People Are In Marvel, Behind the Scenes

Chapter 18

Chapter 18: Pretend Like The Wind

“Forgive, spare me!”

Being stepped on, the black man “Cornell Stokes” with the nickname “Water-belly Snake” begged for mercy.

“Are you kidding me?” The man with the gun was displeased, raised his right hand pistol, and pointed at the forehead of the water-bellied snake, “You chose to destroy, and now you choose to surrender, I can’t talk to this level!”

“Please, let me go!”

“Go to hell!”

The man’s pistol ignited flames, especially the muzzle. The orange light swelled from the inside to the outside, as if it was about to explode in the next moment.

At this time…

“Xunxus, stop it!”

With the steady voice, hundreds of people suddenly appeared on the other side of the street.

The leader was the orange-haired and orange-eyed, Sawada Tsunayoshi wearing a cloak, followed by the rest of the Pengele family.

Of course they don’t teleport.

It’s just that the Six Paths Skeletons use illusions to distort other people’s senses and make them disappear in other people’s perceptions.

And the reason for this is that he doesn’t want the enemy to bypass Xunxus and come to trouble other people.

After all, how can a group fight be as shocking as one-man Wushuang?

Whether it is to show strength in order to dominate the underground society of the United States next, or to arouse the shock and amazement of others, it is the best choice for one person to face it head-on and then forcefully crush it.

Xunxus glanced at Gangji, and cut off angrily, put away the pistol, and silently returned to the team of the Pengele family.

He is the adopted son of the Jiudaimu, the leader of the Peng Lie assassination unit Balian, and also a candidate for the Shidaimu. He pursues rule with absolute strength and ruthless means. of ambitious people.

But no matter how unhappy Tsunayoshi looks, no matter how different his ideas are, it is still a conflict within the family. When facing foreign enemies, their opinions are the same.

After all, aside from external factors, he fully agrees with Tsunaji’s ability as a leader.

Gangji nodded slightly, then looked at Cornell…

This man who had shown super high fighting skills in previous battles, possessed super strong bite force to deform metal bites, and was the only weird man who caused Xunxus a little trouble, gave him a choice again.

“Submission or destruction?”

Previously, the barbarian gang leader followed Gangji’s order and sent the announcement to the two remaining local gang leaders.

And they chose to destroy without any accident.

Of course, it is to destroy this Vengelie who appeared out of nowhere.

And now…

“We surrender!”

Everyone, without any hesitation, made a choice in an instant.

The passers-by who witnessed this scene with their own eyes were buzzing.

They all know that things are about to change.

“Since you have chosen to surrender, you must strictly abide by Peng Lie’s rules. What can be done and what cannot be done, someone will tell you next!” After Gangji finished speaking, he raised his head and looked into the distance.

A police car came quickly with its sirens flashing.

“The purpose has been achieved, we withdraw!”

Gangji gave an order, and the family members behind him automatically gave way and followed him calmly.

The police car made an emergency stop at the other end of the gang’s “lying corpse”, and police officers wearing bulletproof vests and armed with rifles rushed out.

Thanks to the chaos in the Harlem area, the local police are equipped with more powerful firepower than the rest of the area, even heavy firepower such as heavy machine guns.

“Everyone is not allowed to move!”

A black policewoman held a pistol and aimed at the departing Pengele family.

However, no one paid him any attention.

Everyone left at a leisurely pace.

The policewoman’s face became embarrassed, and she immediately ordered, “Prepare to fire, everyone…”

The police pulled off the safety of the firearms, aimed attentively, and just waited for the order to fire, and then they beat the enemy into a sieve.

But the order came too late.

They looked in surprise. Seeing the policewoman looking forward in astonishment, they couldn’t help but follow her line of sight… At the back of the Pengele family members, a handsome man with a trident was facing them.


His man put his right index finger on his mouth, with an evil smile on his face, and purple flames burned in his **** eyes with the number ‘six”.

Everyone’s breathing was stagnant, as if something was pinching their hearts, but they reacted immediately.

“Fire, flame?”

“A fire burning in that person’s eyes?”

“Am I dazzled?”

“No, you didn’t, I saw it too.”

The words in the eyes may be with color lenses, but the burning flames cannot be explained by the color lenses.

Suddenly, the number in the man’s eyes jumped from six to one.

Immediately, a thick fog that could not be seen rose from the street where the sun was shining brightly, shrouding everyone in it.

“Let’s get along well in the future!”

Liu Daozhi’s lips parted lightly, then turned around and followed the rest.

“Be careful!”

The policewoman reacted and gave orders.

Although I really wanted to lead someone over, but the fog was so thick that I couldn’t see anything, and the firearms were useless. And the strange ability displayed by the enemy also made her fearful and did not dare to approach casually.


A gust of wind blew and took away the mist.

The street was completely empty and there was nothing.

The police looked at each other in dismay. It felt like a dream.

But looking at the messy scene after the shootout on the street, they all knew that everything was not a dream.

“It’s serious!”

The policewoman looked at the direction in which the Pengele family members were leaving with a solemn expression.

“Tsk tsk, as expected of the Six Paths, pretend to have a set!”

Gu Qing was sitting on the subway going to Midtown, but his consciousness was always paying attention to the situation in Harlem, and he took the whole process into his eyes.

Tsunayoshi showed strong strength to the outside world, and showed a gesture of ease. Let the outside world know that the Penggelie family is powerful, but at the same time, they don’t know how much strength they have. They can only rely on their own brains to make up for the crazy improvement, and directly gain 1600 prayer points for him.

Yes, only 1600.

Even if the Pengele family has been so successful in pretending to be so successful, they only have 1,600 prayer points.

Because the birth mechanism of the wish value is that the stronger the strength and the greater the emotion, the higher the wish value harvest.

But the people present were all ordinary people. No matter how emotional they were, they could only contribute a decimal point amount. If it wasn’t for the presence of Luke and the water-belly snake, he might not even get a thousand.

But, this is just the beginning.

The Pengele family ruled Harlem, and they were destined to deal with other underworld forces and street heroes, such as Jinbian, Hand, and the Defenders’ League… They will all meet in the days to come.

And the strength shown by Pengele today will also attract the attention of official institutions.

S.H.I.E.L.D., the military, Hydra…

With the participation of these great forces, one by one the strong will appear, and he will gain more and more.

“There’s a good show to watch next.”

The corner of Gu Qing’s mouth raised a smile.

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