Overpowered Soul Transmigrate In Apocalypse

Chapter 66: EP9: History (1)

"In the year 2012, two years after the creation of UWG (United world government), terrorist organizations faced a booming in their numbers. As is that year, many desperate criminals lurked in the world.

"In only three months there were at least three A-grade and one S-grade thread-level terrorist organizations. Along with that, there were dozens of B-Grade to F-grade terrorist organization.

"Bombing in most assaults became the new norm among the terrorist organizations. Because there was no shortage of suicidal and desperate ruthless criminals. And all the terrorist organizations had targeted UNG(United world government). Because UNG (United world government) was a fresh treasure Filled Cash-cow.

"Holding innocent civilians as hostage to trade for confidential information and money from the UNG (United world government) was the most famous tactics of the terrorists. All done in order to acquire more fortune for themselves and information about their enemy, the UWG. The terrorists only had one goal and that was to destroy UWG, at all cost!

"In the year 2012, UNG created for the sole purpose of stopping the war by hogging all the Nuclear weapons, and promoting the growth of civilization and modernizing underdeveloped third world countries on Earth, was an empty powerhouse and a wealthy cash-cow.

"UWG (United world government) had rich people supporting it, but didn't have much of a presence in the military. It barely had some soldiers. The UWG also didn't bother to struggle in the muddy waters of other countries politics. So, UWG also lacked political allies. Hence, they had no means to combat against the terrorist who had no shortage of minions and was dead set on destroying them. Except for money!

"To combat against the terrorist organizations UWG (United world government), the cash-cow, used its unlimited amount of money to immediately purchase war machinery and also created dozens of squads. The squads did fail in completing their missions a lot of times, as they were not able to save innocent lives. Because the members of the terrorist organizations usually committed suicide by exploding bombs and killing nearby hostages.

"Outraged at their actions, the UWG (United world government) laid out all its hand. UWG put in all of its personal money, that was not meant for country development and hired talented scientists and engineers, with sky-breaking, world-shattering and mind-blowing achievements. The scientist and engineers only had one task; To somehow create new overbearing weapons that will crush these ruthless terrorist organizations.

"Hence Mech was developed. And in the same year (2012) more than three hundred (300) squad were created, that fended off the terrorist organization and killed the ruthless criminals. All the terrorist groups mercilessly killing normal civilians for the sake of profit got annihilated and the UWG won the battle" Arnold seriously explained the secret of his strength. Basically, his past... a past which contained no information about himself.

All the information which he must say was known to both Dracula and Feng Mei!

"Um, Mr.Arnold, this is general knowledge known by even high-schoolers. It is also more detail fully explained in history books," Dracula replied and nearly rolled his eyes at Arnold.

Arnold helplessly shook his hair.

This information was present even in the website 'Wikipedia' and definitely not something confidential.

Arnold words sounded like a distant tale to Feng ears. It jogged the jumbled memories of Feng, who have become an Otaku for five years, after dying while fighting against his enemy *Tian Wu* in the Eastern immortals Western gods Star clusters.

Thanks to Arnold, Feng remembered a lot of memories related to this world, especially the history of Earth. Also, the reason why there were so many terrorists in the year 2012.

Feng had actually graduated from college in 'Earth' before his soul got transmigrated to Eastern immortal Western gods star-cluster. So, he naturally had learned and studied the history of this world.

There were hundreds of blocks of information inside of his mind related to the history of the year 2010-2019 of this world. But, the serious Feng brain managed to immediately summarized the information.

His brain summarized the information in multiple points that explained all the important information.

‹A›. In the year 2010, UWG was created. The border of every country, state and federal bodies, etc all over the world was opened, as everyone let go of their discrimination and racism.

‹B›. In the year 2010, there was no border tension between any country. There was no way a country would start a war with another country. The soldiers had nothing to do, except being idle. Naturally, It's not like they would be fed and taken care of for being idle.

Million of soldiers all over the world got dispatch to end criminal livelihood. The poor criminals unaware of this fact, got their ass busted and thrown in jail. 2010 and 2011 was also the most profitable year for co-operation that specializes in Construction. Because thousands of prisons were made in merely two years!

From kingpin to Smugglers all got their business busted and ass handed to the government of various countries. Smuggling drugs had become harder than threading hundred of rocky mountains on foot.

Many criminal organizations disbanded and some went into hiding. Hatred and rage set their soul ablaze. They were ready to sell their soul to the devil. Only if, they could have their revenge! Waiting for a chance. A chance to take revenge.

‹C›. Borders of every country around the world were open but not the hearts of some of the corrupt politicians, elites, and people in power. Especially, the racist and discriminative people's, that believed their race to be above all. High and lofty like gods.

Their eyes burned with hatred and their brain made up all nefarious plans when they saw third-world countries and second-world countries being modernized and becoming their equal.

They didn't want the third-world countries and second-world to become their 'Equal'.

‹D›. The President of many countries also wanted the terrorists to destroy UNG, so that power would return back to them!

‹E›. The criminals full of rage and hatred at having their likelihood destroyed wanted revenge! These criminals were the best for the nefarious people.

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