People Are In Marvel, Behind the Scenes

Chapter 535

Chapter 320: 2 Baseballs

Latest website: Maybe it was something that was vaguely expected to happen in my heart. Every time I took a walk in the two ceremonies, I would subconsciously go to a remote place.

Sadly, this is Queens.

There are Spider-Man and the second-generation Green Goblin patrolling the city for a long time, punishing illegal elements, and the law and order is not bad.

It’s still a bit confusing in remote places though.

But it’s only limited to the flesh business or the thrill-seeking biker teenagers.

Although some people are looking for trouble, it can be regarded as restraint.

Therefore, the two ceremonies are just to teach each other a lesson.

Over time, she built up prestige.

Become the eldest sister of this area.

Although she herself is not very fond of this name, even if these people change their names, the actual situation will not change.

So not much to say.

The boys and girls walking in front of them are the speed car tribes who have been here for a long time.

Originally there were middle-aged uncles and elder sisters.

But because adults sometimes go too far, after being stopped by Spider-Man and thrown into the police station a few times, there are no more adult bikers coming here.

There are only underage motorcyclists who simply pursue excitement and will not overly touch the law.

But at the moment, they are fully armed.

The two ceremonies were surprised by this, and asked in amazement, “What’s the situation with you?”

“Someone died.”

The leading blond boy said in a deep voice.

The world is in chaos, and here is no exception.

Every day, a lot of inexplicable people came to look for trouble, and some people even came to claim to occupy this place in gangs, and let these motorcyclists get out of the way.

They are no strangers to turf wars.

Since they became the masters of this turf, every year there have been bikers from other areas to grab the turf.

But as a teenager, there is no lack of blood.

Every time, he fights with outsiders, and in the end, he firmly occupies this area with blood that is not afraid of death.

But this time is different.

The group of guys who came to claim the territory were not bikers, and they no longer chose to fight after being driven away.

Instead, it intercepts the single members who go home.

One of their members was stabbed to death on the way home because of resistance.

This kind of adult means makes the teenagers realize the seriousness of the matter. After calling the police, they also spontaneously patrolled in groups, trying to find the group of guys who were secretly playing tricks.

In fact, about these things.

Two ceremonies are also heard.

But she didn’t care.

In her eyes, it’s just a kid’s game, no matter how troublesome it is.

Unexpectedly, this time it turned out to be fatal.

Therefore, when I heard the words of the young leader, I couldn’t help showing a little surprise.

But he quickly regained his indifference, “I have reminded you a long time ago that little brats should not go out in the middle of the night like adults, and go home early.”

“I know you’re different from everyone else!”

The teenager bit his lower lip and said unwillingly: “Perhaps our behavior seems childish to you, and it will be funny when we grow up to recall it, but this is what we are after.”

“Does it matter if you die because of it?”

“Of course it doesn’t matter!

But that’s not what’s stopping us from stopping. ”

When the boy said this, he took a deep breath, calmed down his ups and downs, and looked at the girl calmly, “Actually, everyone is uneasy. Because the nature of this matter is different, it is not the world we are in contact with, even if With a weapon in hand, the whole crew gathers together, and does not feel the slightest peace of mind.”

The eyes of the two rituals turned, and they glanced at everyone behind him. Everyone’s faces were more or less uneasy in addition to anger and excitement.

She looked back and couldn’t help sneering, “Since you’re scared, then go home and find your mother.”

“Did David die in vain?”

“Then have you killed anyone?”


The sudden question made the boy’s angry expression stagnate, and then stammered: “No, no.”

“Then you plan to kill for David’s revenge?”


The young man was speechless.

A teenage girl behind him said: “We’ll beat him to the death and take him to the police station.”

“Someone is already doing that.”

The two rituals glanced at her at random and turned to leave.

As he walked, he waved his hand and said, “Don’t think about asking me for help, I’m too lazy to take care of this kind of shit.”

Hearing this, the boy closed his mouth.

He said so much, just wanted to ask the two ceremonies to help.

The two ceremonies are very skilled, and they have a cold temperament. At first glance, they are not ordinary people.

If she is willing to help, she will definitely find the murderer.

But she refused.

Just like when they invited the two ceremonies to be their leaders, they were rejected without hesitation.

After saying goodbye to the speeders, the two ceremonies continued for a walk.

She looked calm and looked straight ahead.

It seems that what happened just now did not cause the slightest disturbance.

But in fact, her heart is far from being as peaceful as it seems on the surface.

It’s not about the bikers, it’s about someone dying.

When she heard that someone died, her heart that had been silent for a long time beat uncontrollably, and her blood was about to boil.

The two rituals feel guilty about it.

It is very sad that someone dies, but instead of being sad, she feels very excited.

This is really sorry for the dead.

And, by now, her heart is also vaguely expecting something to happen. The surrounding is getting quieter and darker and the environment is getting darker.

“Someone really dares to go here!”

At this moment, a voice came from the dark alley.

A mix of surprises and surprises.

At the same time, a figure slowly walked out of the darkness.

The two rituals stopped, bowed their heads, and their bodies trembled uncontrollably.

“Woman, are you out of your mind?”

The man stopped about three meters away from the two ceremonies, and looked at her with disgust, “You come to such a remote place in the middle of the night, haven’t you met any bad people?”

“Hey, Asian.”

“Did you just immigrate?”

“No wonder I dare to come to this kind of place alone at this time, because I don’t know the market situation in this country!”

It seems that he saw clearly the clothes and faces of the two ceremonies, and the man said righteously.

The two ceremonies did not speak, and did not raise their heads.

It’s just that the trembling of the body is getting It’s a tuition fee! ”

The man opened his hands as he spoke, and two baseballs appeared in his palms at an unknown time. “Although the tuition is a bit expensive, if you are lucky enough to survive, then you must be able to deeply understand the market situation in this country.”

The words fell, and the man raised his hands.

The baseball flies to the sides.

Boom! !

Accompanied by two dull sounds, the baseball hit the wall, bounced, staggered in the air, bounced again, and crossed again… It was only 3 meters away.

But the two baseballs bounced back and forth four times, leaving a series of afterimages in the air, dazzling.

But in the end, they still flew to the two ceremonies.


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