People Are In Marvel, Behind the Scenes

Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Tell A Story

Mo Du’s attitude of apology was very sincere, and he was not dissatisfied at all because of Gu Qing’s sarcasm.

He is a rigid but sensible man.

Once the right or wrong is determined, it will not be affected by external factors such as face and affection.

Seeing this, Gu Qing also put away the sun wheel knife and asked, “So, what are you looking for from me?”

“It’s not convenient here, let’s change place!”

Master Gu Yi snapped his fingers, and the bright sparks drew a circle in the air, revealing the scene on the other side of the space… a spacious villa hall full of 18th century British style.

“…All right!”

Gu Qing hesitated for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

Seeing this, Gu Yi took the lead through the space door, Mo Du followed closely, and Gu Qing finally followed.

Gu pair stretched out his hand against the open space, and the coffee table and chair appeared out of thin air. With another wave of his hand, the teapot and cup that had cooked the tea also appeared on it.


Gu sent an invitation to Gu Qing, and then sat on the chair, while Mo Du stood behind him like a follower.

Gu Qing was not polite and sat upright on the chair.

“I came to you this time because I have a few questions to ask.”

Gu Yi poured tea for Gu Qing and said, “A year ago, you appeared in Manhattan, New York out of thin air. Two months ago, fifteen cannibals appeared in New York…”

Filling the cup with tea, Gu Yi put down the teapot and stared straight at Gu Qing, “Do you know any clues?”

“Yeah. I know!”

Gu Qing admitted it generously, which surprised Gu Yi and Modu.

He picked up the teacup, blew the heat lightly, took a sip, and continued, “They are ghosts, creatures from another world.”

There is no way for Gu Qing to admit it so generously.

Because he is traversing in the flesh, not taking possession of the body.

It’s nothing to deceive S.H.I.E.L.D., who is not sure about the authenticity of the multiverse, but it is obviously impossible to deceive this supreme mage who can travel across multiple dimensions.

No, it’s not just the deception on professional issues, it’s impossible to deceive her in ordinary conversation.

This Supreme Master has lived for more than 500 years. He has not been in seclusion and cultivation like in the novels of immortality, but has gone through the vicissitudes of the world, observed the multiverse, and seen through human nature and the world.

There may be people in this world who can deceive her, but it is definitely not me, a young man in his twenties.

If you pretend to be smart and play tricks in front of the opponent, you will only be smart but be mistaken by smart.

It’s better to be frank and honest from the beginning.

Of course, telling the truth does not mean telling the truth.

Gu Yi is not an all-knowing and almighty God, she can’t think about everything.

And there is a gap in information between Gu Qing and her. As long as he doesn’t leak his mouth, the other party can’t think of it.

“A ghost from another world…”

Gu held the teacup to his mouth, but he didn’t taste it for a long time. Instead, he was dazed, thinking about something… or he had already wandered in exotic latitudes, looking for clues or answers in other timelines.

But for the answer of “from another world”, neither Gu Yi nor Modu had any unexpected expressions, and they obviously understood this long ago.

“…Can you tell me the specific situation?”

After being stunned for a while, Gu Yi looked at Gu Qing again and made a request.

“Of course.” Gu Qing smiled slightly, showing an expression of welcoming Coulson, “But I’m a businessman, and if I want to know something from me, I have to pay a price.”

“Do you know that in front of you is…”

Gu Yi raised his hand to stop Mordo’s threat.

She stared straight at Gu Qing and said, “Giving and receiving are equal. Your request is very reasonable, so what do you want in return?”

“Money or something valuable will do.”

Although he really wanted something like the Book of Emperor Weishan, Gu Qing also knew that it was impossible.

Moreover, the only reason to get paid is to maintain himself as a hero who walks in darkness, whether it is good or evil, and he wants the whole world to know about the creature “the ghost of another world”.

“What about the money…”

Gu Yi pondered for a while, then took off the plum blossom ring on his left index finger, “This thing is not from a famous hand, it’s just a gadget I made when I was learning magic, it can calm people’s anger and impulse, and make the heart become More peace and tranquility. Is this thing enough for a reward?”

“Let me see.”

Gu Qing took the ring, looked up and down, and secretly asked the system to help identify it. After confirming that there is no problem, he smiled contentedly.

“Although it’s just a meditative gadget, it does have a history of five hundred years. If you hype it up, you might be able to sell it at a sky-high price.”

“That ghost from another world…”

“They were originally humans too.”

Gu Qing put away the ring, sat upright, and said in detail, “About a thousand years ago in that world, a baby who was born with a weak heart, was born with great difficulty, but was almost cremated as a stillbirth.

However, although he survived by relying on the desire to survive, his body is very weak and he can only lie in bed. UU reading

After a kind doctor knew about this, he developed a prescription for him, which not only let him get rid of his weak body, but also possessed the power of immortality and immortality, far exceeding ordinary people. But the price he pays is that he can never be exposed to the sun, and he must eat human flesh to survive. He is the source of all ghosts, “Kimono Tsuji no Miserable”! ”

As soon as Gu heard it, he didn’t say a word.

Master Mordu had doubts, “You actually said that the doctor was kind. If he was kind, then why did he make the medicine for making ghosts? Also, is the medical technology in that world so advanced? Can you create such a monster?”

“The doctor is really kind, and his original intention is not to create ghosts.” Gu Qing picked up the teacup, took a sip, wet his throat, and then continued: “That prescription is not a complete treatment process. But irony. The thing is, in the early stage of the treatment process, Wu Mian’s condition not only did not improve, but worsened, which made Wu Mia think that he had been deceived and killed the doctor. In the end, the medical technology in that world was not so developed, the doctor was special case.”

Having said this, Gu Qing paused and continued: “Just like Tony Stark in this world, the prescription is his unique secret recipe, which is also Wu Mian’s flaws such as being afraid of sunlight and having to eat people, but reasons that cannot be improved.”

“This is the cycle of cause and effect.” Gu Yi sighed and said, “If there is no miserable heart, if he is not so narrow-minded and does not try to figure out the doctor with malice, he will probably become the ultimate perfect creature, not a ghost king who can only hide in the dark. ”

Gu Qing disagreed with this.

If it’s really a causal cycle, then the doctor did not treat him horribly, but he himself ended up with a tragic death. How should this be calculated?

Shouldn’t he be meddling?

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