Paradigm Parasite

Chapter 193: "Empty Sea"

The harbour was quite noisy.

After all, seeing that huge body from a distance is different from seeing it approaching.

The reactions of the people around them were also reasonable.

Some were stunned, some were trembling, some were glaring, and the reactions varied, but it was clear that at the very least everyone was perturbed.

In the midst of all this, Hieda was trying to control the chaos by sending out instructions one after another.

He gave tasks to those who were stunned, laughed at those who were shaking, and blasted those who were glaring at the others to let's do it.

It's a feat to be able to move so much in this chaos.

From the way the people around him looked at Hie, it was clear that he was fulfilling his role as king to the hilt.

"Do you call this kind of thing charismatic?"

"Yes, I would say so. I think he at least has the ability to pull people along with him.

"I don't think I could ever emulate him."

Behind me, Aspizal laughs in a tone that says he's no match for him, and Yonomori chuckles as if caught in the act.

I don't really care, but turn my attention to the building attached to the harbour - probably a hangar to house the ship.

I could see ships coming out of there one after another.

Apparently that's the boat they use as a road.

Will it really work?

According to Hieda, the plan is to place the ships at regular intervals, anchor and secure them, and then advance on them at once as they approach - but...

That's impossible, isn't it?

Every time Deep One moves, the surface of the surrounding sea ripples spectacularly.

Can they get close in that condition? Despite the distance, the sea surface is rough and the ship is agitated, rocking dangerously.

They are going to force the boat to go, because they couldn't think of any other way, but I have nothing but apprehension.

Are they prepared for the waves?

I don't know, but I don't think it's a no-brainer as long as we're sailing.

...I'm also concerned about the timing of his move.

If it is thought that he didn't move because he was preparing for something, now that he is moving, it is highly likely that his preparations are complete.

To be honest, I can't shake the unease because I don't know what he's going to do, but should we take it as fortuitous that we didn't have to move the ship or move a large group of people?

Suddenly the Deep One stops moving.

...what is it?

Someone else seems to have noticed it and is looking at it, wondering what it is.

The distance is still far. Why did it stop at that distance?

Could it be like it's trying to send something flying?

I have a bad feeling about this.

The reason was immediately apparent, and the bad feeling came true.

As soon as he dived into the sea, the surface of the sea rose up and a huge pillar of water appeared.

It's a huge pillar of water, I'd estimate its width to be a hundred or so metres and its height to be a few hundred metres, although I don't know exactly how high it is because it keeps growing.

The pillar reaches skyward at a stretch and stops halfway up.

It broke at a right angle and then extended all the way up to us.

The pillar changed shape when it reached the top of the city and radiated out.

The people there, including me, could only watch in amazement.

After it finished spreading, there was a bizarre scene as if an ocean had appeared in the sky.

The next change was in the sea.

Deep One swims up into the sky in a ridiculously large column of seawater and comes towards us at an unusual speed.

"You've got to be kidding..."

Someone is heard muttering in dismay.

It's a natural reaction. I feel the same way.

I didn't see this coming.

"Shit, it's coming! Everybody be prepared! No manoeuvres. They're coming for us!"

Hieda shouted, and a little later, Deep One reached the skies over Uzbek Animos.

The war opened up in a completely preemptive manner.

Naturally, a huge body of several hundred metres suddenly appeared above our heads, the surrounding area was greatly shaken and the initial movement was fatally delayed, and the enemy did not miss that opportunity.

Squid fly from the surface of the body.

The squids break through the surface of the water in the air and rain down on us.

I run with a borrowed hatchet, striking away at the flying squids.

Because if you stopped, you would be a target.

The surroundings were truly a scene of screams.

Some had wind holes in their stomachs from being hit by the squid, some were hit in the face and died instantly, others managed to react, etc. Although the damage varied, almost everyone was shouting something.

It may have been the names of their friends, or it may have been lamentation or anger at the current situation.

The sound was no longer a voice, but a deafening noise.

"This is a disaster. What shall we do?"

"The operation's completely blown. I wonder if it's too hard to work systematically now?"

Aspizal and Yonomori, who had been running side by side before I knew it, look up and make bitter noises.


"What is it?"

"Can we shove it in on the carpet?"

"It's not impossible, I guess. "To be honest, it's tough. You can't go very fast in the water, so even if you force your way in, you'll be prey to that squid."

I look at the column of seawater growing out of the sea.

"If we cut that thing in the middle, we could drop it, couldn't we?"

"Maybe we shouldn't. You might be able to, but if you do, that volume of seawater will fall in with it."

Ah, that's not good.

A glance at the sky. There's enough water for a monster of that size to swim in, and if it fell, the Uzbek Animos would be washed away and the land cleared.

But still, the small fry are unfurling, but the main body doesn't move.

Or - can't it move?

As I'm thinking about it, I hear a lot of water popping from above.

I take one look above and click my tongue.

The grotesque creatures - the dependents - come tumbling down.

The number is extraordinary.

The household members were catching and devouring the nearest beastmen one after another with their tentacles.

Naturally, the beastmen could not just stand by and be beaten, and they threw Molotov cocktails at them, turning them into firecrackers.

The household members, flailing about in the flames, plunged into a nearby building and died, while the building caught fire and caught fire at the same time.

It's a mess. It's a real mess.

"I guess this was a mistake. It's not going to work, is it?"

"Not at all."

Aspizal sighs as he looks at the scene around him.

I agree. It was not a good move to rely on others so easily.

In the end, it only resulted in the unnecessary spread of damage.

"What are we going to do? Run away? Or..."

If we could escape, we would have done so by now.

As long as they're moving that way, they'll come after us no matter where we run.

We have to deal with it somehow.

--હું ભૂખ્યો છું. પરિપૂર્ણ કરવા માટે પોતાને સમર્પિત કરો.

I have no idea what he's talking about, but as usual that monster is giving us a passionate love call.

Well, if we believe Aspizal's words, it's probably something along the lines of 'I'm hungry, let me eat'.

I hate it, totally.

I'm told carpets don't move well in water, so we'll just have to push them out of the way.

"Let's go with the carpet. I'll use my magic to put up a barrier and push them out of the water. It's a heavy-handed move, but it'll be quick."

"Okay. But I think it's going to be quite a strain, are you okay with that?"

"Well, we'll manage."

Yonomori pulls a carpet out of her luggage and spreads it out.

Aspizal floats the carpet and me and Yonomori jump on it and it goes up.

"Wait for us."

On the way up, as we were fending off the attacking squids and falling household members, a voice suddenly called out to us from below.

When I look down, I see Hie flying towards me with wings shaking on his back.

In Japanese, perhaps out of concern for Aspizal and the others.

"Where are you going?"

"Just to the belly of that monster, I guess."

"That sounds interesting. I know a man here who could be of some use."

Hieda gives a small smile and points to himself with his thumb.

Aspizal smiles and nods as well.

"Okay, just keep following me. When we get close to the surface, Roe will do something about the water, and I'll get on this way."

"Okay. In the meantime, leave the dew clearing to me, okay."

After saying that, Hieda increases the speed.

No, it's too fast, isn't it?

He flew around at speeds that seemed to leave even afterimages, reaped squids with the huge horns on his head, and smashed through the bellies of household members with his spinning thrust attack.

Hieda seems to be proud of the hardness of his horns, and uses them quite frequently, swinging them around and hitting them vigorously.

The hardness was so great that the squids he hit were shattered, while his horns were unscathed.

As long as they smashed my halberd when I hit them, those squids shouldn't be as hard as they are...

"In the meantime, I've managed to round up a couple of guys who can move. I'd like to take them with me if I can, can I go?"

Someone who can move?

Noticing my question, Hie turned around and said, 'Look'.

I could see the beastmen of the bird lineage flapping their wings and rising into the sky.

Ah, I knew it, the bird-type guys can fly.

The reason why they are able to fly without magic is - or is the logic behind their flight similar to that of congamato?

Perhaps in combination with magic? Does the body have such a function?

I don't know, because the beastmen I've eaten don't have a bird form.

I would like to find out if I had the chance.

The number of beastmen is around a hundred or so, which is a small number compared to the total, but it's better than nothing.

...Or do we have to put up barriers to cover this number of people?

It's not impossible, but it's hard.

Well, let's try a little harder.

If you cut corners badly, it's obvious that it will come back on you.

Well, let's do it.

"Hie! Get everyone behind us! Make way!"

When Hieda gives instructions to those around him, the flying people all gather together.

[Wind Shield III] is somewhat rearranged and deployed multiply, combining multiple shields to create a conical space.

Everyone is brought within the area of effect.

"Let's go. Follow me without delay!"

The wind shields that come into contact with the sea surface successfully push the sea water away.

I feel considerable resistance, but I plunge in additional magic power to increase the output and clear a path.

"Roe, you could use such a great magic skill?"

"Amazing. I didn't know it could cover such a large area--"

The two of them were surprised at something, but I don't have enough room to be bothered.

Frankly, I'm devoting most of my resources to magic, so I can't concentrate on anything else.

"Good, hurry up. It won't last very long."

It's pretty hard work.

"All right."

Aspizal accelerates the carpet.

The carpet rises at once, approaches the Deep One and stops right under its nose.

From the front, it's quite a face.

Checking the mouth, it is half-open, as if the bite is not good enough.

The aspizal also thought it was convenient and plunged in, with the others following suit.

Without any particular obstruction, we slips between the teeth and succeeds in entering the body.

I felt a touch of unease at the fact that I was able to enter so easily, but I guess it's no use thinking about it.

I wonder what's going on inside.

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