People Are In Marvel, Behind the Scenes

Chapter 518

Chapter 306: Superman Leaves

“Superman, don’t act rashly, I can’t guarantee that this ak47 won’t go wrong!”

Middle East, a small country.

A terrorist leader looked at the man standing five meters away with a nervous expression.

Behind him, a group of people pointed guns at several old and weak women and children squatting on the ground.

“Trust me, bullets won’t be as fast as me.”

Superman earnestly consoled: “Give up resistance, I have already encountered many such occasions, and there has never been an accident. Give up resistance early, and you can avoid suffering.”

“No, even if your strength is invincible, you can’t stop us!”

The terrorist leader turned to aim and was about to shoot.

Just listening to the sound of ‘咻’, the whole person has already taken off into the air.

Out of the corner of his eye, he also saw his comrades who were also flying into the air.

“Hey, let’s die together!”

The corners of the terrorist leader’s mouth rose, and his body was faintly glowing.

Not only him, but also the terrorists who took off.

Realizing that something was wrong, Superman hurriedly hugged the hostages together, and then used his large body to press them under him.

Boom boom boom! ! !

With a violent roar, flames and air waves rolled, and gravel and debris were scattered.

Superman clenched the old and weak women and children in his arms, and tried to relax his body to help them block the explosion.

After a while, the air wave subsided.

Superman released the hostage in his arms and stood up, covered in the blood of the terrorists bursting.

“Thank you, Superman!”

“thanks, thanks!”

The survivors are grateful to Dade.

“Thank you for your effort.”

There was also a smile on Superman’s face, “I’ll take you to the nearby disaster area!”

“thanks, thanks!”

The survivors thank you again.

[Superman! ]

Just as Superman was about to **** these old and weak women and children, he heard Matt’s cry.

It was loud and tragic.

Something has happened to him!

“Wait for me, come back right away!”

Superman immediately made a judgment, turned on his horsepower, circled the earth in the blink of an eye, and flew to Matt’s office.

But, it’s too late.

Matt fell to the ground, with a big hole in his chest and blood pooling nearby, propped up his upper body with one right elbow, giving his lungs the lung capacity to shout.

The moment he saw Superman, the look in Matt’s eyes dimmed, and he lost his last support and fell to the ground.


Superman appeared next to Matt in a flash, turning him around to check the situation.

vital signs disappear.

He was completely dead.

“how so?”

“who is it?”

“Who killed you?”

Superman roared angrily, and then his super hearing was deployed, as if the noise of hundreds of millions of mosquitoes chirping in his ears entered his ears, causing him to suffer unbearably.

But Superman held back.

He has to find the killer and avenge Matt.



The office door was violently slammed open, and several armed policemen with firearms rushed in, aiming their guns at Superman, “Don’t move!”

Superman’s super eyesight sees clearly.

These armed police are afraid.

Their hands with guns were trembling slightly, and their faces were full of fear and tension.

But even so, there was no retreat.


Why would you point a gun at me?

It happened so suddenly that Superman didn’t react, his mind was dazed.

He stood up, ready to ask.

But this action caused the armed police, who were already too scared and nervous, to break the string and subconsciously pulled the trigger.

Da da da……

The muzzle sprayed flames, and the bullets poured out.

But without exception, they can’t break the defense.

Looking at the policemen who were attacking randomly like frightened animals, Superman also reacted: these policemen regarded him as a murderer.

Thinking of this, he raised his hands and stopped moving.

The cops didn’t stop shooting because Superman raised his hands.

Superman’s power is deeply rooted in people’s hearts.

Because of this, when Superman is the enemy, no matter what, he can’t relax.

Kaka! !

Magazine empty.

The police looked at Superman, who still held up his hands and didn’t move.

“Don’t be afraid, I’m not a murderer, and I won’t hurt you.”

I don’t know if it was Superman’s consolation that had an effect, or seeing that Superman didn’t fight back, convinced them that he would not resist, the policemen breathed a sigh of relief.

“Sorry, someone reported you for killing!”

The police captain took out the handcuffs from the back and walked over to handcuff Superman. “To be honest, I can’t believe it at all, but this scene in front of me is so misleading.”

“I believe the facts will clear me.”

“It is estimated that your grievances will be cleared soon. The cameras in this office are working normally.”

“Please tell me after you find the murderer, I want to avenge my friend.”

“Most definitely.”

The captain of the police and Superman walked into the police car together.

Whether it is Superman, the police or the people who eat melons, they all think that this is a misunderstanding and can be resolved soon, so they are extra relaxed.


“It’s really Superman?!”

Back to the police car.

The technicians first called up the recorded surveillance video.

In the video, Superman kills Matt from behind.

“Shocking news, Superman killed his friend Matt!”

“You can’t believe that Superman would do such a thing!”

“Superman is a hoax, people in the comics can’t appear in reality!”

“Earth doesn’t need Superman, get out!”

Day two.

With the Supreme People’s Procuratorate of the United States indicting Superman for murder, and after taking out surveillance video.

The world is boiling again.

All kinds of newspapers and news are flying all over the sky.

There has been constant criticism on the Internet.

Especially when an insider revealed that Matt was Daredevil, the online condemnation of Clark reached an unprecedented level of motivation, and several forums were paralyzed by the server.

A month ago, they pushed Superman’s popularity to the top. Now, they are once again pushing the Superman name to the top.

But before it was praise and praise.

Now it is disgust and abuse, more noisy than a month ago.


The judge who presided over the Superman copyright case last time is presiding over this case again. He knocked on the wooden hammer and asked, “Clarke, you bribed Matt, you can’t embezzle the funds of the foundation, and Nur kills people. Now that there are witnesses and evidence, what else do you want to say?”

“I didn’t kill anyone!”

Superman said indifferently: “I rescued a few innocent people from terrorists in the Middle East at that time, and I rushed over after hearing Matt’s cry, but he was already dead, and then the police came.”

“Who killed Matt on the surveillance video?”

“I don’t know, but that’s definitely not me.”

“Well, it is not ruled out that there is a possibility that a superhuman who can change will become your appearance and deliberately frame it.”

The judge nodded slightly and continued: “Since you said that Matt was killed, you are saving people in the Middle East. Then go find them and testify for you! With your ability, it should be easy to find them!”

Hearing this, Superman fell silent.

He had already thought about this.

He was also secretly released from prison while in custody to search for the old and weak women and children who were rescued by him that day.

However, can’t find it.

It was as if they had disappeared from the world, no matter whether they used super hearing or super vision, or inquired like the locals, no one was found.


The judge couldn’t help sighing and said, “If you can’t prove your innocence, then I can only condemn you!”

“Clark Kent, you pretended to be Superman to blackmail dc company, and also killed lawyer Matt for profit. It is an unforgivable crime. On behalf of the United States Supreme Prosecutor’s Office, I hereby pronounce the sentence: sentence you to leave the earth and execute it immediately!”

After finishing speaking, the judge looked at Clark quietly and said, “You are extremely powerful, and we can’t help you. Even if you are sentenced to life imprisonment, you can leave at will. So, let’s go, the earth doesn’t want people like you to exist! ”

“Get off the earth, you liar!”

Outside the court, someone threw a stone inside.

Like a signal, the condemnation sounded in unison.

“Get off the earth!”

“Get off the earth!”

“Get off the earth!”

“Get off the earth!”

Outside the court, a huge crowd shouted.

Superman closes his eyes and turns on super hearing.

People all over the world are crying.

Although there are people who have been favored by Superman trying to justify him, they are not worth mentioning at all compared to those who denounced him.

“Ha ha……”

The corners of Superman’s mouth raised a self-mockery.

A month ago, people around the world shouted out that he was Superman.

A month later, they were also condemning him as a liar.

“I understand!”

Superman took a deep with a slight effort, the handcuffs automatically scattered.

The sound stopped.

Everyone looked at him quietly, waiting for his decision.

Superman looked around, a trace of memory in his eyes.

“Get off the earth!”

A child threw a baseball in Superman’s face and shouted in disgust.

Seeing this, Superman no longer hesitates.

Knees slightly bent and kicked sharply.


flew away.


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