Picking Up Attributes From Today (From Now On, I’ll Pick Up Attributes)

Chapter 31 - Level 3 magic, perfect release

工具 The tool to test the magic reserve is similar to a precision meter, but the bottom is not a red button, but a magic crystal ball. Put your hands on the crystal ball to test the magic reserve!

“Magic reserve 35, comparable to the third-level magician!”

Meng Lei’s test soon yielded results!

Everyone reacted differently!

“Only 35? Average!”

Some dragon men are quite disdainful. They have a natural magic reserve. Even if they don’t practice much, they are far beyond their peers. Their magic reserve before entering school is comparable to second and third level magicians!

“So-called genius!”

“Yes! That’s the mental power!”

“A bunch of ignorant stupid guys, you know a fart!”

Hearing the Dragon Boys’ discussion, Teacher Dirk Nowy was furious: “Meng Lei was born of a human race and must have never been exposed to magic before entering school, that is to say, all his magical powers came to him after meditation! “

Speaking of this, Dirk Nowy sneered: “In just three months, the magic reserve is comparable to the third-level magician. What kind of natural talent is this? How can you compare?”

“Yeah, I have made such achievements in just three months. It is indeed the chief genius recruited by the college this year!”

“As long as this child can keep his heart, keep this momentum and work hard, the future success is unlimited, I am optimistic about him!”

“I like this kid too!”


The dragon dragon boys are a little dumb!

“If you have time to talk about it here, you might as well go back and practice well. The province is shameful and ridiculous here!” Dirk Nowy snorted.


The duoren youths were said to be flushed and extremely sad. They were all nobles with noble birth. When were they so humiliated in public?

However, Dirk Nowy is a college teacher after all, no matter how angry they are, they dare not say a word!

So, the dragon boys transferred their anger to Monterrey: “It’s all this lowly human race, if not him …”

Not to mention the anger of the Dragon Boys, the test of Monray is still continuing, the third content of the test is magic release!

“For a magician, mental power and magic reserve are the foundation of the foundation, both of which are for magic!”

Teacher Dirk Nowy came to the end himself, and looked at Monterrey with a calm expression: “So, the magic standard is the true standard for examining the level of a magician!”

Speaking of which, Dirk Nowy smiled kindly, like a Santa Claus: “Student Monterrey, please release three magics at will!”

“Okay, teacher!”

Menglei nodded, went to the middle of the training ground, and chanted a magic spell!


The lightning magic elements around 聚 quickly gathered, and in the crackling sound of crackling, a ball of lightning composed of countless small currents quietly formed, suspended in the palm of Meng Lei, spinning like a basketball, dazzling and eye-catching!

“Thunderbolt Magic Thunderball!”

Mr. Huo Leixiao’s eyes brightened, and he praised: “Very good thunderball, the entire casting process took less than 3 seconds, and the thunder element was completely confined in the thunderball, without any leakage, showing Superb control! “

“This Thunderball, I give it a perfect score!”

The lightning magic teacher in Class 2 also sighed and sighed with admiration: “Moreover, Meng Lei consumed only the least amount of magic power to motivate the lightning elements to create this thunder ball. The magic power is really strong!”

Other teachers heard the words and nodded in admiration. Although Thunderball is only the lowest level of magic, the simpler things tend to explain the problem!

法 Cast Speed!

多少 How much magic is consumed!

的 Precise manipulation of magic!

一切 All of this shows the true level of a magician!

“Magic is an art!”

Teacher Dirk Nowy smiled: “The great magician is like an art master. Subtle artistic techniques can show the charm of this art. Meng Lei’s casting process is flowing and there is quite a bit of art. Smell! “

“Director Dirk makes sense!”

A lot of teachers nodded!

“Isn’t it just first-class magic? What’s so amazing, I can release first-level magic at the age of seven!” The dragon boys and girls sniffed and felt very disdainful. The more the teacher praised Montray, the more unhappy they were!

Waved his hand to withdraw the thunderball, Monter began to sing the second magic spell, and a few seconds later, a spear with a bright silver awn appeared in the hand of Monter.

“Thunderbolt, Thunder Gun!”

“Not bad!”

“Cast fast!”

“No magic leaked!”

“There is very little magic consumed!”

“This Thunder Gun is also perfect!”

“Second-level magic is also released so well, perfect score!”

In a commendation, Montery revoked the Thunder Gun and began to sing the third spell. The spiritual force swept out like a tide. The thunder elements within ten meters were drawn and gathered towards Monterrey!

“This scale …”

Dirk Nowy’s eyes brightened: “This is to release the third level of magic?”

“This is the third level of magic-the enchantment of thunder!”

Teacher Huo Leixiao said slowly, with a look of astonishment in his eyes: “This child does not show up in the mountains and shows no water, and has a low-key sense of no existence. He never expected that he had mastered the third level of magic?”

“If the third-level magic can be released, the third-level magician will not run away!”

“Only three months into the school ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~, I have changed from a layman to a third-level magician, such talent is unheard of!”

“Genius !!!”

The teachers are full of emotions and can’t hide the exclamation in their words. How can they be regarded as a qualified third-level magician?

Mental power reaches level three!

Magic reserve reaches level 3!

Can release three levels of magic!

All three are indispensable!

Enough mental and magic reserves, will not release third-level magic, but also not a third-level magician, just like many dragons, have a strong natural magic reserve, but not even a magician!

Although the third-level magician is also among the low-level magician, it is almost impossible to become a third-level magician in just three months!

We must improve our mental strength!

We must increase the magic reserve again!

Also study magic!

Which one does not take a lot of time?

Three months?

Enough to do!

Many people will never reach this state in their lifetime!

“Cut! What awesome?”

Seeing that the teachers praised Montray so much, many dragon people were sour, but this did not prevent Montray from continuing to release magic!

Under the call of Meng Lei, a large number of thunder elements are connected into one piece, and gradually a three-meter silver shield is formed around Meng Lei’s body!

The shield turned from illusory to solidified, and finally completely stabilized. The whole process flowed like clouds of mercury, and it was unobstructed!

“It took 19 seconds!”

“It can be said that the casting time is very short!”

“No extra magic leaked!”

“There is very little magic consumed!”

“This Thunder Realm is released very smoothly and is perfect!”

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