Pension Strategy

Chapter 63

Chapter 62: Queen 17

He looked up at the gloomy self in the mirror, Shen Chen washed his face, and when his emotions gradually recovered, he turned around and went out.

This woman was able to run out of the mountain, and even had the money to change her face and dare to come back here.

And she has an inexplicable hatred for Ning Qiu, and her attempt to use him to control Ning Qiu has also been destroyed. shot.

Thinking of this, Shen Chen thought for a while.

This is absolutely not allowed.

Back to the position, Shen Chen flipped through the phone, hesitated for a long time, but still did not contact Ning Qiu.

These things should not be her troubles, and… once the reminder is questioned, his dirty identity will definitely be exposed.

So this matter, he has to deal with it privately.

The team members were a little nervous after seeing Shen Chen coming back from the toilet, and they all worried, “Captain, what’s the matter with you?”

Since it is a private matter, they are not easy to ask, and they all nodded to show their understanding.

Ning Qiu still had a night scene to be filmed, so she didn’t even go back home to take a look. After having dinner at the hotel, she hurried back. Talkable father and son.

Looking at each other for a while, Li Zemu raised his eyes to look at his father, who was also somewhat unnatural, and said in a low voice, “Yesterday, I was attacked.”

Li Shanhai frowned, he put away his sly and foolish temperament, and his expression immediately became very serious. At this time, he really had the aura of being a family member.

“Find who it is.”

It’s a bit of a surprise, no matter how old his son is, and he’s sitting firmly in the position of the head of the Li family, there are still people who dare to do it.

“The hired people are very cunning and have not left any clues, but the directions I have found now point to Li Shanhe.” Li Zemu did not take these people seriously, a group of clowns jumping on the beam That’s it.

But if he can’t attack him now, he can attack his father or even his mother later. This is intolerable.

“Li Shanhe? It’s just that success is not enough, and failure is more than failure. He’s a fool with a thief but no guts. It’s unlikely to be him.” Li Shanhai shook his head, his environment back then was not like his own It is as simple as being willing to abdicate to his son, and there is not a lot of competition in it.

In spite of the opposition of the family, I chose to marry Ning Qiu, a wife without any help. In addition to getting married and having children at the age to ensure that there is an heir, the most important point is that he will use this move to exclude Dissidents, know who is on his side.

Li Shanhe wants a lot, but he is greedy for life and fears death, and he is as timid as a mouse. What’s more, now that the Li family is under the control of their father and son, and to take action against Li Zemu, Li Shanhe’s stupid head also knows how miserable it will be.

It’s been a long time, and he almost forgot what it was like to be arrogant back then. It just so happens that it’s boring now, but it can relieve the boredom.

Li Zemu nodded, “I know, so you have to pay attention. I will send someone to protect my mother.”

Father, don’t worry, he has never been a soft persimmon.

Now, I’m not used to smoking without being controlled, so I don’t even bother to smoke anymore, it’s boring.

Li Zemu nodded slightly, “Yes.”

Anyway, when my father is idle, he is also idle. If he is busy with something, it is better to disturb his mother’s free life in the past.

At this moment, Li Zemu’s cell phone rang, and it was Fang Qi.

“President, Liu Dan is gone.”

Li Zemu frowned, “Gone?”

“Yes, when we sent someone to bring it back, we found that her house was empty and took away her documents.”

Li Zemu lowered his eyes and pondered, his fingers tapped on the table, da da da very regularly.

“Is the account where she sent the money?”

Twenty years ago, what Liu Dan did to his mother’s body, he must thoroughly investigate this matter, so no matter where Liu Dan ran, he had to find it out .

“We traced the remittance to Tianxin Hospital, but it was not designated to any patient, but was placed in the hospital’s account, and there seemed to be nothing unusual.”

Li Zemu said coldly, “It’s not for no reason, but a firm purpose to do the same thing for a long time. There must be a reason for this, you send someone to keep an eye on the hospital. ”

“Yes, I see. By the way, there is one more thing, the people who stayed near Liu Dan’s house reported to me, just found out that Shen Chen had been there, but he didn’t enter the house, so he left.”

It’s Shen Chen again! Li Zemu has a very strong directness, this Shen Chen must be an important part of this matter, but it’s just hidden too deep.

But yesterday, he discovered the opponent’s weakness, an Achilles heel that can be overcome.

Li Zemu: “Don’t pay attention to him, you continue to stare, and check what happened to Liu Dan twenty years ago, especially the people who have something to do with her.”

Liu Dan is the root cause. Twenty years ago, he was able to quietly attack his mother, and he could hide it for so long without being discovered. He didn’t even understand the purpose. Not small.

If I didn’t act, I happened to find something unusual, and I was really deceived.

Li Shanhai listened to a general idea, but he didn’t know what happened before and after, “Liu Dan? I remember being a good friend of your mother.”

“Maybe it’s a friend with fangs.” Li Zemu picked up his jacket and the two walked out of the hotel.

“It seems that I missed a lot of things.” Li Shanhai was a little surprised. He didn’t have much contact with Liu Dan. After all, he was a gynecologist, but he also knew that he had a good relationship with his ex-wife. Now listen The meaning of his son is that he has long concealed evil intentions.

Li Zemu didn’t hide it, and explained the matter briefly.

The scumbag is scumbag, but his ability is not bad.

And what happened 20 years ago, maybe he knows better.

“According to you, this Liu Dan is really suspicious.”

After hearing the whole story, Li Shanhai frowned.

“My impression of her is that she has always been a non-marriage person. Why has she been single for many years, with a gentle personality, and a female doctor with medical ethics.”

As he spoke, Li Shanhai suddenly froze again.

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