People Are In Marvel, Behind the Scenes

Chapter 22

Chapter 22: Monitor

Daredevil’s real identity is a blind lawyer named Matt Murdoch.

He suffered an accident when he was young, and his eyes lost light, but his other senses became sharp.

Especially hearing, especially powerful.

Nearly I can hear insects flapping their wings, far away I can hear small voices from a dozen blocks away, and I can even tell if someone is lying by their heartbeat.

Therefore, he knew that what Otto said was true.

But it was also surprising and indignant because of this.

Surprised that Otto can communicate with cats and dogs, and hire them to serve him with food; sad and angry that Otto feels so calm about killing at a young age.

Even if he was only in charge of disposing of the corpse, he was obviously used to this kind of thing so calmly.

How many times do you have to do this to be so casual?

This time it was a self-defense counterattack. What about before?

After all, there are so many fully armed guys coming to the door, and it can’t be because of robbery or other reasons!

If it’s just a simple self-defense and counterattack, why not call the police, but handle the funeral yourself?

Or did you do something unseen!

Many thoughts passed by in a flash.

Matt has regarded Otto and his boss as criminals doing illegal deeds and is going to send them to prison.

But he didn’t have any evidence, so he didn’t rush to take action, but instead made a test, “What are you doing?”

“We are the House of All Things!”

Otto said, and took out a business card from his pocket with his barely-dried right hand, “Whether it’s looking for things, looking for thugs, inquiring about news, transporting things, treating injuries…As long as we pay, we will do everything, Night Demon. Mr. Xia can come to us if you need help in the future!”

No wonder he was slammed on the door by someone fully armed!

Matt understood this, took the business card calmly, and continued to ask, “Do you really do everything? What about breaking the law?”

“It’s not doing everything!”

Hearing this, Matt breathed a sigh of relief.

It doesn’t seem to have reached the point of hopelessness.

“The boss is a bit capricious in business. He accepts commissions he likes, and doesn’t accept commissions no matter how much he doesn’t like. It all depends on his mood.”


Matt was silent.

He thought that Boss Otto’s condition for accepting the mission was some kind of bottom line, but he didn’t expect it to depend entirely on his mood.

This kind of person is more terrifying than those who have no bottom line.

Because, you can prevent a guy with no bottom line.

And the guy who does things based on his mood, you don’t know when he will do crazy things.

Sure enough, it’s better to find evidence of their crimes and send them to prison!

Matt took a deep breath, and was about to speak in a cliché, when he heard Otto continue: “However, although it depends on the mood, I think the boss still judges whether to do it or not based on the code of conduct in his heart.”


Matt was startled and asked, “Why do you say that?”

“In the past, many people came to entrust, but for those tasks that would make people feel uncomfortable, no matter how much they bid, the boss did not accept them. On the contrary, it was some very pleasant tasks. Even if the entrusted money was only enough to buy two burgers, he also took it. .”

“After talking for a long time, isn’t it all about your mood?”

“No, I think it depends on the degree of morality.”

“The degree of morality?”

“That’s right.” Otto nodded, “Although most tasks are illegal, it won’t make people feel that there is anything wrong with doing so, but it will cause the only right thing to do.”

“Nonsense!” Matt reprimanded: “What’s wrong with illegal things?”

“Mr. Daredevil is doing something, isn’t it?”


Hearing this, Matt fell silent again.

Yes, although he is a superhero and a vigilante, there is no law that says it is legal for him to do so.

But even so, he felt that he was right, and the people in Hell’s Kitchen recognized his existence, hoping that there would be more superheroes like him to maintain peace.

On the contrary, Liezi is Jinbian.

This underworld emperor, who has done all the ugly and dirty things in the world, appeared in front of the media as a big businessman and big philanthropist who abides by the law and abides by the law.

But what about him?

He used the huge influence brought by his identity as a businessman and philanthropist to bind interests with many American institutions, and used coercion and inducement to control important people in both black and white. investigation, but no results.

Because, everything he does is legal (he won’t leave a handle on himself).

The law is the minimum standard of morality, not the creed that measures all right and wrong. The law is a weapon for protecting the interests of the people, but it can also be a weapon for some to plunder others.

If a person is full of discipline and abiding by the law, then he must be a scum to the core, and he must stay away.

“Anyway, if you need it in the future, you can come here and try it out. Maybe the boss is interested?” After Otto finished speaking, he turned around and returned to the store, and the cats and dogs also dispersed on their own.

Matt was silent for a while, then walked over the eaves and left.

He didn’t go far, but stayed on the roof of a building on the next street to monitor.

This house of all things seems to be different from the initial imagination. It is not the kind of crazy thing that is done for money.

But whether it is good or bad, he still can’t be sure.

So, I want to know more.

He turned on the radar mode, and countless voices poured into his ears, monitoring every move in the Master Room.

But he didn’t realize that on the roof of this building, there were several birds standing, staring at him intently.

No, with Daredevil’s abilities, it’s impossible not to find out.

He just didn’t realize it.

Because, he heard the secret conversation of four people in two places.

“Mission failed!”

“The j squad has been wiped out. The target is currently shopping in Midtown, and it doesn’t seem to have suffered any damage!”

“There is an unexpected person around the mission target. I have just had contact with Daredevil, and it is suspected that he can control stray cats and dogs!”

“The mission objectives need to be reassessed, retreat for the time being, and wait for a new plan to be formulated!”

“Understood, sir!”

“Gu Qing’s Master’s House was attacked, and a stranger is handling the funeral!”

“That person just came into contact with Daredevil, and he is suspected to be an extraordinary person who can command stray cats and dogs. There is no further conflict between the two.”

“That person has the key to the Master’s House and seems to know Gu Qing.”

“Gu Qing has been found in Zhongcheng District, and the target is safe and sound.”

“What should I do now?”

“First find out who appeared in the Master Room, and then send someone to contact Daredevil to understand what they were talking about, and find out who attacked Gu Qing as soon as possible!”

“Understood, sir!”

The two waves of people are using communicators to communicate.

Daredevil listened to every word, and from the content and tone of the other party’s words, he roughly understood their position, and his face couldn’t help sinking.

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