildly, thinking about ways to survive, but the murloc apparently did not intend to give Ron time to think.

At this time, Ron’s body was like falling apart. Not to mention running away, even struggling for a while, even if it was in good condition, it would not be possible to escape in front of a non-human murloc monster like Aron.

Watched the mace in Murray Obi’s hand fall down, Ron had no resistance, and struggled with all his strength, but only barely moved his arm.

But just before the mace was about to fall, a clear voice came.

“and many more!”

Obi subconsciously stopped, and the mace stopped less than a foot in front of Ron. Even if Ron had a strong mental capacity, he almost had a sudden cardiac arrest.

Reluctantly moved his head and looked in the direction of the voice, and saw a 14-year-old girl appeared there, with short orange hair, petite and cute, who could almost recognize the identity of the other party at a glance.


Seems to be only about 14 or 5 years old.

In other words, the current time should be around three or four years before Luffy’s departure from the sea. Based on Nami’s age, Ron roughly guessed the time point at the moment, and he was relieved.

Although Nami doesn’t know him, with Nami’s character, he should not be allowed to be killed casually by the murloc.

As long as he can survive, as long as he survives the difficulty in front of him, even if there is nothing, he is confident to survive with his own understanding of the world, and even run the sea.

“Oh, come back.”

Seeing Nami appear in the courtyard, Along sat up from the lounge chair and grinned: “After going out for so long … I will send someone to find you if I don’t come back.”

Nami frowned and glanced at Ron lying on the ground. At first she thought that Ron was a villager in Cocoa, so she stopped Obi without hesitation. Is a stranger.

“How is this going?”

Nami looked at Along and frowned.

Along spread his hands and said, “Nothing, a guy who was washed ashore by the waves, and he didn’t know where he came from, and he didn’t have any money. According to the rules here, there is no right to survive if he can’t pay the money.

Talking, Along grinned and said, “Hey, Obi, don’t do it in the yard, get blood everywhere, throw it out first.”

“Okay! Boss Aron.”

Obi responded dumbly, reaching for Ron, and dragging him out of the courtyard.

Nami, who heard Aaron ’s words, thought of adoptive mother Bellumer and saw Obi want to drag Ron out. He could not help but take a deep breath and said, “Stop.”


Along looked at Nami and smiled, “Do you want to spare him a life? Unfortunately, the rules here cannot be arbitrarily discarded unless he can take out 100,000 Bailey to survive.”

It doesn’t really matter if Ron is killed or not, a refugee who was hit by a shipwreck, UU Reading www. uukanshu.com It doesn’t matter if Nami wants to let go, but the only thing is to leave Nami with the idea that “rules can never be broken” is the most important thing.

Otherwise, let ’s put one today and one tomorrow. Would n’t the whole village of Kokosia be released the day after tomorrow?


Nami glanced at Ron, and now anyone at Ron could see at a glance that there was no Bailey hidden all over his body.

At this time, although Nami had agreed with Aron to use 100 million Bailey to redeem the village of Kokosia, but she had only got 300,000 Bailey in several trips to save Ron. If you do, you have to use 100,000 Bailey all at once.

Although it was just a person who didn’t know each other, but watching Ron was killed in front of her eyes, Nami couldn’t do it, besides Aron’s words just aroused her memories of Bellumer.

Nami was struggling, but Ron calmed down.

Even if Nami did not save him, he had already thought of a way to get out, but that would also take a great risk.

One hundred thousand Bailey.

Nami, who is only 14 or 5 years old, is probably a sum of money that took a lot of risk and took a lot of energy to get. It is not necessarily whether there is so much money.

A few seconds is as long as a few years.

Nami finally made a decision. She took a deep breath and took out a stack of banknotes from her pocket.

“Huh … really generous.”

Along grinned, reached for the stack of banknotes, waved at Obi, and said, “OK, this man’s life is yours.”

Looking at this scene, Ron exhaled lightly and turned his eyes to the blue sky.

Kindness, cleverness, soft body, soft tone.

so good.

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