Orc Hero Story: Discovery Chronicles

Chapter 74.1

Orc Hero Story

Hi guys, Frizcop here! Thanks Tipsycanoe for your donation! I’m glad you guys enjoy this and my translation ^_^

The Zarico Peninsula could be considered the land where Humans put the most effort into recovery after the war. They rebuilt cities and castles, improved infrastructure, and turned them into more formidable fortresses than before. The people who had lived there before also enthusiastically participated in the cities’ reconstruction, even more so than before. It was as if they were trying to overwrite their historical defeat.

Due to this history, the city had many people with prejudices and discriminatory attitudes toward orcs. If an orc walked alone in the city, they would likely encounter problems. While most Humans wouldn’t pick a fight if they saw an orc, even the soldiers wouldn’t go out of their way to capture them. However, nearly all inns would deny them accommodation, and it was unlikely they could find a proper meal.

That’s why Judith decided to accompany Bash, with the help of a soldier who knew relatively safe places for orcs to eat and stay. They used a carriage as their means of transportation. Not the magical carriage Judith had ridden in, but a VIP carriage kept at Stormhill Castle. It was heavily armored, and it was impossible to see inside from the outside. No one would think there was an orc within. With Bash and Zell on board, they headed to their destination.

As for Bash, he left everything to Judith because he held the human race in high regard. Furthermore, he felt completely at ease being in the company of the beautiful knight.

Now, inside the carriage, there were two young men and a young woman. It was unlikely that anything would happen…

“Is it alright for Lady Thunder Sonia and His Highness Prince Nazar to come along as well?”

“What’s the problem? Is it not okay? We’re going out to eat, right? Is there any inconvenience in having us here? There isn’t, is there? So, what are you going to eat?”

Sitting on both sides of Bash were Thunder Sonia and Nazar, both wearing masks by convention.

“I’m also interested in Sir Bash’s heroic stories. I suppose a place where we can have some drinks would be fine.”

Nazar’s words were half sincere and half a formality. They had expected strong hostility toward orcs in Blackhead Territory. That’s why they had come and were prepared to protect Bash if necessary. Despite being an orc, Bash had been summoned at their convenience, and it had been confirmed that he was innocent. Failing to offer them any hospitality could damage the Humans’ reputation. However, aside from Nazar, no one else had any intention of extending hospitality to Bash.

Of course, Bash had no reason to worry about Thunder Sonia and Nazar joining them. Especially having such an attractive woman as Thunder Sonia by his side was more than fine for Bash. In the sense of putting into practice the teachings of the sage he was about to embark on, having a touchstone was necessary.

“Thunder Sonia.”

“Yes? What’s up?”

“What kind of food do you like?”

For a few seconds, there was silence inside the carriage. Bash’s question was a bit out of the ordinary for what orcs typically asked. Orcs didn’t inquire about what kind of food elves liked, especially a woman. But it was Thunder Sonia, with years of experience. She didn’t remain silent and casually responded to Bash.

“I eat anything. But if I had to choose, I’d say apples. I used to eat them like crazy when I was a child, but the apple orchard was burned down in the war. Since then, they’ve become a luxury among the elves.”

By the way, it was the orcs who had burned it down.

“Apples, huh? Can you find them around here?”

“Oh, what’s this? Are we going to get something I like to eat? Well, if I had to choose, then apples. But you don’t have to go out of your way to accommodate my preferences.”

“I see.”

It was part of the sage’s teachings: adapt to your partner, show that you are considerate. That was what mattered.

“Hey, hey, you don’t have to be so considerate! Eat whatever you want! Besides, you’ve just arrived in this city, right? It’s your journey, so why not try some local specialties?”

But it failed. Such an approach didn’t work with Thunder Sonia. Bash murmured, “Mm,” and then looked at Judith, as if seeking help.


“Huh? Yes! What’s up?” Judith, who hadn’t expected the conversation to come her way, straightened her back and responded.

“What do you like?”

“Well, let’s see. Since this area is close to the sea, I think seafood would be nice.”

“Do you like fish?”

“If you ask me if I like it, I wouldn’t say I love it… But I’ve heard that the fish dishes around here are very tasty.”

Judith said this with a somewhat sad expression. It reminded her of her sister, who had become handicapped. Without many people knowing, Judith’s sister had participated in the defense of the Zarico Peninsula and was captured by the orcs. She remembered knowing about the delicious fish in this area in a letter her sister had sent.

“I see…” Seeing Judith’s expression, Bash changed his question. “Judith, what do you think of orcs? Do you think it’s okay to marry one?”

“……” It was a sudden question, but it doesn’t seem out of place to Judith. She had just been thinking about the reasons she couldn’t forgive the orcs.

Judith maintained a somewhat sad expression for a while. She didn’t know how to answer or what the correct response was. However, when she turned her gaze to Bash’s face, he was looking at her with a serious expression. It was as if he was saying that there was nothing implied in the question.

“I suppose it’s still impossible for me. I hate orcs. However, now I know that there are admirable individuals like you, Sir Bash. So, if I heard that a Human was marrying an Orc, I don’t think it would seem absolutely impossible like before.”

“I see.”

“…Is this answer acceptable?”

“Yes, it’s fine. I understand.”

A warm atmosphere filled the carriage. Nazar smiled wryly, and Thunder Sonia nodded. Only Bash kept his expression unchanged. Internally, he thought, “So it’s still impossible with Judith”. It was a confirmation in line with his master’s teachings. He didn’t feel the need to ask Thunder Sonia again since he had already confirmed it once. There was a possibility of an unexpected response, but no, considering Thunder Sonia, she would probably let it pass without much thought. And ruthlessly.

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