Picking Up Attributes From Today (From Now On, I’ll Pick Up Attributes)

Chapter 5 - bug plugin, fire wolf king dies

The blood of cricket scarlet converges into a river!

The pungent blood covered the village mouth!

Twenty-thirty strong men occupy the city wall and continue to kill the beasts, but the beasts seem to be inexhaustible, and there are more and more!

Over time, the beast tide still showed no signs of receding, and the members of the guard began to be tired, the combat effectiveness continued to decline, and some people began to be injured!

The situation is gradually bad for the guards!

“It won’t work like this, we can’t hold it sooner or later!”

“You must kill the leader, otherwise the beast tide will not recede!”

“Come and think of a way, you can’t go on like this …”


Listening to the shouts of his companions, Captain Hudders, who was fighting fiercely with the Wolf King, was anxious. He knew that the root of the beast tide was on this Fire Wolf!

It … should be the leader of this beast tide!

The fire wolf king is not dead, the beast tide does not retreat!

The problem is that Captain Hudders cannot kill the Wolf King at all!

Even in the battle with the Fire Wolf, Captain Hudders has been at a disadvantage!

Killing the fire wolf king is tantamount to foolish dreaming!

Hudders was anxious, but powerless!

In contrast, the other side of Monterrey has repeatedly succeeded!

叮 “Ding! Kill 1 Greenscale Python and get 20 coins!”

“Ding! I found a drop that I can pick up. Do you pick it up?”

“Ding! Slay a Storm Wolf and get 18 gold coins!”

In less than 10 minutes, Menglei slashed 5 beasts, accumulated hundreds of gold coins, and picked up 4 light groups, including 3 hostage light groups and 1 spiritual light group!

Correspondingly, his attributes have also changed!

Host: Monterey

Race: Human Race

Fortune: 108 gold coins

Physique: Trainee Warrior (20/100)

Spirit: Ordinary (5/10)

Magic: 0 (0/10)

Magic: Fireball

Constitution has been increased from 0.5 to 20, an increase of 40 times!

Spirit has also been increased from the original 1, to 5, which is a full 5 times!

There is also wealth, and also came to 108 gold coins!

This is not a small number. You must know that ordinary villagers in WoWu Village spend a few gold coins a month, 108 gold coins are enough for them to use for two or three years!

“It’s just a quarter of an hour before and after!”

“I’m so much stronger!”

“This system is too buggy!”

Feeling the powerful power that is almost gushing out from his body, Montaid has the urge to laugh upright. “With such a buggy golden finger, I don’t want to be overwhelming!”

“Wow ha ha ha, I will step on dragons and giants sooner or later …”


At that moment, a scream came suddenly, and Captain Hudders flew out, smashed against the wall, and knocked the wall out of a hole. His chest was black and his clothes were on fire. A fireball hit!

“team leader!!!”

“Are you okay, Captain!”

“Captain, how are you …”

This sudden scene has frightened everyone in the guard. The captain is a second-level soldier and was injured by the first-level Warcraft. How is this possible?


However, whether they believe it or not, this is the fact. After a successful attack, the fire wolf king took an elegant step, step by step, scarlet tongue licked his lips, the magic elements of fire in his mouth gathered, and a fireball was form!

It is ready to launch a fatal blow to completely kill Hudders!

“team leader!”

“Protect the Captain!”

“Animals, stay away from the team leader!”

The **** members were frightened and yelled at the Fire Wolf!

“Don’t come over !!!”

Captain Hudders shouted, hissing and exhausting: “Don’t worry about me, do your part, don’t let the beast tide destroy the wall!”

“team leader!”

The members of the guard team were bloodshot red: “Let’s save you!”

“Don’t you even listen to me?”

Captain Hudders struggled to stand up and yelled, “Remember, guard the walls, this beast … is mine!”

“team leader!!!”

Everyone’s eyes are red, but he does not dare to disobey the command of the captain. Captain Hudders has high prestige in the entire World of Warcraft Village.

“Animals, there is a seed!”

队 Captain Hudders’ face was gaunt, and the great sword pointed at the Fire Wolf!


The fire wolf king growled and opened a fireball!

“Animals, come here, I’m not afraid of you!”

Looking at the high-temperature fireball that was shot on his face, Hudders shook the huge sword in his handshake, and his eyes were absolutely decisive: “To this day, you can only burn and fight hard …”


The fireball shot quickly, and it was about to hit Captain Hudders, and at this moment, another fireball was shot in the obliquely, hitting the previous fireball precisely!

The two fireballs deviated from the orbit instantly and flew out obliquely!

Then, hit the ground and explode!

A huge fire was rising into the sky, Mars was splashing and the dust was flying!

It looks like a bomb explodes, and the surrounding area is messy!

“what’s the situation?”

Hudders froze!

Guards froze!

血 The bloodthirsty and cruel fire wolf king also choked!


Where did the fireball come from?

“Captain Hudds, join forces and kill it!”

Meng Lei jumped off the wall, and smiled at Hudders!

“Little Monty?”

Hudders froze, but when he saw Monty’s right hand finger, he was suddenly shocked, such as being struck by lightning: “Flame? Do you use magic?”

A pinch of hot red flames swayed at the fingertips of Monterrey, exuding a rather amazing temperature, making people dare not doubt the energy contained in the flames!

“Captain Hudders ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Everything will kill this fire wolf, stop the beast tide!”

Meng Lei can understand Captain Hudders’ mood, but at this moment, it is not the time to explain at all, the immediate priority is to kill the fire wolf and block the beast tide!

Everything else is false!

Captain Hudders focused his head, glanced deeply at Montray, and said in a deep voice: “You’re right, let’s talk about killing this beast! You cast a sneak attack in the back to restrain the beast’s action. I’m facing the enemy and we join hands. Kill this beast! “

I finished speaking, he took the last strength and rushed up!

This time, Captain Hudders saw hope, and his eyes were violently violent, and he rushed to the Fire Wolf in a single step, and the giant sword was cut off instantly, and the head of the Fire Wolf dog was taken straight!


The fire wolf king roared, his four claws grabbed the ground, and backed away!

之前 Before changing, it can definitely jump away easily, then blast a fireball, launch an attack while dodging, and let Captain Hudders rush out to meet its attack when the old force is exhausted and the new force is not born!

However, this time, the fire wolf king just jumped up, a fireball cut through the air and shot-it hit the belly of the fire wolf king!


The fireball explodes instantly!

It was like a grenade being detonated, a hot flame burst out!

“嗷 ——”

The fire wolf king screamed, and the whole body was burning!

“good chance!”

Captain Hudders froze with his eyes, kicked the ground with his right foot, and rushed into a flash of lightning. The surface of the giant sword was covered with a light earthy halo and stabbed out!

“噗嗤 ——”

Blood shot, the fire wolf hissed!

“Cut again!”

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