Picking Up Attributes From Today (From Now On, I’ll Pick Up Attributes)

Chapter 42 - Arthur Galen, Tauren

Meng Lei didn’t know that he didn’t go to class. It had been passed to the class teacher. At this moment, he had just finished the practice of “The Fire Dragon Tomb” and was heading to the flame fighting martial arts field alone!

Tonight, he is finally going to play his first match!

“Ding! Drops detected, do you pick them up?”

“Ding! Successful integration, host constitution +2!”

“Ding! Drops detected, do you pick them up?”

“Ding! Successful integration …”

This time, instead of riding a magic guided vehicle as he did last time, Monterrey walked there. He had one afternoon to go to Douwu, so there was no need to hurry!

Just take the time to stroll around the lively area and pick up the attribute light group!

Magic Market, Slave Market, Magic Core Trading Market, Mercenary Hall, Warrior Academy …

I walked all the way down and gained a lot of results. The effect was much better than the meditation at night. The two attributes of physical fitness and mental strength were improved by more than 100 points, and the magic reserve was slightly worse!

“Walking in the college can improve the magic reserve!”

“And to increase your physique, you still have to go outside!”

Uh …

In the evening, the bronze bucket arena is crowded!

As the bronze bronze arena with the lowest specifications, the No. 20 arena is far from comparable to the flames of life and death, regardless of size or decoration, and even the tickets are much cheaper!

Therefore, most of the spectators who came to watch the match in the bronze arena are mostly petty bourgeoisie, such as small nobles, small businessmen, rich farmers, etc. Because of this, the number of spectators is the most!

The huge No. 20 arena was full, and the audience was holding sunflower seeds, drinking beer drinks, bragging and farting, unhappy, they worked hard for a day and got the best relief and release here!

“咚咚咚 ——”

The three-way drums suddenly sounded, and the audience was silent!

数 A dozen or so lights suddenly illuminate the chandelier below. I saw a host in a gown standing on the stage and opened his throat and roared!

“Dear audience friends, good evening, welcome to the flame life and death platform, I am the host tonight …”

“Not much nonsense, let’s use warm applause to invite the 2 fighters who will dedicate a wonderful battle to you tonight!”

“They are two-star bronze fighters-Harrell the Bull!”

The host’s voice was high-pitched and loud: “It is well-known that Harrell the Bull is a newcomer who joined us in the Fire Fighting Stadium last month, but has a strong record and has already played 11 games and achieved 10 wins and 1 loss!”

目前 “At present, Harrell has achieved five consecutive victories. As long as he wins his opponent tonight, he will achieve a six-game winning streak and will be promoted to become a Samsung fighter!”

“Let us welcome him with warm applause!”

“哞 ——”

The host’s voice dropped, and a high-pitched scream of a cow suddenly sounded, and he saw a cow head, a strong man who was as strong as a cow, jumped onto the ring under the light!

At a height of two and a half meters, muscles bulge, and two horns on the head are dark and curved, exuding a sense of coldness!

“哞 ——”

Harel swells her pectoral muscles and grows up!

“Very bull!”

“Very bull!”

“Very bull!”

观众 The audience was infected, waving their arms, cheering deafeningly, the sound was shaking, and the atmosphere was extremely explosive!

The host was very satisfied with the atmosphere of the scene. He squeezed his hands, and the cheering of the scene suddenly stopped. “Our other player is more mysterious because he is also a newcomer and just became a glorious fighter three days ago!

In other words, tonight is his first fight, the debut! Are you very disappointed? Just a rookie, which is our opponent to Harrell, a wild cow? “

观众 The audience nodded in unison, booing disappointedly, the newcomers have no human rights, and they are not popular, so they do not buy newcomers’ accounts!

“If you think so, everyone is wrong!”

The host’s voice was loud and clear: “Although this player is a newcomer, he is an alternative player rarely seen in the whole Fire Fighting Stadium because …”

The host host stretched his voice, and when the curiosity of the audience was raised, he shouted, “He is a noble … magician!”



The audience was quiet first, and then there was an uproar!

Magic fighter?

Is too rare!

The audience’s eyes are excited, and the disappointment in their eyes is replaced by curiosity and expectations!

To those big nobles and senior officials, ordinary magicians are nothing, but to these petty bourgeoisie and rich peasants, magicians are still very important!

In particular, the Fire Fighting Field rules: Only level 4 magicians can become fighters!

何 How rare is it for a Level 4 magician to show them a fight?

Besides, magician fighters are scarce. Fortunate to watch a magician fighter fight, it is worth the fare itself!

接下来 “Next, let’s use warm applause to invite the distinguished Master Magician-Master Arthur Galen!”


In the dark corner, the dazzling thunder light suddenly exploded. In the crisp crackling sound, a young man bathed in thunder and lightning strode to the ring!

带着 He wears a golden mask and can’t see his face clearly, but the thunder and lightning entwined around him makes the unusual mystery and majesty set against him, which fully conforms to the identity of a magician!

“Magician !!!”

“Magician !!!”

“Magician !!!”

Seeing Arthur Galen’s pretending appearance, the audience suddenly climaxed ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ and cheered as if he had beaten chicken blood!

首先 “First, let me announce the rules of the match!”

“Our fight is a fierce battle of real duels. Only when one side surrenders, confesses, coma, or dies, the battle is over!”

“Two people, do you understand me?”

“I understand!”


很好 “Very good! Let me announce that the fight has officially started!”

“唰 ——”

The audience suddenly quieted down!

Countless eyes staring at the platform without blinking, full of expectations!

At the same time, in a VIP box at the No. 20 arena, Uno, the head of the Douwu are standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at Arthur Galen below, with inexplicable eyes!

“The freshman chief of the Fire Dragon Magic Academy, even went to the Fire Fighting Stadium to become a fighter. What the **** did this guy want to do?”

Uno feels a little big, a little magic genius is nothing, but the fire dragon magic school behind the genius is magic!

Meng Lei will not be able to explain if he folds here!

“Try his strength first!”

“No way, I have to find a way to drive him away!”

Uh …

“Magic! Huh, you surrender and give in!”

The savage cow Harel sprayed two long white mists in his nostrils, and a pair of copper bells glared at Munley fiercely: “Lest your little arm and calf be crushed by a slap!

“Oh, you can try!”

Meng Lei laughed, disdainful!

“Hum! Take a punch from the old cow!”

The savage cow roared, his feet trampled on the platform, and made a dull sound, like a heavy tank rumbling and rolling, fist straight to the door of Menglei!

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