Picking Up Attributes From Today (From Now On, I’ll Pick Up Attributes)

Chapter 431 (END) - Lord of the universe, Hongmeng creation

That’s right!


Meng Lei just picked up no other law, but the law of order of the black monster!


Meng Lei was very excited and was preparing to plunder. As a result, fragments of the law of order were dropped. It seems that the handsome man is handsome and even God is helping him.


After a long time, Meng Lei opened his eyes again, and looked at the black monster full of sympathy and pity. Poor guy, I do n’t know what your mood will be when you learn that your law of order is picked up by me ?


“Don’t say anything!”


“System, the rule of Kryptonian Order!”




A torrent of information about the law of order immediately poured into the sea of ​​consciousness of Meng Lei, crazy enriching Meng Lei’s perception of the law of order.


The vast world is a huge system, an accurate and orderly system!


The birth of souls!


The operation of the plane!


Breeding of species!


Everything is orderly and regular!


How can all this be so orderly?


This is the order of the universe!


Or, the law of order!


The operation of the vast world is controlled by the order of the universe. Everything needs to operate in accordance with the arrangement of the order of the universe. The order of the universe controls the operation of the vast world!


I do n’t know how long the past …


When Meng Lei opened his eyes again, the Dark Emperor and the Grey Skeleton were attacking him frantically. The Dark Emperor mobilized the rules of order and formulated a series of imprisonment and obliteration orders.


The attack of the gray skeleton is very simple. He mobilized the law of fate and cut the line of fate of Meng Lei frantically, but sadly, the line of fate of Meng Lei was too thick and strong. The tree can only cut a layer of skin …




The gray skull is a bit crazy: “Why is this guy’s fate line so thick? Is this the fate line, is this the wall of fate?”


“Old Skeleton, what the **** are you doing?”


The Dark Lord urged: “Kill him quickly! Otherwise, when he wakes up, there will be no such a good chance!”


“Do you think I don’t want to?”


The gray skull roared directly: “The fate of this **** is extremely thick. I spent the power of nine cows and two tigers. As a result, I only cut through a layer of skin.


“Ten years and eight years?”


The dark emperor suddenly collapsed: “Fool! We don’t have so much time, you have to find a way quickly, you must kill him quickly!”


“What can I do?”


The gray skull is a bit desperate!


Yes, desperation. He lived three eras, he was well-informed, and his state of mind has long been rock-solid. He has never been so desperate like now!


Yes, never!


The gray skull really can’t figure it out, why is the line of a person’s fate thickened like this?


With such a thick fate line, to what extent should Meng Lei’s strength be?


Can’t figure it out!


Do not understand!


“Do not!”


“I can’t give up! He must die!”


“He must die anyway!”


“He is not dead, I have no chance at all!”


“This is my last chance!”


The gray skeleton is worthy of being an old antique that has lived through three eras. His mood is extremely transcendent. After a short period of despair, he quickly converged his mind and continued to attack the fate line of Meng Lei. However, at this time, the gray skull was surprised to find:


Meng Lei’s fate lines expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye. Just a few breathing kung fus doubled, and then continued to expand. As for the trace of skin cut by him earlier, he has been restored as before …


“Shenma situation?”


The gray skull is a little ignorant: “His fate lines are already rough like this, why is he still inflating? Does his strength improve again?”


“Open …… What a joke !!!”


The gray skull began to shudder, and a desperate emotion poured into it again.


This time, he was really desperate, totally hopeless.


“Old Skeleton, what are you doing?”


‘S ear heard the roar of the Dark Emperor again: “Attack! I can feel that he is about to wake up, leaving us time …”


He hadn’t finished his words, and a very sigh of vicissitudes passed quietly: “Is this the law of order? It’s magical!”


The Dark Emperor and the gray skeleton were shocked all over, and even looking up, they saw that Monray had opened his eyes and looked at them calmly.


“He woke up !!!” The Dark Emperor shouted sharply: “Old Skeleton, stop hiding it!”




Crazy gray skeleton, am I hiding it? I’ve done my best, OK?


“Dark Emperor, thank you!”


Meng Lei spoke.


Thank me?


The dark emperor stunned: “Thank me what?”


“You helped me understand the law of order!” Meng Lei smiled slightly: “Should I thank you?”


“You … comprehended the law of order?”


The Dark Emperor was stunned for a while, and then sneered again and again: “Less there to talk big words, but the law of order is the law of creation, how can you understand?”


“is it?”


Meng Lei shook his head and chuckled slowly, said slowly: “The universe changes, the cycle changes, in this new era, the dark abyss should not exist!”




Meng Lei’s words just fell, and an order law that was stronger than the Dark Emperor’s order was unknown. Many times the order fluctuations fell from the sky, then spread out in all directions, and instantly spread to every corner of the dark abyss.


Then, in the horrified gaze of the Dark Emperor and the gray skeleton, the violent cosmic law suddenly rushed into it, and at once it spread to all areas of the dark abyss.


Then, in the dark abyss where the laws of the universe are weak, a very complete chain of universe laws was established.


Ten basic laws, the five highest laws, all appeared, they filled every corner of the dark abyss!


Following the laws of the universe are the powers of the five highest laws, which quickly transform into the forces of the ten origins.


And the power of the top ten sources is quickly transformed into the ten pure elements of magic.


In just a few breaths, the dark abyss not only has the laws of the universe, but also the power of the supreme law, the power of the ten roots, and the magical elements!


At this moment, all the changes finally stopped, and the previous cosmic crack, the dark abyss, slowly disappeared!


It became a normal vast void.


Or, it has returned to what it should be!


The gray skull and the dark emperor stood in the vast void, feeling the universal laws of the universe, and the power to enrich the origins of each place. While dumbfounded, they also felt the bitter cold.


The dark abyss disappeared!


The place with the weakest cosmic order no longer exists!


The barrier on which they exert their most powerful power … also disappeared!


What else do they fight against Meng Lei?


“It’s over! It’s all over!”


The gray skull muttered to himself, his body staggered, his breath was no longer as strong as before, and under the suppression of the cosmic order, he fell back to the dominance.


“Why is this happening?”


The Dark Emperor couldn’t accept the facts in front of him, and he stared at Meng Lei: “You actually understood the law of order!”


“So I will thank you!” Meng Lei’s face was calm, and he smiled lightly: “Without you, I really can’t understand the law of order!”


“Damn! Damn it!”


The Dark Emperor roared again and again, but the law of order was his lifeblood, and his forbiddenness, he did not allow anyone to comprehend the law of order.


“Dead! Give me death!”


The Dark Lord launched an attack.


“Struggle in vain!”


Meng Lei shook his head slightly, and a space imprisonment was thrown out. The current Dark Emperor is not the powerful supreme **** just now. He was suppressed in the dominance of the realm.


“Let me go! I will kill you!”


The dark emperor roared again and again.




Meng Lei’s eyes flashed coldly, a slap fan in the past, the Dark Emperor was struck by lightning, directly broken by the fan’s head, blood flowed to Venus.


“Dare to talk nonsense again, I will kill you!”


Meng Lei spit out this sentence coldly, and he no longer ignored the Dark Emperor, and walked to the gray skull: “Is there anything else to say?”


“It’s just a king and a defeat!”


The gray skull looks very calm, and the gray ghost fire in the skull becomes very quiet: “I lose it in your hands, I am not wrong!”


“You can see it!”


Meng Lei could not help but gave him a glance.


“What can’t you see?”


The gray skull smiled faintly: “I have lived through three eras, and I have lived long enough. The only obsession is to integrate the origin of the universe and become the master of the universe! It is a pity that even this only obsession has become a bubble. Nostalgic? ”




Meng Lei slightly bowed his head: “However, don’t you feel sorry if you die like this?”


“How? Will you let me go?”


The gray skull chuckled and said: “You still kill me! If I live, I will definitely do everything possible to integrate the origin of the universe …”


“No! You have no chance!”


Meng Lei looked to the deepest part of the vast void: “Aren’t you deliberately trying to merge the origin of the universe? Come on, let me take you to see!”


“what did you say?”


The gray skull stayed.


Meng Lei didn’t give much explanation, the thought spread out, directly covering the gray skull and the dark emperor, and then disappeared in place.


When reappeared, he had come to a strange place, saying that it was strange because it was different from the plane world and also from the vast void, but a piece of nothingness, with only a small black spot floating quietly there.


This black spot is extremely narrow, no matter how small it is, no one knows, but the three people present can sense its existence, even when it senses it, no matter the gray skull or the dark emperor are all excited.


Even Mo Luo flew out.


“You feel it?”


Meng Lei looked at them with a smile.


“The Origin of the Universe!”


“This is the origin of the universe!”


The gray skull stared at the black dots, and he was a little bit excited.


“Yes! This is the origin of the universe!”


Meng Lei confirmed the gray skull.


“This is the origin of the universe? But is it too small?” Moro was puzzled.


“The origin of the universe, saying that it is very small, it is indeed very small, smaller than the singularity formed by black holes, so small that no matter can enter!”


Meng Lei remarked: “But this is only a superficial phenomenon. The origin of the universe is actually very large, because it merges with the vast world, dominates the entire world, and is the core and fundamental of the universe!”


“So, it is not appropriate to describe it by size!”


Meng Lei looked at the gray skull and the dark emperor: “Go, go in and see!”


“Can you enter the origin of the universe?”


The gray skull looked at Monray in disbelief.


“Of course!”


Meng Lei slowly raised his hands, a chain of law of fate appeared in the palm of his left hand, and a chain of law of order appeared in the palm of his right hand.


Gently push.


Two chains of genesis quickly extend to the black spots that represent the origin of the universe.


In an instant, the black dots shine brightly, and there is a terrifying suction on the surface.


“Don’t resist!”


Meng Lei urged him to let himself be swallowed by suction. After a while, he came to a colorful world.


The hazy colored light floods the whole world, like a rainbow of intertwined, intertwined, and diffuse in all directions, but if you look closely, the colored light has only three colors, red representing the law of order, green representing the law of destiny, and blue representing the law of space-time color.


The three rules of creation are intertwined, forming the rules that govern the vast world.


The evolution of the universe, the structure of time and space, the birth of life, the demise of all things … all cannot escape the control of the three genesis of creation.


Of course, in addition to the three creation rules, there is the ubiquitous power of creation.


The three great creation forces + three great creation rules constitute the origin of the universe.


The former is the power of the universe!


The latter is the law of the origin of the universe!


Together constitute the origin of the universe!


“This is the origin of the universe!”


The gray skeleton swallowed drunkenly, feeling that he was trembling all over, and lived for three epochs. This was the closest time he was to the origin of the universe.


It is impossible to say that there is no idea in his heart. He wants to, wants, rushes up, grabs the origin of the universe, and becomes the master of the universe.


But he dare not!


He is very clear that with Monray on the side, he ca n’t possibly touch the origin of the universe, let alone, in this place of the origin of the universe, he is the most suppressed, and his strength is even suppressed to the realm of the main god. origin?


The gray skull held back!


But the Dark Emperor didn’t hold back, or that not everyone can stay awake when facing the origin of the universe!


I saw that the Dark Emperor’s eyes were blood red, and his wings were frantically vibrating, rushing towards the core of the universe’s origin, where the three major creation rules and the three major creation forces were most entangled, and even condensed into one Crystals.


That’s … the heart of the universe!


“Refine it!”


“As long as the heart of the universe is refined!”


“The origin of the universe will be mine!”


“I will become the master of the universe!”




Mo Luo was shocked when she saw this: “Come back!”


“This guy……”


The face of the gray skull changed slightly.




Meng Lei chuckled, didn’t stop, just looked at it quietly.


The Dark Emperor’s speed is very fast, and he can reach the heart of the universe in a blink of an eye.


The idea is beautiful, and as a result, his mind just touched the heart of the universe. The heart of the universe, which was originally suspended in midair, suddenly burst into a dazzling three-color beam, which bombarded the Dark Emperor. Was vaporized, and no trace of **** left.




Mo Luo shouted.


The gray skull is also a huge shock.


“He was obliterated by the heart of the universe!”


Meng Lei shook his head: “Just at that moment, he was wiped out by the three forces of creation, all his destiny was wiped out, his avatars in all time and space were wiped out, and he was blacklisted by the force of order. May be resurrected! ”


The gray skull shuddered and sweated all over his body. Fortunately, he just refrained, otherwise the dark emperor would not die now.




Mo Luo lost his soul.


“Don’t be sad, Moro!”


Meng Lei comforted: “greedy is the original sin, he was killed by himself!”


“I know!”


Mo Luo sighed.


“Meng Lei, do you have a way to refine the origin of the universe?” The gray skull suddenly looked at Meng Lei.


“Me? Of course!” Monray smiled faintly: “Don’t you feel that the heart of the universe is already calling me?”


“Calling you?”


The gray skull slightly stunned, and saw Monray take a step towards the heart of the universe. Mo Luo quickly reminded: “Menlei, be careful!”


“No need to!”


Meng Lei strode to the heart of the universe and released his power of soul.


The same as the previous Dark Emperor, Mo Luo lifted up a heart, and the gray skeleton stared at Mon Ray, he wanted to know, Mon Ray would end like the Dark Emperor?


Or as Meng Lei said, he can successfully leave the imprint of the soul on the heart of the universe?


Under the intense watching of the two, Meng Lei’s divine power successfully touched the heart of the universe, “boom”, the same scene happened:


The heart of the universe burst into a dazzling three-color beam and instantly bombarded Meng Lei.


But the ending is completely different. After being covered by the three-color beam, Meng Lei was not instantly vaporized like the Dark Emperor.


The three-color light beam is like a swiftlet returning home, and a brain is converging towards Meng Lei’s body. At the same time, the origin of the universe is like finding a catharsis and pouring into Meng Lei’s body.




Meng Lei looked up to the sky and screamed, he could feel that the origin of the universe was divided into two, the law of creation rushed toward his sea of ​​consciousness, and finally poured into the soul of the gods, the power of creation was scattered into the limbs, His body blended into one.


“Is this … refining?”


Moro looked stunned.


“It’s refining!”


The gray skull eyes were shocked: “I didn’t expect that I spent my utmost painstaking efforts, and the cosmic origins of all the hardships to merge, would be refined by him!”


“Refining the origin of the universe, Meng Lei will become the master of the universe, and then become the legendary Hongmeng Creation God?” Mo Luo murmured: “God! I didn’t expect that I could see a Hongmeng Creation God with my own eyes. Born, it was simply … ”


The entire fusion process is like flowing clouds and flowing water, so it does not take much time. For a time, all the power of creation and the rules of creation in the original place poured into Meng Lei’s body and mind.


Even the heart of the universe rises, and it is actively embedded in the eyebrow of Menglei, becoming a tri-color rune of Menglei’s eyebrow.


“Call ~~~”


Meng Lei slowly exhaled a breath of air. At this moment, he could feel that the entire universe became his body and his body completely.


Block material plane.


One plane at a time.


One God Realm.


As small as an ant.


Large to the highest heaven.


All became part of him!


A thought, three vertical and horizontal, spread all over the Quartet.


One heart, travel through the past, to the future.


“This feeling is really amazing!”


Meng Lei was very surprised, the universe became his body, and then to watch the universe, as if ordinary people observe a leaf, a beach ……




At the next moment, Meng Lei felt a surging force poured into his body.


Meng Lei knew that this was his source of refining the universe. After becoming the master of the universe, the universe began to transform his body and soul to help his life level transform!


The Lord of the universe must be the Hongmeng God of Creation!


So, the universe is helping him get promoted!


The body is soaring!


God Soul is strengthening!


The level of life is changing!


I don’t know how long the past, the transformation finally stopped, Meng Lei moved his limbs, the vast sense of power swept the whole body, the body is much stronger than before!


“Am I a Hongmeng creator now?”


Meng Lei whispered softly, instinctively glanced at the personal properties panel.


Host: Monray


Identity: Hongmeng Creation God


Fortune: a primitive universe


Constitution: Hongmeng Creation World


Spirit: Hongmeng Creation Soul


Comprehension of law: law of destiny, law of order, law of time and space


“It’s really Hongmeng Chuangshi God!”


Meng Lei whispered softly: “Even the laws of space and time that have not been understood before have been understood! No wonder the gray skeleton has exhausted the effort to integrate the origin of the universe, and the benefits are too great!


“Meng … Meng Lei, did you succeed?”


Seeing that Meng Lei hadn’t moved for a long time, Mo Luo asked cautiously, Meng Lei opened his eyes, smiled and nodded: “Well, success!”


“You really become the master of the universe?”


Mo Luo asked with excitement.


Grey skeleton also stared at Monray.


“Ha ha!”


Meng Lei did not answer, but modified the order of the universe at will.




The breath of the gray skull and Moro suddenly soared suddenly, and soared to the highest **** level before stopping.


“Recover … recovered?” The gray skull was stunned: “I regained his heyday?”


“I … I have recovered too?”


Morro was also stunned.


“You modified the order of the universe?”


The gray skull looked excitedly at Monray.




Meng Lei nodded slightly: “I modified the cosmic order. From now on, you can practice as normal as other life, no need to worry about being suppressed by the cosmic order!”




The gray skull was suddenly grateful, and all words were translated into two words: “Thank you!”


“Practice well!”


Meng Lei smiled faintly: “In the future, the great rebirth of samsara will not come again, and there will be no era replacement, you have enough time to practice!”


“for sure!”


The gray skull nodded with emphasis.


“Meng Lei, thank you!”


Mo Luo said excitedly.




Meng Lei smiled: “You also have to practice hard ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Strive to become a Hongmeng creation **** one day, you must know that it is very lively outside the universe!”


“Can you see beyond the universe?”


Mo Luo’s eyes lit up.


“Can’t see, but I can sense it!”


Meng Lei looked above the sky: “I can feel that, outside our universe, is a broader and more prosperous world, and even far away from me, there are three lives as powerful as me!”


“Three … three Hongmeng Gods?”




(season finale)


The book is officially over, there are many things I want to say, just leave it in the end of the book.



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