Picking Up Attributes From Today (From Now On, I’ll Pick Up Attributes)

Chapter 404 - Dominate life, die without burial




The screams screamed loudly over the Dragon Mountain. The six people of Puhaman and Salas were grimacing, suffering from the inhuman torture brought by Soul Search.


It hurts!




Nagya and others saw their eyes split, and wanted to rush up to fight desperately with the six main gods, but they were crushed to the ground and could not move at all.

A few minutes later, Soul Soul came to an end, and the screams of the six people gradually stopped. Like their fat guys, their eyes became dull and their pupils were indifferent. Obviously, they were shocked by the violent Soul Soul and became idiots. It may be restored.

The 6 main gods such as Bardots lost the 6 stupid Puhaman and looked at each other, and they all saw horror from each other’s eyes.

“Have you got the answer you want?”

Shen Shen, the **** of the Frozen Gods, asked.


“That guy must die!”

“He will not die, the disaster of the reckless king will surely repeat itself, and the whole world will suffer the disaster of extinction!”

“You must find him and take him to the court of the Lord God to be executed, otherwise, it will be the next reckless king, even more terrible than the reckless king!”

The Lord God of Bardos waved his hand in a big voice and shouted, “Find! You must find him anyway!”

“Yes, under the crown!”

The six main gods bowed slightly, and quickly spread out to find. The palm of Lord Bardos turned over and a pale golden leaf appeared in the palm of his hand.

The power of the Lord God poured into it, and the golden leaves suddenly burst into a bright golden light, and the golden light rose into the sky and gathered into a towering figure.

She has long green hair like a waterfall, and her whole body exudes a terrifying atmosphere of terror, as if heaven, as if …

Dominate everything and control everything!

“Great Master of Life!”

Bardots bowed slightly, full of reverence.

“Has the murderer been found?”

The life master spoke slowly, and the sound was like the spring breeze in March, warm and gentle, and like the spring water of Dingdong, purging the soul.

“Go back to the master, I haven’t found the man, but …”

Lord Baldos respectfully said, “But I got reliable information that the man’s potential threat is immensely greater than that of the reckless king. I asked all the master gods to be dispatched, be sure to find the man, and then put him to death!”

“Barthos, is it so serious?”

Life Master was slightly surprised!

Who is the reckless king?

That was to seize the young rash behemoth and grow into an adult rash beast. The terror of a body is not inferior to the four masters. If the four masters join together with more than one hundred gods to encircle and suppress, it is unknown whether he can kill him number!

With such tyranny, who can match him?

“Go back to the ruler, the guy is currently under 45 years old, but has already realized the laws of time and space, and the unprecedented degree of demon evil!”

Lord Bardos bowed back and said, “If he is allowed to grow up, he will definitely become a terrible disaster than the reckless king!”

“Bados, is this really serious?”

The voice of life dominance increased by eight.

“No words!”

Lord Baldos respectfully replied.

The life master is silent for a long time before saying, “His situation is different from the reckless king. It cannot be generalized. You need to see him in order to make a correct judgment! Barthos, you find him immediately! I will be with other masters later, Lord God comes! “

“Yes, dominate!”

After talking about it, the Lord of Life dissipated, and Lord God of Barthos did not dare to neglect, and quickly found it, with the horror soul of her upper Lord God, under the increase of the power of the plane of the Earth God Realm, the scope of the Divine Mind is a terrifying degree .

It ’s not too easy to find someone!

But sadly, after searching for most of the day, I still couldn’t find Monray, which made the Lord God of Bardots angry. “Where the **** is this damn? Has he left Earth God Realm? If so, then Trouble! “

“Is there news from you?”


“Not found!”

“No one at all!”

“This guy seems to have disappeared!”

Asked other main gods, but also failed to find, the main **** of Barthos was even more flaming

“Find! Be sure to find the four masters and the gods before coming!”

Where is Monray at the moment?

He is in the vast void!

The different space was annihilated, the teleportation array returning to the temple was naturally destroyed, and Meng Lei was exiled into the vast void, he had to find a way to return to Earth God Realm.

But this is not difficult for Monray!

As long as he senses the Earth God Realm, he can tear the void directly and teleport back.

It is simpler to sense the Earth God Realm. The origin of the spirits of Puhaman and others is in his own hands. He can sense Puhaman and others.

For a moment, Meng Lei sensed the specific location of the Earth God Realm, and then teleported to the sky above the Dragon Mountain of Niederhog.


“A strong breath!”


“Is that the guy?”

“Look at it in the past!”

As soon as Meng Lei appeared, he was discovered by the seven main gods.

唰 唰 唰 ——

Seven main gods appeared in an instant, encircling Menglei.

“Seven Lord Gods?”

Seeing the seven main gods that suddenly appeared, Monray raised his eyebrows, but he was not surprised.

He killed the three main gods such as Titan God, Niederhogg, and Angel God. The other gods came to find their revenge, which was reasonable.

Meng Lei looked at the seven main gods, and the seven main gods were also looking at him. The main gods were full of curiosity, doubt, incredible …

“the host!!!”

“Master is back!”

When they saw Monray, Nagya and the Spider Goddess and others suddenly ecstasy, one by one inexplicably, after being covered up by the excitement, they have never been eager to see Monray like this moment!

“Why are you so embarrassed?”

Meng Lei looked at Nagya and others who were lying on the ground, and his face was a little unsightly, especially when he saw 6 dull-looking, puppet-like Puhaman, his face was more gloomy. “Yes, fat Where did he go? “

“Master, the fat man was killed by him!”

Nagya pointed at Zilde, the main **** of the frozen **** clan, and said angrily, “He searched the fat soul of the fat man, turned him into an idiot, and then brutally killed! There were also 6 people including Puhaman and Babrus. Soul, it’s completely stupid! “

“Master, you must avenge them!”

“Master, kill these gods, they are so hateful!”

“Good! Very good!”

Meng Lei looked at the seven main gods coldly.

“Nid Hogg, is he the murderer?”

Lord Bardos ignored Monray, but waved his hand and released the remnant souls of the three Lord Gods, including Lord Nederhog, and asked coldly.

“Under the crown, it is him!”

When Niederhogger saw Monray, his eyes were full of resentment. “It was this thief that killed me and Dawson and Raphael! Under the crown, avenge us!”

“Your thief with a thousand knives ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ I can’t wait to eat your meat and sleep on your skin …”

Lord Titan and Angel Lord also exploded, cursing hysterically.

“It’s just a remnant soul. How dare you bark here?”

Meng Lei snorted, and an extremely violent Shennian shock wave burst out, instantly annihilating the remnant souls of the three main gods, making them completely disappear into the vast world.


The Lord God of Bardos was furious, “thief, you dare to kill the three Lord Gods, it is almost heartbroken and outrageous! The consciousness immediately followed us back to the Lord God Court to accept the trial of the Four Lords, otherwise, you will die without a burial place! “

“Let me die without a burial place? Ha ha, I will let you die without a burial place now!”


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