Pension Strategy

Chapter 66

Chapter 65: Queen 20

No matter what Wu Yan thought, she would never have imagined that the little **** who escaped while she was sleeping would be the current Shen Chen!

And judging from the actions just now, it is obvious that she recognized her, so she came here on purpose!

Thinking of this level, Wu Yan also lost her fear, stared at Shen Chen with resentment, and cursed loudly, “As expected of that **** of Ning Qiu, she is full of tricks! If it wasn’t for that crazy woman Liu Dan, my mother would have strangled you to death and took the money and left, how could you be thrown into the mountains and tortured to half death because of you!”

She was the top card in the bar at the time, and she finally made it to the list. Li Shanhai was able to follow her for a while with all her powers, and Li Shanhai was also very generous to her, and her mind was so inflated that she thought she could force the palace When the time came, he called Ning Qiu and said everything arrogant and domineering.

I didn’t expect that Ning Qiu, that bitch, would not be affected at all, and she even satirized that she was just selling it, so why fight! Then Li Shanhai found out about this and was furious. He abandoned her without hesitation, lost her job, and sent someone to teach her a lesson. At that time, she was like a mouse crossing the street.

Later, she was approached by Liu Dan and asked her to be a test-tube baby. After completing the task, she could get a lot of money. At first, she didn’t know whose child it was, but she accidentally saw Liu Dan She was excited for a long time when she discovered that it was actually an embryo formed by the fusion of Ning Qiu’s egg and the sperm of a strange man.

Have money and be served, and if the Li family finds out that the rich mistress cheated on Ning Qiu after birth, she can get revenge on Ning Qiu.

However, after the embryo grows steadily, she is locked in a different courtyard like a prisoner. She can’t go out every day, and can’t contact the outside world, let alone take revenge on Ning Qiu, and she almost died. No.

Can’t get out!

in his body!

But I didn’t expect to run away, and this person is actually him!

Shen Chen’s face was gloomy, he put the dagger across Wu Yan’s face, and when he pressed down hard, marks were left on his face, “If you dare to scold her again, how good are you? It is easy to spend money to fix the face, but it is not guaranteed.”

She couldn’t resist at all.

As soon as her mind changed, Wu Yan couldn’t guess Shen Chen’s mind, and she began to show weakness, “What do you want to do? I used to be vicious to you, but I was also forced to be helpless. If you have any resentment, go to the crazy woman Liu Dan, she forced me to do all this, and it has nothing to do with me.”

She is naturally handy when it comes to distancing herself from relationships.

Shen Chen didn’t talk nonsense, “Take me to Liu Dan.”

“I’ll take you to find Liu Dan!” Hearing this, Wu Yan’s eyes widened, her past memories were aroused, her face was pale, and her voice was high and harsh, “You know which woman How crazy is she, she can’t wait to let us die, now you’re throwing yourself in the net to find it and die, don’t take me with you!”

“Take me to find her, I will let you go, and I will give you five million. But if you don’t take me, you can die now.” Patience wasting time here.

He curled his lips into a smile, but his eyes were full of darkness and indifference, “No, death is still cheaper for you. I will disfigure and send me to a mental hospital, where they like you the most. normal person.”

Wu Yan is a complete bad person, she naturally sees that Shen Chen is not a good person, he is not lying, a seven or eight-year-old child was able to escape the surveillance, and now he looks very good Well, the degree of spiciness must not be underestimated.

And the five million, she is very moved, people live for money, she can give her life to get it.

Ha ha.

The interests lingered for a few seconds, Wu Yan nodded quickly, and then shook her head, “I only know the approximate location, but I don’t know where she is. If you can’t find it, you can’t blame me, but the money …”

Shen Chen said coldly, “Take me there, and the money will be given to you.”

To prevent Wu Yan from making trouble, Shen Chen destroyed all the contact equipment on her body, tied her hands and feet, and drove all the way to the place Wu Yan said.

However, on the way there, he sent a message to Li Zemu. Compared with his weak power, Li Zemu could obviously find him faster.

At this moment, Tianxin Hospital was surrounded by armed police with weapons. The supposedly lively hospital was empty in less than half an hour and looked rather gloomy.

Li Shanhai thinks he is well-informed and knows that there are many crazy people in this world who are doing crazy things in private.

I never thought that one day, he would know such a lunatic!

At first when he saw the information given by his son, he thought about Liu Dan’s payment to Tianxin Hospital, maybe just because someone was there, but he didn’t expect it to be a secret laboratory.

Some doctors and nurses who followed up, even if they were used to seeing dead bodies, they couldn’t help but turn their heads and felt nauseated.

On the operating table, it looks like a complete person, but in fact they are empty inside and have been made into human specimens.

Other positions are placed with very sophisticated instruments and equipment. There is a document on the data table. The cover of the document says that a new and perfect “person” is to be assembled. The implication is that these are all It is the human body that has been carefully selected, and the organs that have been soaked are the finished products that are selected for use.

This kind of unnatural behavior is crazy and creepy in itself.

When I set foot here, a gloomy smell of formalin seemed to wrap around my body, and Li Shanhai frowned uncomfortably, “This method is really cruel.”

If it weren’t for the solid evidence, he wouldn’t believe it, this was planned by Liu Dan, a true, kind and beautiful doctor.

The Liu team with the armed police walked around to observe and found that each human specimen had the original name hanging in front of it, and what parts could be used. people”, but they were all classified as failures.

Suddenly, he was at the head of an vacant operating table and saw a sign hanging down. Team Liu put on gloves and picked it up, frowned instantly and said, “Mr. Li, there are expensive Your son’s name!”

“My son?!” Li Shanhai’s heart shuddered, he walked over quickly and found that it was indeed Li Zemu’s name, so this operating table was prepared for him!

Li Shanhai said coldly, “Damn, she is the one who attacked Ze Mu!”

people” to prepare.

Liu team turned around and saw that the sign was actually Li Shanhai’s ex-wife, his idol in private, and couldn’t help but exclaimed, “Ning Qiu!”

“Ning Qiu? Even Ning Qiu was included in the plan?” Li Shanhai was on fire, he never thought that his family was being targeted by demons.

He pulled the middle-aged doctor with both hands, brought it up close to his eyes, and snarled, “Say, what are you trying to do, ah!”

The doctor was shot in the knee by a bullet when he was just running away. The doctor shivered in pain and dared not hide it. It can be combined into a most perfect, dazzling and pure Ning Qiu.”

In fact, he still has some regrets in his heart. It took more than 20 years to form a few people, but he failed after just a few days of trial. The most perfect “human” in the world was born. Unfortunately, when the data was processed, the door of the laboratory opened and was discovered. All previous efforts were abandoned.

The end of a genius is a lunatic, perhaps for those involved in this pathological research.

“Bastard, you’re not a human, a beast!” Li Shanhai got angry, raised his fist and slapped the doctor, and no one else stopped him. This kind of person enters the eighteenth hell. light.

Suddenly, the police officers who were searching everywhere suddenly shouted, “Captain Liu, there is a discovery!”

Tossed the doctor to the police and locked it up, Li Shanhai also walked over, and at first glance met the head that was soaked in the jar, the eyes that were all white were particularly terrifying, He was also taken aback.

He stabilized his mind, he looked to the side, and there were three jars, which also had a brain and other organs and limbs. This kind of killing method can no longer be described as cruel. The police had already gone to the side to vomit, and they had rarely seen such corpses.

Enduring the nausea, she walked over to look at the information label below, Li Shanhai frowned and said, “These three are Liu Dan’s mother, two adoptive fathers, and a stepbrother.”

Thinking of the information in the data, the four people’s minds are even more vicious. It is understandable that Lenovo Liu Dan’s nightmare before the age of 15 would use such cruel means to retaliate.

If it were his daughter, she had lived in a distorted environment of being insulted and violated since she was five or six years old, and perhaps the means of killing was even worse.

So he didn’t want to say anything about Liu Dan wanting to take revenge on these people. After all, after suffering others, don’t persuade others to be kind. Killing innocent people is beyond justification.

“Mr. Li, it’s a bit unlucky here, I’ll leave it to us to deal with it in the future. You can go back first.” Although Team Liu is also upright, he can win this case and treat him The later career is very helpful, and maybe I can get a promotion by taking this opportunity, so it is very important to sell well to Li Shanhai, a man who is courteous in every way.

He assured, “Ms. Ning, I have contacted the local police station and sent people to encircle and arrest them. I believe there will be good results soon. You don’t have to worry too much.”

A potential fugitive, as long as you lock the direction of escape, you can quickly catch it.

Li Shanhai had no objection, but looked back at a man in a black suit with an ordinary face, but a calm and sharp temperament, “Anke, you bring a few people to help Liu team deal with the situation here. If there is anything that Team Liu needs help with, you will try your best.”

“Yes, sir.” Anke stood tall and nodded slightly.

Anke is a retired special forces soldier, with a reconnaissance and detective skills, there may be no one who is better than him, Li Shanhai sent him to stay, the purpose is naturally to monitor Liu team, and he will also be here Write down everything that happened, so as not to deliberately hide the truth and not report it.

Having been in the power trading environment for a long time, Team Liu knows this truth, but he does not have the right to refute it, so he can only accept it passively.

Ning Qiu did not expect that Liu Dan would suddenly pull her into the sea, and after being pulled for a while, they boarded the prepared boat. Dan is ready.

If it wasn’t forcibly kidnapped, it would be a leisure trip to enjoy the scenery on both sides.

“Yawn” Ning Qiu sneezed. Although it was summer, the clothes were not cold even if they were wet, but it was inevitable that he felt a chill in an instant.

The wound was not healed originally, and now it is soaked in sea water, and it is a little salty after being dried by the wind, which makes the wound more painful and unbearable.

“I’m sorry, I forgot that you have wounds, come, I’ll wipe it for you.” Liu Dan skillfully pulled out the small medicine box she always carried with her, saying sorry words , but there is no regret in the eyes of the crazy behavior of taking people away.

“Be patient for a while, and I’ll be home in a while.” She said distressedly.

Ning Qiu did not refuse her to clean up the wound for herself, after all, it was really painful, but looking down at Liu Danrou’s side face, she calmly wondered, “Why are you doing this, what are you hiding? What’s the matter with me.”

Liu Dan did not answer this question, but wiped Ning Qiu’s wounds well, and then answered nonsense, “You once told me that you like the majesty of the sea, and if you die in the future, you will The ashes should be scattered in the sea so that they can fly freely.”

She still smiled softly, her light brown eyes stared at Ning Qiu, her words and deeds were all the elegance that had been precipitated over the years, but Ning Qiu felt it, under her impeccable smile, Seems to be a dark mood.

The more open-minded and innocent on the surface, the more serious the rot in the heart, until there is no cure.

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