Pension Strategy

Chapter 35

Chapter 35: Old Woman 35

Passing like a shadow in the dark, the purpose is to go straight to Sanwan Village.

Liu Dashan drank it during the day, and often got up at night to relieve himself.

His house is close to the halfway up the mountain, because he was worried that wild beasts would come down the mountain, so he built a high wall courtyard.

However, the latrine pit where he was relieved was full, and the excrement inside had not been disposed of, so during this time, he had to solve it on the spot outside.

Anyway, after the door of his house was opened, there was an untouched grass when he walked to the side, just squat inside to solve it, no one saw it.

Liu Dashan was standing in a daze, unable to open his eyes, but the buzzing mosquito bite made him have to wake up.

“Tomorrow I have to clean the latrine, so I ran outside to feed the mosquitoes.” Liu Dashan unbuttoned his trousers and whistled to let out water. After a while, when he lifted his trousers and turned to go back , By the moonlight, he saw people coming down from the mountain one after another and entering their village, and the scimitar in his hand was dazzling and infiltrating.

I came in in the middle of the night and brought a knife, this is simply a bad visitor!

“Hiccup~” Liu Dashan was so frightened that he hiccupped. He was afraid of being discovered. He didn’t care that he touched the liquid when he released his hand. He quickly covered his mouth and squatted down. He hid in the grass and looked at the group of people. All poured into the village.

Thinking of the village being poisoned one after another, a very strong thought crossed his mind, shouldn’t he be here to kill?

The more I thought about it, the more likely it was. Liu Dashan was so anxious that his forehead was sweating. Go to the old Zhang’s house.

I don’t know where the group of people went, Liu Dashan took a few steps and leaned against the wall to take a look. The group of people came towards them, and they were holding the village chief by their hands. At this moment, their hands were tied and the cloth was stuffed in their mouths, dragging them all the way to the ancestral hall.

Liu Dashan was stunned, he immediately shrank his head back, lay down and hid in the grass by the roadside, not daring to breathe.

They kidnapped the village chief, what are they going to do?

Until people passed by, Liu Dashan hurriedly got up and ran to the old Zhang’s house like a gallop. He could still hear his heart beating, and his heart almost jumped out of his throat .

At last, he came to the door of Lao Zhang’s house. He didn’t dare to knock on the door, and he didn’t dare to call anyone, for fear that the disturbance would be heard.

While wandering in a hurry, Liu Dashan suddenly remembered the signal when he contacted Zhang Youcai, and immediately covered his mouth with his hand, and then skillfully made a cooing bird call.

He cried intermittently for a while, until his cheeks were sore, and then he saw the door opened, and it was Zhang Youcai who came out in his underwear. Before Liu Dashan could speak, he was sleepy and puzzled, “It’s said that I won’t go there again, why did you still come here in the middle of the night?”

“That’s not it, Aunt Zhang, hurry up and take me to see Aunt Zhang, something big has happened!” Liu Dashan was so anxious that he didn’t have time to explain so much to Zhang Youcai, so he pushed people directly Open, hurriedly run inside.

Hearing this, Zhang Youcai lost all sleepiness in an instant, closed the door and quickly followed behind Liu Dashan, “What? What did you say happened?”

This is good, everyone is sleeping, what can happen.

Looking at the closed door, Liu Dashan turned around and grabbed Zhang Youcai’s shoulder, his eyes red with anxiety, “I just saw a group of people who entered our village with knives, and also The village chief was robbed of the ancestral hall. If you have money, hurry up and wake up Aunt Zhang, and later, I am afraid that the village chief will have an accident!”

“Ah, oh oh oh, I’ll call my mother right away.” Zhang Youcai was stunned, and then immediately went to photograph Ning Qiu’s door and said in a low voice, “Mother, mother, come out It’s a big deal!”

No one responded, Liu Dashan was so anxious that he grabbed his hair with both hands, thinking about whether to hit the door directly, but just as he was ready to hit the door, the door opened.

“Aunt Zhang, a large number of people broke in, and the village chief was taken away, what should we do!” Liu Dashan almost fell to the ground, he just stood up and watched Looking at Ning Qiu, he seemed to have no direction.

Ning Qiu looked calm, “Go and call your eldest brother and the others, and follow me. Liu Dashan, you go and lead a dog, and he ran around the village and shouted that someone had broken in.” ”

The two acted quickly, and Liu Dashan was even quicker. I didn’t know where to find a gong, and while knocking, he shouted, “There are bandits entering the village, everyone quickly pick up weapons and go The ancestral hall!” After a few seconds, the village was suddenly brightly lit, and the crowd in chaos, holding the simple weapons that Ning Qiu had asked them to make, rushed to the ancestral hall. Most of them were strong adult men, for the sake of safety. Weak women and children are kept at home.

I thought it would be easy to succeed. They threatened Liu Zhu not to open the door. After a few slaps to vent their anger, they cut the door to pieces with their knives. As soon as the person who ordered the task was about to complete the task, he saw that the whole village was bright. Are all the people that great?

Especially standing in the middle, surrounded by people with an ordinary old lady, there is no conspicuous place, but it is also the most dangerous source.

A dozen or so wearing black clothes held the machete across their chests, hunched over with their knees slightly bent, preparing for a fight.

“Aunt Zhang, what I just saw is them!” Liu Dashan pointed at the group of men in black, and at the same time gestured twice with the precious wooden stick in his hand, indicating that he was not at all cowardly .

Ning Qiu said with a sullen face, “What are you trying to do when you come to our village in the middle of the night.”

The men in black looked at each other in dismay, shouting in an unskilled manner, and said murderously, “Since he came to the door to die, then it will save us the effort to find it!”

Speaking, five of them jumped in shape, wielding sharp blades, and wanted to harvest the heads.

Unfortunately, the villagers are not vegetarians. The people in front immediately bent down and stepped back, while the people behind held a big net and threw them into the air, quickly and accurately grabbed the two black clothes There were three people who escaped, but it didn’t matter because they knew martial arts, but there were many villagers and they cooperated tacitly. , the others attacked in the back, and soon five were trapped, and the hands and feet were neatly tied.

And the remaining men in black, watching Ning Qiu and the others approaching step by step, also retreated into the ancestral hall step by step. The man, when he heard the movement, looked back and stopped for a few seconds when his eyes fell on Ning Qiu, then frowned deeply, his eyes flickering with murderous intent.

“What’s going on here, I asked you to kill them all, why didn’t you do it!” The leader with pigtails, two poked hair, and a dark golden robe, He stretched out his hand to grab the returning subordinate, widened his bell-like vicious eyes, and scolded coldly.

The subordinate shrank his head and said tremblingly, “As soon as we wanted to go, they were discovered, and five brothers were also caught.”

“Trash! What’s the use of asking you!” The leader gave him a grim look, he let go of his hand, pulled out the machete in his left hand, and stabbed the subordinate’s chest directly, his face He didn’t care if it was splashed on the top, on the contrary, it made him more excited.

The subordinate’s eyes widened in disbelief, and he couldn’t rest his eyes.

“Trash is trash, killing a few villagers is a trivial matter, and it’s a shame to keep it.”

He stretched out his hand, pressed his five fingers on the subordinate’s face, and pushed the man back to the ground, at the same time he also slowly pulled out the bright red machete, sliding down the blood that gathered at the tip of the knife The beads tick to the ground.

The leader wiped the blood on his face with the pulp of his finger, and then licked the blood on the pulp of his finger. The whole person revealed a sinister and poisonous aura. You don’t need to think about it, you know, he must be licking This kind of terror can only be cultivated in the days of holding the tip of a knife, killing people like numbness, and drinking blood.

For a time, the ancestral hall was filled with a thick smell of blood.

When did the villagers see such a scene, they were timid and took a step back in fear, only to feel a chill wrapped around them and shivered.

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