People Are In Marvel, Behind the Scenes

Chapter 20

Chapter 20: Firepower Comparable To The Army

“Keep watching.”

Hearing Hill’s answer, although Fury desperately wanted to know the answer, as an agent, he still had patience, so he patiently continued to watch the video.

At this moment, in the surveillance screen, the boss of the Savage Gang asked aloud something, and the young man replied two sentences later.

Although he didn’t understand lip language, he could guess what he was talking about based on the expression of the barbarian boss and what had happened before.

“what happened?”

“what have you done?”

And the evil and charming young man is answering: “Illusion!”

Because there are only two words, the sentences are concise, and with Hill’s prompt at the beginning, Fury guessed at the tone and understood it.

But, how is this possible! ?

Fury’s eyes widened in disbelief, and his breathing became rapid.

Indeed, hallucinations can deceive the five senses.

But you know, they are watching the surveillance video!

Hallucinations can deceive people, but can they also deceive electronic devices?

Did he misunderstand lip language, or was the young man lying?

If it’s not, but the youth’s illusion can really deceive electronic equipment, then how to subdue him?

S.H.I.E.L.D. is established for supernatural things on earth. Once supernatural beings are discovered, whether they are people or things, or some kind of phenomenon, they will give priority to contact, and then try to absorb, control, contain and even destroy them.

This young man is a mafia, and he is an underworld force. If he has other more shady evil deeds, it is bound to contain or destroy them.

But S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn’t have many super fighters at present, and there aren’t even any guys in the field of illusion.

They used to rely on equipment for extraordinary events or people.

But this guy can deceive even dead things like electronic equipment, so the rest of the equipment is unlikely to be an exception.

So, how are they going to deal with the youth?

“There are currently three possibilities…” Hill analyzed on the side: “This young man lied, this is not an illusion; this young man did not lie, but the illusion cannot affect the electronic equipment, but directly affects the audience in front of the electronic equipment; this young man did not lie. Lie, his illusion can even affect dead objects such as electronic equipment; we misunderstood the lip language, this is not actually an illusion. Generally speaking, there are three situations. If he is an imaginary enemy, it is recommended to snipe at a long distance! ”

“Yes, that guy is not invincible!”

Hearing Hill’s analysis and suggestions, Fury quickly calmed down.

He sat back on the director’s office chair, leaned on the back of the chair, and thought: “Call the think tank, analyze the personality from the expression and micro-movements of this person, and analyze the weaknesses from the ability shown. In addition, I want all the information on these guys. .”

Hearing this, Hill couldn’t help but smile bitterly.

“There is no information about them.”


Fury looked at Hill in surprise, and asked in confusion, “What do you mean there is no data?”

“I checked their information before coming here.” Hill explained: “But no matter what means I use, I can’t find the slightest information. Like Gu Qing, they can’t find the past and can’t find any information. , there is not even a trace of existence, as if it appeared out of thin air.”

“Is that the case again!”

Fury’s face was solemn.

Hill doesn’t know about ghosts yet, so he doesn’t understand the seriousness of the matter… No, more than 300 people can’t find any clues about their past existence. This is a super serious matter in itself.

Even if the opponent is powerful and can change the records, it is impossible to kill everyone who has contacted in the past, and it is impossible to completely eliminate the traces of past life.

But now these people have done it.

There was no news at all, as if it appeared out of thin air.

“…Gu Qing and those ghosts have the same thing in common. Maybe they know something, and they can start from them.” Furui thought for a moment and made up his mind.

But he didn’t say it.

He has already arranged for someone to test Gu Qing. After the test is over, it will be decided according to the specific situation.

And those ghosts, he also asked Coulson to investigate.

Wait for the results of the investigation before taking action.

“Continue to look behind!”

After making an arrangement in his mind, Fury continued to watch the video later.

Peng Lie subdues the Savage Gang.

Afterwards, after the leader explained something, the gang dispersed, leaving only the members of the Pengele family to wait in place.

Then, an hour later.

On the other side of the street came another group of people, about six hundred or so, all armed with firearms, and led by the two leaders, they approached Pengele aggressively.

One of the core members of the Pengellie family with short silver hair said a few words to the leader and stood up.

Obviously, this time he is going to meet the enemy.

“Sure enough, these core members have extraordinary abilities.”

Seeing this scene, Fury was even more convinced of what he had guessed before.

But then the camera turned, standing in the middle of the third row, with two guns stuck in his waist, a middle-aged man with a ferocious face walked out.

He ignored the clamor of the silver-haired core members, pulled out his dual guns, and walked towards the enemy nonchalantly.

“Are the members of the third row also extraordinary?”

“Or, are all people without modern weapons supernatural?”

“Moreover, the members of the third row and the second row of UU Reading quarreled, but the leader didn’t dislike or blame them, and the rest of the members seemed to be indifferent, and even made a fuss… This Pengge The internal relationship of the Lie family is not maintained by ordinary gangsters, but has something deeper.”

From this simple picture, Fury analyzed a lot of details, and the importance of the Pengele family has been raised to a higher level.

At this time, the picture changed again.

The right eye of the young man holding the trident burned with purple flames, and the number in his eyes jumped from six to one. Then, except for the fierce man who stood up, all the members of Pengele faded and disappeared.

“Aren’t weird eyes made up of cosmetic contact lenses?”

“What does the burning purple flame represent?”

“And the number change in that person’s eyes, what does six represent, and what does one mean?”

“Since there are six and one, does the middle number also exist?”

“What do these numbers represent?”

For a time, there were countless details in Fury’s mind, and at the same time countless questions appeared.

But he had no time to think deeply.

Because the two sides have already exchanged fire.

Because of the sudden disappearance of Pengele members, the Viper Gang and Gunfire Negotiators were all stunned.

But it was this stunned effort that the man launched a fierce attack.

One person, two guns, but no fear at all.

He raised his pistol, burning orange flame, and shot.

While shooting, he walked forward with a mad laugh. The orange flame bullets were like a barrage, instantly covering the entire street.


Fury was stunned.

This kind of firepower is comparable to an army, not even the Punisher.

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