Picking Up Attributes From Today (From Now On, I’ll Pick Up Attributes)

Chapter 23 - Long history, ninth on the mainland

Meng Lei is rich?

Not so rich!

As of now, his total net worth is 2,306 gold coins, and 5000 gold coins per year that have not yet been received!

身 This point of course cannot be compared with those of nobles, lords, and wealthy businessmen, but it is far better than the ordinary class struggling on the food and clothing line!

This is not the point!

The point is, it’s easy to get money from Monterrey!

He can pick it up anytime, anywhere!

来到 Since coming to Wangcheng, Menglei has been picking up drops, gold coins, light clusters, magic, and even fighting skills. He has picked up a whole … 3!

Also, the more objects drop in a crowded place!

As the capital of the Kingdom of Fire Dragon, the most important thing is the people. Especially during this time, it was the stall of major colleges, and a large number of people poured into the city!

Someone, naturally, something will fall!

This is naturally cheaper for Monterrey!

No, it’s less than a day since I first arrived at the King City, Meng Lei was full of pots, and all attributes have changed dramatically!

Host: Monterey

Race: Human Race

Wealth: 2306 gold coins

Physique: Third Warrior (502/1000)

Spirit: Level II Wizard (213/500)

Magic: Level 1 Magician (199/200)

Magic: Fireball (Lv1), Spike Vine (Lv1), Blister (Lv1), Earthshaking (Lv1), Wind Blade (Lv1), Burning Hand (Lv1), Thunder Arrow (Lv1), Fire Ring ( Lv2), Burst Fireball (Lv2), Praise of the Earth (Lv2), Ru Muchunfeng (Lv8)

Fighting Skills: Bing Feng Jue (Lv1), Gravel Palm (Lv1), Earth Slash (Lv2)

Gold coins have more than doubled!

The flesh is comparable to the third-level soldier!

Spiritual power enters the ranks of second-level magicians!

The magic power is only 1 point comparable to the second-level magician!

There are more kinds of magic!

As for fighting skills … pick up 3 inexplicably!

“Well, Wang Cheng deserves to be a place where the wealthy and powerful are gathered. In less than a day, I can find so much, and will I have it later?”

“Wangcheng … it’s right!”

Meng Lei is very satisfied with today’s harvest, he believes that the future harvest will only be more and more, not only including physical fitness, magic, magic and other attributes, but also … wealth!

So, what is it to take 200 gold coins for two friends to go to school? I picked it up in a few days!

However, after hearing Montray’s thoughts, the four of Hudders, Jona, Joseph, and Andrew were all shocked and thought they heard something wrong!

Until Monlay repeated twice, everyone just woke up like a dream!

“Monte, aren’t you kidding us?”

Hudders stared at Montray tightly: “I know that you have a 5,000 gold scholarship each year, but magic practice burns more money than a soldier. A 5,000 gold scholarship may not be enough for you to buy magic potions and magic materials!”

“Captain Hudders, I won’t say anything extra, I know!”

Meng Lei waved his hand, holding Joseph in hand, and Andrew walking towards the admissions point: “The admissions time is almost over. Please sign up for you before you finish!”

“Monterey …”

Joseph and Andrew were so confused, they burst into tears on the spot, and they couldn’t hold themselves up and down!

“What are you crying for? Crying a little bit better, you will be a soldier in the future, and you are not afraid to be joked …”

Hudders looked at the back of the three and could not speak for a long time. He considered himself a generous person, taught the guards, guarded the village, and helped the villagers to resist the beast tide attack. He was kind and helpful, but never practiced him. The teaching of fighting qigong and fighting skills is taught to the villagers!

Because it was something that he exchanged for his life when he joined the army, it was a treasure more precious than life. He never thought of giving it to others, but today, Hudders felt panicked and a little ashamed!

“Compared to Monterrey, I …”

Uh …

With the generosity of Monterrey, Joseph and Andrew successfully reported to the Warrior Academy. Although they are ordinary soldiers colleges in the middle of the river, they also made Joseph and Andrew feel completely confused. They said on the spot that they would study hard in the future and return to Mongolia in the future mine!

Meng Lei didn’t care about this, he paid for the two to go to school, it was purely casual, but he didn’t want them to repay!

In the next 2 days, a group of five people played in the King City and watched the King City landscape. While picking up a large number of falling objects, Montray was also blinded by the prosperity and extravagance of the King City!

He thought that the world had not reproduced technology, he thought it was backward and primitive, but he was wrong!

The Emperor Dragon Empire has a history of civilization for tens of thousands of years. Although the mainstream is the transfer of personal firepower, the development and innovation of vigor and magic, but over time, a large number of derivatives have also been developed!

The most common one is … the magic guide!

The poorest civilians at the bottom level naturally do not have access to magic wizards, but the products of this magical civilization have penetrated into millions of households in the upper society, such as:

Space Rings, Space Bracelets, Space Belts … and so on.

Magic Guide Cannon, Magic Gun, Magic 傀儡 … and other attacking magic guides!

Magic lights, magic carriages, magic flying carpets … and other life magic guides!



This is a civilization style that is quite different from the earth. At the same time that Monterrey is an eye-opener, it also has a clearer understanding of the world!

Of course, what made him feel the most profound was a sentence from the previous life: Zhumen wine smells bad, and there are frozen bones on the road!

的 Classification in this world is extremely serious. A handful of people occupying the top level of society occupy most of the social resources.

More than 90% of the poor people can only struggle at the bottom of the society ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~.

After knowing this, Meng Lei did not have the ambition to destroy the ruling class and liberate the laboring masses. The only thing he thought of was to continue to grow wretched and eventually jump out of the exploited class and live better and happily!

Of course, if he is really powerful enough to overthrow this world in the future, Monterrey would not mind changing the world, cleaning the sun and the moon, and returning to the heavens and the earth!

Uh …

The free time of 2 days passed quickly, and the Fire Dragon Magic Academy finally opened. Monty said goodbye to Hudders and others and came to the Fire Dragon Magic Academy!

As the best magic school in the Fire Dragon Kingdom, the Fire Dragon School of Magic has a history of more than 20,000 years. The specific time for establishing the school is no longer available, but the earliest teaching time clearly recorded on the file is 20,000 years ago!

For the next 20,000 years, the Fire Dragon Magic Academy has developed rapidly with the strong support of the Fire Dragon Kingdom and the Dragon God Empire, becoming one of the oldest magic schools in the heavenly continent!

After 20,000 years, countless magic masters and magic masters have emerged from the School of Fire Dragon Magic Academy, which has cultivated a large number of strong men in the realm of the dharma and honorable men!

Among them are 37 Kings of the Fire Dragon Kingdom and 1169 Holy Land Powers!

The Beacon Dragon Magic Academy is ranked 3rd among the more than 20 magic colleges of the Dragon God Empire, and ranked 9th among the more than 100 magic colleges in the Celestial Continent!

However, this is a magic school with a long history. As of now, it is the sky sky calendar 44781, and the total number of students in the school is only … 600!

“A total of 6 grades, less than 100 people in one grade!”

所以 “So, all those who can enter the Fire Dragon Magic Academy … are geniuses!”

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