Pension Strategy

Chapter 46

Chapter 45: Extra

Today is Ning Qiu’s 65th birthday, and her great-grandchildren are all over the place.

The birthday banquet was very simple, but the people who came were either the emperor or the queen, or generals, including Zhang Xiaohong and his wife, who were named county masters and married to the Turks.

But when they were preparing to start the banquet, everyone did not see Ning Qiu come out for a long time. When they went to invite someone, they saw the note on the table.

“I’m going to travel, don’t read, don’t look”

–Ning Qiu

Seeing this information, everyone looked at each other in dismay. The old lady’s willfulness has not diminished because of age, on the contrary, it has become more serious.

“Otherwise, let’s send someone to follow.” Zhang Youfu is still worried, the old lady is so old, she goes out to play alone, if something happens, they don’t know Where are the people, and what should I do?

“Forget it, since grandma has gone out, she will definitely not let us find her. When she has had enough fun, she will naturally come back.” Zhang Cong shook his head, grandma wanted to go out to play for a long time, But I stumbled because of many things, and now I have the opportunity, it is impossible to come back easily.

Seeing everyone is still worried, Gu San, who is already the emperor, smiled, “I ordered someone to send the portrait of the old lady to officials in various places.

This proposal is also the best way.

However, in the days to come, they often received gifts from the old lady, which was enough to prove that she was living well outside.

From home, Ning Qiu went to the suburbs, bought a donkey that looked full of energy at the tea shed, and slowly started her play life.

The address of the treasure that she saw in the contract that year, she went to the first stop, and spent more than ten days to find the treasure, which is full of genius treasures. The truth of plucking hair, she rudely put it all into the space.

By the way, I went to the Loulan Kingdom, which chose to hide in the world. After receiving the support of Gu San, An Lord began to rebuild the Loulan Kingdom. Although it has not yet prospered, it has also recovered.

Playing for half a year, later, she didn’t have any special place to go, so she just followed the team of runners, and she would stay for a while when something fun happened.

Counting the days, Ning Qiu has been out for almost a year.

She knew she should go home. After all, before people leave, they all have the idea that the fallen leaves will return to their roots, and they always have to go back for one last look.

But before she went home, she took a trip to Xiangxi. It was said that there was a corpse drive in Xiangxi, and she went there out of curiosity.

Inquired along the way, Ning Qiu came to a relatively remote and rather strange inn, far away from popular places, but very close to the deep mountains and old forests. There is a thick fog shrouded around, and it does look a little scary.

When she came to the front of the inn, it was already evening, the sky was hazy and dark, the air was damp and cool, and she had to wrap her coat to avoid the cold.

Soothing the agitated donkey, Ning Qiu stepped forward and knocked on the door. After a while, the door was opened by a coquettish woman in red.

Seeing that an old lady with gray hair came to stay at the inn, she was stunned for a moment, then smiled and asked, “Old lady, are you the only one here to stay at the inn?”

People of this age are already old Shoujun, and I don’t know why the family agreed to come out alone.

“Yes, I passed by on the way home, I want to stay for one night, and I will travel tomorrow.” Ning Qiu smiled, looking kind and kind.

it is good.”

“Of course it’s okay, old lady, I fell asleep on the bed.” Ning Qiu answered with a smile, she turned her head to look at the bored donkey behind her, “It’s just me The donkey here is also a little hungry, do you have any food here?”

“There are some, you can sit down for a while, and I will help you to put it away.” The innkeeper led Ning Qiu in, and repeatedly refused the store fee paid by Ning Qiu, and the room was arranged in the second place. Lou, “No one usually comes here, so it’s a bit shabby. You can stay for one night first.”

Soon, the innkeeper who had left came back again, carrying a pot of hot tea and some food, “It’s all ordinary side dishes, you can eat.”

Ning Qiu nodded with a smile, “Girl, thank you.”

“It doesn’t matter, it’s all right.” Before leaving, the innkeeper emphasized again not to walk around at night.

Ning Qiu responded one by one, and when the night was really as dark as splashing ink, it was already midnight.

Everything was quiet, but after a while, there were footsteps approaching.

There were no lights in the house, Ning Qiu opened some windows and looked down through the moonlight.

Walking in front was a middle-aged man with a leather whip on his waist, a lantern and a rattle, wearing a mink coat and a straw hat on his head.

Behind him, there are more than a dozen corpses, wearing various clothes, the death appearance and the length of time of death are different, they are jumping after them, a thin accumulation on the ground The snow covered many footprints.

It is rumored that the corpses are chased by people who have died in foreign places.

Ning Qiu saw that when the corpse chaser knocked on the door, the proprietress jumped into each other’s arms happily during the day, obviously they were a couple.

It turned out that there was really a corpse. After confirming this rumor, Ning Qiu turned around and went back to sleep.

The next day.


“Old lady, are you leaving?” The innkeeper asked with a smile, which was also a test.

Ning Qiu’s gaze skipped over the corpse hunter, but paused for a few seconds. When the two looked at each other, she found that the corpse hunter was missing an eye, and the corpse hunter immediately lowered his head Lowering his head, he just touched and drank tea, and dared not raise his head.

“Yeah, I’ve been out for too long, so I have to go home to have a look.” Ning Qiu smiled.

“These are the food I made this morning, and your donkey has already been fed. From here to the official road, everything is safe, you can rest assured.” The innkeeper hurriedly She took the things she had prepared in the morning and put them into Ning Qiu’s hands. Although the acquaintance was short-lived, no one came here on weekdays, and there were not many strangers to be seen throughout the year, so it was inevitable to be happy.

“Then thank you girl.” Ning Qiu did not refuse, she glanced at the belly of the proprietress before leaving, and smiled again, “Now that you have a body, you must rest well, don’t ask Work harder.”

Having said that, she turned and left, and the donkey, which was originally tied in the stable, came to the door by herself, and saw Ning Qiu come out, it squatted down very spiritually and let him After Ning Qiu sat down, he left with a load.

And after savoring the content of the words, the proprietress touched her stomach in surprise. When she raised her head, she could not find the shadow of the old lady at all.

If there is a chance to see you again, she will be very grateful.

The corpse chaser also said excitedly, “Hua Niang, we have a child.”

“Yeah, you’re going to be a dad.”

The corpse hunter was excited for a while, but what came to his mind, he just withdrew his hand to touch the belly of Hua Niang, did not dare to approach, and was overshadowed, “I’m sorry, I can’t give you a name I can’t recognize the child, I am an unknown person and will harm both of you, mother and child.”

If he married a flower girl and recognized the child, it would surely make them restless.

“Don’t say that, I don’t need any status. Our family, it’s good to get along just like this.” Hua Niang hugged him and felt an unprecedented peace of mind.

She was also an unknown person who was displaced, but now she can live a peaceful and happy life here, which is her greatest wish, and she dare not ask for too much.

“Hua Niang, thank you.” The corpse chaser was very warm, and he wanted to make more money so that the Hua Niang could take care of the baby, and maybe change to another place, when it was hot Local life, good for children.

Ning Qiu wanted to go home in time for the plum blossoms in winter, to drink a pot of wine, and then leave the world.

But when there was more than half a day left, she knew that she could no longer hold on.

He found someone to build a simple shed, pulled by a very tall donkey.

Ning Qiu touched its head, a little reluctant, “Old man, this time it’s really up to you to bring me home. I left a letter, and after I leave, they will It will also take care of your old age.”

The donkey seemed to understand these words, tears welled in its eyes, rubbed Ning Qiu with its head hard, and could feel its sadness.

Things, she promised the way of heaven, so this time it was really parting from life and death.

Animals are all spiritual. When Ning Qiu sat firmly in the carriage and closed his eyes, the donkey knew that his master had passed away.

Its tears kept flowing, and it pulled the owner back home with the fastest speed.

Back to the owner, under the plum blossom that he often talks about.

It was so tired that it lay down on the ground, but it couldn’t get far. It looked at the shed without blinking, the owner who could no longer speak to it, and the tears kept flowing.

At first they watched the donkey run back frantically. The old Zhang family didn’t know what was going on. Later they found that Ning Qiu in the shed had no breath. .

They have been waiting for the old lady to come home, but they never thought it would be this way.

“After I die, I will be buried next to Lao Zhang, remember to put more fruit wine as sacrifices, and plant more plum blossoms. Don’t be too sad, I am serious You should be happy when you are reincarnated. Also, my donkey, you have to be kind to it, it has a bit of a temper from time to time, just coax it a little more.”

Although there are the old lady’s last words, but the most beloved elder passed away, no one feels bad.

The funeral was not big, and as an old lady, it was very low-key.

On the day of the old lady’s burial, it snowed for several days, then it suddenly cleared up, a rainbow appeared on the other side of the emerald green mountains, and the yard was always full of plum blossoms, blooming neatly, Really beautiful.

It seems that they are seeing off the old lady.

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