Phantasmal Genesis

Chapter 33: Blue Aurora — Derivative No.1

After observing Chen Zhen, a sense of peculiarity appeared in his heart.

“Xuan Nv, are there no side effects to uploading knowledge like this?” Meng Ke was full of disbelief.

Xuan Nv instantly explained, “As this knowledge isn’t something that they’ve acquired on their own, but from the internet and real-world information, it’s hard for it to not affect these people’s subconsciousness.”

“But the effects are mostly suppressed by me, if I don’t, the hosts will immediately experience something like dissociative identity disorder.”

Hearing that, Meng Ke understood.

This was like shoving a fragmented soul into another person.

While it added to their knowledge, their daily lives would be impacted by carrying another person’s soul in their minds unknowingly.

“God, if you wish to give these manuals to ordinary humans, there won’t be a problem.” Xuan Nv spoke.

These side effects would be amazing in the eyes of normal people, those who’ve received combat knowledge would achieve the reflexes of a combat master with it, and those who receive cooking knowledge would have the knife techniques of a master chef.

“Let’s wait for a bit.”

Meng Ke spoke, “It’s not time yet.”


On the other side, the suicide of Fang Bei and the rest led the police to believe that they were supernatural and intelligent creatures.

Before this, the police had maintained a doubtful stance even despite the monster attacks, but after their suicide, they truly believed that it was intelligent life.

Li Shuo submitted another report, highlighting the words “extraterrestrial” intelligent life.

And this time, his superiors finally recognised the severity of this issue.

In the early 2000s, supernatural events like these were reported almost every week due to the lack of education and technology, there were even Qi Gong masters and Taoists creating hoaxes about it.

Due to this, none of the higher-ups took Li Shuo’s report seriously previously. To them, they believed that it was because some simpletons were fooled.

A warning from the armed police would resolve the situation easily.

No one expected what happened next, and the next report they received had gotten their serious attention.

A second intelligent lifeform that was not human, with their own civilisation. The meaning behind those words was incredibly huge.

They immediately created a special task force to investigate in Tian Hai.


In an unknown room somewhere, there was a man with a serious expression, dressed in grey camouflage.

“From 4 to 22 November 2018, this incident was named ‘Blue Aurora’, the first affected infectees were 4532 people, and in 15 days, it has grown to 7635 people.”

“Fact, ‘Blue Aurora’ has a percentage chance of being transmitted through long periods of contact.”

“After observation, our army has officially taken over from the 19th. This incident will become our national secret, any leakage of information will be treated as treason.”

“Note: Until this incident is over, except for special circumstances, none of the personnel from base 7 will be allowed to have any contact with the outside world, failure to comply will result in immediate dismissal.”


“What are all of you doing!? I don’t have the thing you guys are talking about!”

Chen Li was held in a tent, his expression filled with shock.

“Comrade Chen Li, your resistance is futile.”

The man before him took out a picture, which showed Chen Li holding onto some kind of weapon, in a forward slashing motion.

“According to our sources, on the day monsters attacked reality, a box appeared before you after you killed the monster. I believe that there is a weapon inside that box!”

Goosebumps stood on Chen Li’s skin, he quickly threw the Tang sword out.

“Yes yes yes, I admit it!”

He was smart enough to understand the situation, since he had been found out, it was pointless to resist.

“Thank you for your cooperation.”

That man nodded and spoke into his walkie-talkie, after a while, a man that seemed to be a player walked up from the side, looking at the empty table in shock.

“There’s actually a weapon!”

As he spoke, he took and raised the Tang sword in his hand, placing it into the steel case he had brought.

Afterwards, the interrogator nodded to signal Chen Li to leave.

However, his gaze never left Chen Li, and only after he left did he turn to pick up his walkie-talkie.

“Suspect 1 has handed over the weapon, task accomplished.”

And after he finished speaking, four more soldiers entered the room to seal the steel case into another box made with special materials.

An army vehicle drove out of the police station.


“Blue Aurora — Derivative No.1.”

Inside an unknown base, a man wearing an orange hazmat suit labelled the case and walked out of the quarantine room.

A player walked in and opened the steel case step by step, following instructions.

A camera captured his every move throughout the entire process.

After taking out the Tang sword, he picked up the ruler prepared on the table.

“A traditional Tang sword appearance, the length is 105.1 centimetres; the blade is 73.2 centimetres; the width is 3.2 centimetres; the blade’s thickness is 0.85 centimetres, the handle is 26.9 centimetres……”

And after he finished speaking, he placed the Tang sword onto a high-precision electronic scale.

“Weight, 0.”

Unfazed, he took up a pen and started to sketch the Tang sword.

It didn’t take long for a Tang sword to appear on the white paper, its appearance identical to its phantasy counterpart.

After all of this, he opened another box labelled as ‘Unknown screen — Derivative No.23’.

Within the box was a flask containing a clear blue liquid. Its colour was like paint, unrealistic and bold.

The player didn’t know what ‘Unknown screen — Derivative No.23’ meant, and he didn’t know what this was.

The people of the base simply instructed him to swallow the contents of the flask, and then check if the Tang sword was still visible.

With some hesitation, he gritted his teeth and finished the blue liquid.

In that second, it felt as though he had swallowed icy spring water from the mountains, a cool feeling rose from his stomach to his head.

His eyes widened as he looked at his surroundings, it felt as though everything was different now, it was as if he watched a previously censored movie that suddenly uncensored itself.

Even the white walls looked incredibly different right now.

“You only have a minute, look at the sword now!”

A voice boomed from the side of his ear, and the player reluctantly turned from the sight of a brand new world in his surroundings back towards the Tang sword on the table.

With just a look, his brows furrowed.

“……can I redo my drawing?”

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