Picking Up Attributes From Today (From Now On, I’ll Pick Up Attributes)

Chapter 21 - Crazy scramble, the dust settles

The confessed Dragon Boy was originally behind the four men of Monterrey. Because he was shocked by the amazing talent of Monterrey, he couldn’t help but approached him. He wanted to take a closer look at such amazing genius. Surrounded!

The Puppet Dragonboy was a little speechless: “Three teachers, you have recognized the wrong person. I have not yet performed a magic test!”

“(⊙o⊙) what?”

“You’re not that super genius?”

The three old men looked wrongly: “Where is he then?”

“Three, he is the super genius!”

的 The middle-aged person in charge of the test pointed at Monterrey, and said helplessly, he could admit that he was drunk!

“唰 唰 唰 ——”

Three pairs of eyes fell on Menlei together!

“It turns out to be a personal race?”

“You are the super genius?”

The three old men have different expressions, but they are all wonderful!

“I didn’t expect it, I didn’t expect it, my tribe has such a super genius! Good good! Good!”

The old man with distiller’s nose was overjoyed, he didn’t feel blushed because of a big oolong just now!

“Yes, yes, extremely! Human geniuses with super element affinity are rare, especially geniuses with 100 times the mental strength of their peers are unheard of!”

The old bald-headed man was excited: “Hello boy, I am Augustus, the admissions teacher of the Douglas School of Magic!

I sincerely invite you to join our Douglas School of Magic, or that sentence, as long as you join, any conditions are easy to discuss! How about joining us? “

“A genius like him, only the best teaching environment is worthy of him. Going to your Douglas School of Magic is a waste, a great waste!”

The old man with distiller’s nose snorted, sneered at the words of the old man with bald head, and when he looked at Monterrey, he showed a kind and friendly expression: “Boy, our Fire Dragon Magic School is the best magic school in the Fire Dragon Kingdom, with the strongest teaching force and Educational resources, come on … “

Looking at the endless solicitation of two competitors, the one-legged old man was not far behind: “This human genius, I am the admissions teacher of the Dragon Man Magic Academy …”

Unfortunately, before he finished speaking, he was hit relentlessly by two competitors: “Old thing, are your old eyes fainted? He is my genius, what are you going to do at your Dragon Academy? You can save some energy! “

Watching the admissions teachers of the three major magic colleges quarreling for Montray, many young people present were called envy, envy and hate, and hatred could not be replaced by him, becoming the super genius instead of Montray!

How good they would be if they were scrambled at this moment!

What a pity, there is no if in this world!

At this time, the middle-aged person in charge of the test coughed and said, “Three teachers, please discuss with us, we will continue to test …”


Interrupted by middle-aged people, the three old men were slightly dissatisfied, but they didn’t say much. They took Mondley to the side, displayed a three-inch tongue, and continued to solicit!

“Two teachers, your conditions are very attractive, but can you tell us in detail, I will make a choice!”

Meng Lei scratched his head and looked at the old man with distiller’s nose and the old man with bald head. As for the Dragon Man Magic Academy represented by the one-corner man, he was directly passed. He was not interested in working with the Dragon Man!

“The little brother is so fast!”

The old bald old man rushed and said, “I see that you are also a civilian. It happens that our Douglas School of Magic recruits civilians. As long as you join, the tuition and fees are all free, and you can enjoy a scholarship of 3,000 gold coins a year!”

“Our Fire Dragon Magic Academy is also free of tuition and fees, a scholarship of 3,000 gold coins a year!”

老 “Old thing, didn’t you just say 2000 gold coins?”

The bald-headed old man glared at the old man with distiller’s nose and scolded, “Why did you raise 1000 gold coins in a blink of an eye? Do you still have a face?”

“Huh! Is money like a genius like him measurable?” The old man with a distiller’s nose hummed coldly: “A scholarship of 3000 gold coins a year, properly drop!”

“Shameless old thief!”

The old bald old man hated his teeth itchyly: “4000 gold coins! As long as you little brother you join our Douglas School of Magic, we are willing to provide a scholarship of 4,000 gold coins every year!”

“Our Fire Dragon Magic Academy is also willing to provide a scholarship of 4,000 gold coins!”

The distiller’s grains and his nose grinned, and the expression of a winning ticket appeared on his face. The fire dragon magic academy has a great career, is it comparable to the Douglas Civilian Academy?

老 “Old thing, don’t you follow me today?”

The seven-headed smoke of the old man with bald head: “5000 gold coins! This is the highest condition I can give, little brother, please give me a good sentence, should you add it?”

“Hehe, I also give out 5000 gold coins!”

The old man with a distiller’s nose is still light and light!

“You … count on you!”

The old man with a bald head has itchy teeth, but there is no price increase. Although he would like to invite Monley to join, after all, he is only an admissions teacher with limited rights. The 5000-a-year scholarship is already his limit of authority!

“Hahaha! Will it not be added anymore?”

The old man with a distiller’s nose and a grin said, “Little brother, how do you choose? I think you should have it in your heart, right?”

Meng Lei took a regretful glance at the bald old man, and then looked at the old man with distiller’s nose, politely, and said, “I am honored to be a member of the Fire Dragon Magic Academy!”

“Hahaha, wise choice, boy!”

The old man with distiller’s nose is very proud: “I’m glad you can join our Fire Dragon Magic Academy ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ This is the Academy badge, you must hurry up and recognize the Lord!”

This is a small badge, which is similar to the school badge of Monterrey’s previous life, but it is an alchemy product. It has a mighty fire dragon totem engraved on the front, and a magic circle on the back, which contains some strange magic energy!

Meng Lei took the badge in hand, squeezed a drop of blood on it, and there was a mysterious connection between the badge and it!

唉 “Oh, what a shame!”

The old bald-headed man looked at this scene and sighed helplessly. He knew it would be the result. Under the same conditions, geniuses such as Monterrey would choose the Fire Dragon Magic Academy!

He can only watch the geniuses miss their Douglas School of Magic again and again!

“The college badge is both your identity certificate and an admission notice. Only wearing the college badge can you enter and exit the college freely through the college guard!”

The old man with a distiller’s nose said patiently: “Of course, the Academy badge is also engraved with the Magic Spirit Circle, which absorbs magic elements all the time, which can improve your meditation efficiency!”

“That’s it!”

Menglei nodded to understand!

“Today is the last day of the magic test!”

The old man with a distiller’s nose said, “Generally, there will be a two-day break after the magic test, and then the school will start!

So, you will come to the college to register the day after tomorrow. You will also have a college internal test when you register. After passing the test, you will officially become a member of the college! “

“I know!”

Menglei nodded!

“Very good!”

The old man with a distiller’s nose and nodded in satisfaction: “Yes, I don’t know what your name is yet?”


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