Orc Hero Story: Discovery Chronicles

Chapter 75.3

“Now, about the Human Scriptures, I’ve seen them once before. They are inscribed on stone tablets with unintelligible writing. Due to their divine nature, the religious leaders of the time considered them sacred objects, and that’s why they are called the ‘Scriptures’. However, the text inscribed on them has not been deciphered yet. Also, this religion, as it exists in the current Human nation…”

“We don’t need a history lesson. Where are they?”

Interrupting the nameless woman’s sigh, the Sage chuckled.

“You always hated studying, didn’t you?”

“Hated it? What are you talking about? I’ve discarded my past; I have no memories of such a thing.”

“Ah, I see. Well, I know your circumstances, so let’s leave it at that. If that’s what you wish, I won’t insist further.”

“Very well, continue.”

The Sage smiled wryly. There was a time when the Sage had been the teacher of the nameless woman. It was a nostalgic memory. However, now was not the time to dwell on it.

“To get straight to the point, the Scriptures are kept deep within the castle’s church.”

Upon the Sage’s words, the expressions of the three tensed. Now they knew the location. Of course, there was the possibility that they had been moved without their knowledge, but for now, they could trust him. If they were moved, their intelligence network would probably detect it at some point.

“The Scriptures have been guarded by selected individuals within the church since ancient times. The current guardian is Sir Mont, the most renowned Holy Knight in generations.”

“Ah… that guy?”

“Lady Aldrya was defeated by him, sent to the church’s underground, and finally killed after enduring unspeakable torture.”

“The church doesn’t like demons… well, not just demons.”

Hearing those words, Carrot asked a question.

“So, why hasn’t there been any information about Aldrya or the Scriptures emerging?”

“The Human religion is exclusive, especially those with ties to the military or the royal family, as they have chosen the path of peace. If it were known that a demon who had infiltrated their church was kidnapped and killed, it could cause problems and complaints. So, they have kept it hidden.”

“Hmm… Human priests, even though they serve the gods, do such things?”

“They view the gods as tools of power more than anything else.”

While the nameless woman spoke with disdain, the room fell silent for a moment. The Sage continued.

“The reason there’s no information about the Scriptures is that they have kept it a secret. They believe only they have the ‘right to know’. It’s not guaranteed that the text can’t be read, and even if it could, there’s no guarantee it contains anything meaningful.”

“I really don’t understand the human religion.”

“We don’t believe in something greater than us like the ‘relics’ as you do. Cowardly Humans, desperate to overcome their fear, cling to things that don’t exist.”

“I see…”

Ignoring the nameless woman, who radiated a murderous intent, the conversation continued.

“So, Sir Mont? If he can defeat Aldrya, he must be quite skilled.”

“What kind of opponent is he? Nameless, do you know?”

“I do know him. He is a master swordsman on my level, and he was once entrusted with teaching swordsmanship in the Human royal palace. Aldrya could have had a tough opponent in him. However…”

The Sage resumed the conversation of the nameless woman.

“However, Sir Mont is a ‘man’. Furthermore, all his subordinates are also ‘men’… as the church strictly forbids women.”

That was a fatal weakness. Humans, except for a few chosen ones with special equipment or high magic resistance like the Sage, had no means to counter succubi. They would have enough just with Carrot.

“Hmm, it seems like they don’t think much about being attacked by succubi, huh?”

“No, they’re just being presumptuous. Human men tend to be physically stronger as individuals, you know?”

“…Humans love to look down on those they consider beneath them.”

In terms of military organization, humans and elves clearly distinguished between men and women. It was a necessity when dealing with succubi. Therefore, Carrot didn’t have a major question, but she hadn’t known of such discrimination within her own species.

“In any case, we have our task.”

With Poplatica’s declaration, their course of action was set. They now knew the location of their target, and there was no need for further doubt. They had come for this purpose.

“Oh, Sage, do you have a plan?”

“We don’t need a plan for a battle we undoubtedly can win. We’ll infiltrate the castle now and take the Scriptures from the church.”

“There is information that forces are gathering in the castle.”

“Leadership discussions are taking place. However, since the church is involved, they won’t send anyone.”

“Why are you so sure they won’t?”

“I mentioned it before, but the people in the castle and the church don’t get along. If one of their own were kidnapped and revealed information, it would take a long time before that information reached others. Most people in the castle don’t even know the exact location of the Scriptures, and even if they did, armed individuals would need permission to enter. Conversely, even if the church were responsible for the kidnapping, they wouldn’t entrust the defense to the castle’s people.

“If they coordinated immediately, they could undoubtedly defend against us.”

“That’s the weakness of the human race. They hide information, even from their own, tell lies and manipulate people to serve their own interests. Such individuals rise to power… besides, the person currently at the top of the Humans essentially doesn’t consider us important. They probably think Gediguz’s resurrection is a joke and prioritize their own goals. That’s why we can take the Scriptures. When they’re without their relic and Gediguz resurrects, they will realize that this incident was a turning point.”

“It may not turn out exactly as you expect. People don’t always do what you want.”

Faced with the disdainful words of the nameless woman, the Sage appeared slightly concerned. She was right. If everything went as planned, his wife wouldn’t be dead. That’s why the Sage had come here, determined.

“At that time, I will do everything in my power to get you out of here. I swear, for the sake of my wife.”

For the sake of his wife. The nameless woman couldn’t truly understand the depth of this man’s pain, but those words had more credibility than any discourse about gods, honor, or pride. She sensed a resolute determination. Therefore, after letting out a deep sigh, the nameless woman finally extended her hand.

“Agreed. If you’re so determined… Sage, welcome aboard. Let’s change the world together.”

“As you wish.”

And so, the contract was sealed.

Frizcop: Oh no, bro. The Sage switched sides 😮

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