Pension Strategy

Chapter 40

Chapter 39: Old Woman 39

When the whistle stopped, the poisonous scorpion lay down quietly.

Ning Qiu turned to look at the two younger brothers, “You guys have flour here.”

“There are some.” The two brothers nodded hastily.

“Go get it, remember to pack as many jars as possible.”

One of the younger brothers immediately ran to the kitchen, and hurried back within half a minute, he handed the jar to Ning Qiu, “Old lady, all the flour in the kitchen is here. .”

After a circle, he climbed out, causing some flour to be sprinkled on several cases, and the black poisonous scorpion had turned white.

Finally, Ning Qiu blew the whistle twice, and it rustled, and this time it moved very quickly, and after a while it climbed outside the threshold, leaving some flour behind As a trace, even if the poisonous scorpion crawls in the dark night, the white color is particularly obvious, and it will not fail to keep up.

“Follow up, don’t lose it. If the flour is missing, sprinkle some on it.” Ning Qiu’s words fell, and the two younger brothers hurried out the door holding the jar , staring wide-eyed at the poisonous scorpion that was walking along the gate, for fear that it would disappear after a few glances.

Ning Qiu just walked to the threshold, looked back at the thin monkey who was following him, and said, “If your legs and feet are inconvenient, don’t follow. But there is a very urgent matter here. , I need you to do it.”

“You say, I will finish it.” Thin Monkey wanted to refuse, but when he heard the latter words, he changed his meaning.

After all, he has a lame foot, and he will only be dragged behind. But it’s still useful, and this restores his fighting spirit, instead of falling into self-blame that he can’t help.

Stop following. If the casino is closed…” After speaking, Ning Qiu paused, her face a little unsightly.

“If it is closed, you can safely send these two children back to the village. When you go back, the two of you will notify the whole village. If someone breaks in and can’t bear it, Just a fire and set the ancestral hall on fire. No one broke in, so continue to move the things out of the ancestral hall, don’t wait for tomorrow.” Ning Qiu looked at Zhang Congming and the others.

This is the worst arrangement, but also the most likely thing to happen under the current circumstances.

Gu San’s identity has been discovered, and even if he successfully returns to Beijing, it will be the biggest threat, and now there is no treasure to be found, and the dog is jumping over the wall.

The village is a group of ordinary people, but there are a lot of treasures hidden in the country, no one will care if they know it or not, no one will care about their worthless life, as long as it is a treasure If they are found, then these villagers will be eliminated by cutting the grass and roots, and will not leave a living mouth to expose the matter.

So, it was really useful that the Qi King who failed to rebel 30 years ago left this hand before his death.

If I want to build a basement and move things in, Zhang Yunzong is also aware of it, whether it is for the safety of the whole village or privately for the safety of the Turkic princess, I can’t say He came out, but in the end, he kept his hand, and used the deed to convey the general idea of this matter to future generations.

The skinny monkey nodded solemnly, “Don’t worry, old lady, I swear with my life that I will take good care of them. My third master, please!”

“Grandma!” The Zhang Congming brothers and sisters were very sensitive, and when they heard the meaning, they immediately became nervous.

If there is any danger to their lives, take them to hide in our yard, then blow this sound, try to live, and wait for me to go back.”

thing, wasting her time, really annoying!

Although they have always known that their village has been in a whirlpool for a while, accidents will happen if they are accidentally Overwhelmed.

Zhang Congming is older, he stabilized his mind, clenched the whistle in his hand, and nodded solemnly, “Grandma, don’t worry, everything will be fine, I will take you to Beijing and become the grandmother of the champion. .”

“Okay, you can go back quickly.” Ning Qiu turned and left, her back was a little crooked at the moment, but her thin back was able to carry the most difficult things.

Zhang Xiaohong wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes. She didn’t know why, but she felt uneasy.

“Let’s go, don’t waste time.” Zhang Congming let out a sigh of relief. At this moment, his brows were tenacious and he grew a lot.

“Follow me.” The thin monkey has lived in the town for a few years, and with his good memory, he has a clear idea of the terrain and alleys here, and where to take shortcuts, all know.

Ignoring the stinging feet from walking too fast, he took Zhang Congming and his two children and soon came to Baosheng Casino. Unfortunately, Ning Qiu was worried about things It happened. The casino is a closed-door, bustling and fun place in the past. At this moment, no one has passed by quietly, and it is desolate.

Zhang Cong Cong was also flustered, but his face was more calm. He took his sister’s hand to comfort him, “Don’t be afraid, nothing will happen, trust my brother.”

, but he has been clenching his teeth tightly.

Back to the yard, he quickly pulled out the third master’s carriage from the backyard, and when Zhang Congming and the others were seated, they immediately waved the whip, neighed, and the horse’s hoof raised, and flew towards Sanwan Village And go.

The last place the poisonous scorpion came to was actually a brothel called Yingxin Pavilion, which sounds quite elegant, but the smell of rouge is too strong.

The poisonous scorpion can sneak in, but Ning Qiu and the two younger brothers were stopped at the door.

The old bustard wearing red peony flowers and heavy makeup, waving his handkerchief, the pungent smell of rouge and gouache dissipated, making Ning Qiu take two steps to the side, almost no sneeze.

“…You three, are you here to find a girl?” The old lady’s suspicious eyes wandered back and forth between the three of them, as if she had never seen two young men bring an old lady on board. Broth!

Thinking like this, she looked at Ning Qiu with a strange look. Now the world is getting worse, and even the old lady came out to have fun, and it was a girl.

“I…” As soon as the two younger brothers were about to speak, they saw Ning Qiu squinting and said, “I don’t want to find a girl’s house when I go to the brothel, do you want to find a courtier? Of course, if you have A good shepherd can also be arranged, and I will not refuse anyone who comes.”

“Or are you refusing to accept guests? Hmph, are you looking down on me, an old woman who has no money and can’t afford to play!” Ning Qiu put away her smile, deliberately stern face, completely old-fashioned attitude.

However, the ancients did not understand the two very representative words “Fuck” to express the shock at this moment.

The two younger brothers can only widen their eyes… The old lady is worthy of being an old lady, even the chaperon knows it, and both men and women take it all!

“…Old sister, that’s not what my sister meant. It’s just that the old sister can still have a good time now, which makes my sister really shocked. How could she refuse? It’s too late to welcome the old sister.” Seeing Ning Qiu Angry, the old lady recovered from her astonishment. She hurriedly held a handkerchief to cover her mouth and laughing. She took Ning Qiu’s hand and walked into the brothel very intimately.

Her playful and ambiguous gaze fell on the two younger brothers behind her, she threw a few winks, then quickly retracted it, got close to Ning Qiu’s ear, and whispered: “Old sister, the one in the back These two are your favorites. You are really amazing. You can handle them at this age, and now you can come out to find new ones. Look at this, let’s make friends, you teach me how to do it, In the future, you can come and play as you want, and anyone who orders is free, you can see how it goes.”

At a young age, she was sold into a brothel by her family, but she was deceived and bullied after saving money to redeem herself. She abandoned everything and worked hard for most of her life to grow this brothel and become a famous nearby The prostitute, since then, has deeply realized the truth that a woman is the happiest when she lives well.

But with money and power, there are not many happy days at night, and now I can’t feel that feeling anymore. Isn’t this killing her.

This old lady looks more than ten years older than her, but she can still play well. The old lady can’t wait to learn all the methods, so that she can get to where she is today in vain.

Imagine, they are really the old lady’s servants, and then at night…it’s terrible, let’s finish them with a knife!

“Okay, let’s go, take me to a quiet yard. You’ll be with us tonight, I’m the only way I’ve studied, I’ll keep you refreshed the next day , I’m still a few years younger, I didn’t tell anyone, I’ll teach you only if you have a fate.” Ning Qiu smiled and patted the back of the old lady’s hand with meaningful eyes.

This old lady had such a good time, she actually invited her to join them! The old bustard was instantly shocked, and sure enough, there were people outside the world.

“Old lady, how old are you this year.” She asked curiously.

I’ve used it. No, I’ll come out and find something useful, and I’m not willing to follow me, I’m really spoiled.”

Hearing this, the prostitute was once again shocked, she can still be so powerful at the age of seventy!

“Okay, then I’ll join you tonight! I’ll ask you to teach me well, my sister. My sister’s future happiness depends on you.” She gritted her teeth and nodded in agreement.

She entered a brothel at the age of ten, became a prostitute at the age of twenty, and has been a prostitute for more than ten years. All kinds of people have seen this scene.

Ning Qiu deepened her smile again and cast a reassuring look, “You can rest assured, when you learn the method I taught you, at my age, you can still live well. ”

The old prostitute held a handkerchief to cover her face, pretending to be shy and smiling, but she was so impatient to act, she hurriedly took people to a room that is usually arranged only when a guest with a lot of money came in, and there was everything in it .

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